Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!



Lord of Altera
As many of you know I have been gone for a while. I have been working on a project so huge, so insane, so large-scale that it will blow your mind. I am working on the biggest, the baddest, the ugliest, the Tegdor-Bog!

The Tegdor-Bog is a commune of Orcs, Goblins, Corrupted, Imps, and Demons alike who have one goal, one passion: Control the world! The Tegdor-Bog is essentially a group of insane green skins and barbaric's who are so over the top that if you stumble upon there land: they eat you.

The only suitable place for the Tegdor-Bog would have to be: a swamp! It will be located in a swamp in the middle of nowhere and will have a strong defensive wall mad out of cobble and fence.
The housing will fit 10-15 people per house; which is essentially the dirtiest place in Altera. There are bigs and dirt and spit and blagh.

Blagh is what we eat in Tegdor-Bog. Blagh is made up of 4 things: Water, Flour, Dirt, and Grass.
All the races that live here have such strong immune systems and such dull tastebuds that they couldn't taste a difference between blagh and lobster!

The army will have strict training and only 50% of everyone that joins the army, gets out of training alive, no joke. Because at the end the remaining people fight each other according to strength so at the end only half survive.

There is only 1 problem and that is: I don't got no munniez! So if you are kind enough to donate, please PM me, and if you don't have money to spare, and you like the idea, there are other ways to help, so PM me.

Applications: (Must be accepted in general admissions before doing anything else)
Things marked with * are non RP
General Admission:
Reason you want to join the town;
Reason I should let you join:
* Are you active:

Army app (recruit):
Training you have done in the past:

Job you want:
Why I should let you in:

Past experience:

Are you a good tailor:
Why I should buy from you:

Work you have done in the past:

Are you a good Blacksmith:
Would you be willing to donate a portion of your crafts to me?:

Farming experience in the past:

Are you a good farmer:
Would you be willing to donate a portion of your wheat to me?:

If the job you want is not up here i will add it.

Picture Gallery:



Lord of Altera
Sounds great! I'll donate some radiants for you when I'm online. Just promise me you'll show me the result of your work.


Lord of Altera
Name: Epik Apolati Khoula
Race: Human
Class: Um... you should know Frankie...
Reason you want to join the town: Your my hubby...
Reason I should let you join: I'm your hubby...
* Are you active: YEA!! just not right nao... i updated


Lord of Altera
I shall have fun invading this place! >:D

But seriously this is a nice idea- if you do it well then it will be a nice addition to hollow world.


I think I might like it here
Oo. This looks awesome. I'll donate something to your cause, though I don't have too much to give.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
The one problem being the Earthspawn are such a small race and were gonna need a lot more if theres gonna be 2 Earthspawn towns , Anyway Zuk'Thar will happily be your ally grok