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The Path of Lindisfarne


Queen of the Wilds
This thread is to let everyone know what exactly is going on with Lindisfarne as well as a brief history and insight into the mayor. This is a very shortened and non-flowery version to save time so I may post it quicker for everyone to read.

It's story time:

It all started with her capture really. A serendipitous event of misfortune. The exact hows and whys were a bit hazy, possibly because of the concussion, but it the end of the events remained the same. Zotikos and his indentured servant Tchel were captives of the Bandit Lord Royo. At first Tchel was kept in the prison, and Zotikos locked in the forge. But eventually they were allowed to get out and roam a little bit once Royo had brainwashed them a bit, convincing them there really was no escape. Then the battles came...

As disposable units, Zotikos and Tchel were thrown in makeshift armor and placed on the front lines, though neither of them had much combat experience. Despite the horrid treatment Royo gave them, fighting alongside someone for each other's survival... changed a persons perspective. Eventually Tchel developed at least a grim respect for Royo, as the Bandit Lord had saved her life several times (purely by accident, we're sure?). And then she opened her eyes to see the motives behind people's actions, and saw that the Bandits were not always in the wrong, and those fighting the bandits were not always right. Which only reinforced her view of moral relativism. That there are few things that are "good" and "bad," because those are rules that humans made up to impose their views on other people. That things just were the way they were, much like nature, elementals, animals, etc. To think humans are above that only proves how ignorant most are in her eyes. That they would bind themselves with chains rather than be free.

However, her good friend Zotikos continued to teach her about the human's perspective of right and wrong and possible consequences actions might have. Thus she learned more of the human's language and ways, slowly but surely. Having raised herself in the wilds by herself much of her life, these things were foreign to her.

However still, Tchel saw hatred growing in people's eyes for her, despite her unwillingness to be a slave, or participate in any of Royo's schemes. She was disgusted by their ignorance of the situation.

When Royo vanished, and many of her bandit comrades were killed, a whirlwind of emotions happened in Tchel all at once. One was exhilarating freedom from slavery and oppression. A second was a huge loss at those who had fought by her side, bringing forth anger. She brooded in the empty halls and streets of Lindisfarne for a long time, both emotions raging and conflicting within her. In the height of their peak, Tchel took a torch to the place... and burned it down hoping to blot out the feelings from her mind by removing the place. It was then Zotikos came back, haggard from a very long trip home, looking for her. He found her laying in the ashes of what was Lindisfarne, her spirit gone from her.

It was then a traveling Monk named Malldar happened by the town in search of some ruins. After a bit of excavation by the three, an old monastery was discovered as well as the ruins of a few other buildings. Encouraged by the Monk's zeal to restore the holy place, Tchel began to get some of her spirit back.

It was then a few delegates came from other cities, looking for the person in charge. Tchel said she would speak, and neither Zotikos nor Malldar objected, for her eyes held a steel in them where there was emptiness before. A few cities expressed a desire for peace, and Tchel simply stated that she did not want to fight, that there was none of that left in her. She requested the delegates go back to their leaders and tell of her interest in peace.

After proclaiming herself leader of the town now, she pondered on what exactly she would like done with the place. She would of course want the Monastery restored as a place of rest. Thinking back on her own personal history of persecution, she wanted to provide a place to live for those who were not normally accepted by society. A haven of safety, healing, and recover with no discrimination. She then began finding those in need and brought them home, hopeful for the future.

It was then the attacks on Lindisfarne resumed. Like an angry lioness, she viciously struck back at those attacking her haven and pack. How dare they talk of peace and then intrude upon her territory! Perhaps not everyone got the memo, so she pleaded with a few friends she had. Still the attacks persistently came, she did not understand why they simply wouldn't leave her alone. Mages began offering marriage, then threatening to burn down her village upon refusal. Some stole from her, some simply attacked, and some talked of peace while bearing swords pressed at her citizen's throats. Many accused her of being a witch because of a cursed item that had bound to her. Some just thought her evil for reasons unknown. Like hell if she was going to roll over! She fended off the attacks in her town every time, yet somehow she was being labeled as the evil one for defending her city, and her friends. Her patience and tolerance grew very thin.

With every city and nation unwilling to come to her small town's aid and most of them in fact sending the attacks, she turned to the Pirates and her previous residence, Stormhold. So they did stand by her side and earn her respect.

Through these ties Lindisfarne joined the nation of Avalon!

OOC Knowledge For You All:

I give this knowledge to you in trust that you will not use it during RP as your characters would not know, and not even my character know this. If you cannot agree to this, do not read below.

I plan for Lindisfarne to no longer be a Bandit town, it would not fit with my character. Instead it will be a very black and white theme in that it will have the best people, and potentially the worst people. I am doing this because I believe it will make for great internal city role playing.

There are parts of the town and community that will even be holy and good. There will be normal citizens, living everyday life.

On the flip side, because of my character's moral relativism it will still be a safe haven for usually unsavory types like bandits, assassins, vampires, thieves, etc. Think Riften in the sense that any criminal activity is NOT officially condoned or damned by the leader.

Much of this is subject to change depending on RP in game. Yes, you all are affecting the story line and I intend to remain flexible. :)


Queen of the Wilds
I shall have fun waging war with this elven nation!
Pfffff, I'm pretty sure I'm the only elf in my town. Stormhold is Nordic, Aurolus mostly human I think. The rest I'm not so sure.

Doesn't sound as lavender infused as Myrithas if you ask me haha.


Queen of the Wilds
Just found out about Jhal the other day, and Harathendel is part of the Myrithas nation if I'm not mistaken.