Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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starting a pathfinder game


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
I will be running an bi weekly oldschool table top over skype set in pre cataclysm altera.

tuesdays at 7pm gmt (i think that is noon for me in arizona)

ruleset: pathfinder

get the books

be available at that time

next tuesday at 7gmt I will be on TS and then on skype to help people make characters

if I get a lot of replies to this there will be in character skype interviews

video is a must. dont worry if you are applying for this you know we are all just as nerdy as you.

reply if you are interested


Lord of Altera ineterested..but what do you mean get the books :p sorry for me being clueless
ok i just googled it for a wiki, you mean the rule book? other than that....i should be able to get on at 7


The original mute
Well... I'll look on amazon but from that look I'm not going to be getting it any time soon.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
I would highly suggest obtaining at least a digital copy of the core book which serrino posted a link to and also the advanced players guide offers a lot of cool options for character generation. also this wiki has A LOT of info


King ForumStalker
I'm really intrigued as to how this would work. Would it be okay if I joined the Skype convo to watch?


Admiral of the Warstrom Fleet
I'm definately interested in this, just downloaded the Core Rulebook (Click Here) and it looks incredibly complicated (578 pages), I'll have a read and see if I can pick up enough to be of use.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
I dont expect anyone to actually read the whole book. use it as reference. plus there will be a few people who know the game who can help all the newcomers.

we are kicking it back by 2 hours to 9pm gmt to allow a couple of very experienced playeras into the group.

we have only 2 more positions available. send me your character description/character sheet to be included!

ittza and bewp yes you can hang out and watch as long as you are not disruptive that would be awesome! though just be warned I will probably call on you to play the bartender or city guard once in a while.


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
poke pok e poke.... I may join in if i am able to!

Also hello fitz long time no see

edit: I still have the digital copies that you put on TS ages ago i thnk


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
I have a copy of d20pro with 6 player licenses included. I think with this in mind I don't believe video is critical. I also believe next tuesday is a bit too soon to try and rush into this.

I recommend the purchase of Hero Lab for anyone wanting to create their character electronically with the ability to import them into d20pro.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
Next tuesday would mostly just be making characters. I dont think an actual game would take place though we could start laying the ground work.

I have a copy of d20pro with 6 player licenses included. I think with this in mind I don't believe video is critical. I also believe next tuesday is a bit too soon to try and rush into this.

I recommend the purchase of Hero Lab for anyone wanting to create their character electronically with the ability to import them into d20pro.
this looks amazing!