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Ban appeal for Justinh77 and ZombeHTac0

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Legend of Altera
Hello, Hoptoad here.

I'd like to appeal the ban placed upon my mates, justinh77 and ZombeHTac0, about a month ago.

Justin and Zombeh were residents of Warstrom and were added to the town by Arkkaine, who was, at the time, a moderator and the mayor of the town. They resided together in the same house and began work on their basement. However, some of their activities below ground went against a few town rules and at least one server rule. As far as I know, they were charged with:

  • Digging too deep
  • Breaking into other houses
  • Inappropriate language on signs
  • Redstone machinery
  • Cobblestone generator
I would just like to point out that I can justify near every one of these charges.

Firstly, as for digging too deep, their basement went down two levels (depth in accordance to town rules), and then there was a small pit dug off to the side of the bottom floor. Justin went down to inspect it and dug out an extra three small rooms. One was for storage boxes, another was for a small chicken containment area, and the third room was empty. While excavating the storage room, Justin stumbled upon a natural mine. This is what initiated the deeper digging. On the third and vacant room, Justin dug a staircase to what he would later make a tree farm, with a room off to the side for a redstone melon farm. Setting aside that this was only a town rule, Justin's actions are justified by the fact that at least two other users, unrelated to us in any way, visited the basement as well as Arkkaine himself. Nothing was said by anyone about any issue with the depth of our basement. However, since Arkkaine's departure, they did dig a 1x1 tunnel straight down to bedrock in a (failed) attempt to harvest slimes.

Justin and Zombeh were accused of breaking into other peoples' houses as well. While their basement was extensive and did connect to a natural mine (who knows who else was connected to that as well), Justin himself only broke into his neighbour's house, and it was by accident. While clearing out a room, he broke through the wall and ended up in his neighbour's basement. I would also like to point out that the neighbouring house was empty, its previous owner having left the town.

As for the the inappropriate signs, both Justin and Zombeh are avid fans of the Canadian TV series Trailer Park Boys. Many of the signs held references to the show and that's just Justin's sense of humour. It was his house, and he felt he could decorate it in a way that suited him. Not only that, but all signs were located in the basement. For anyone to see them, they'd have to break into his house and travel down to the basement. Also, some of them (if not all) existed by the time Arkkaine visited the basement.

Finally, regarding the redstone machinery and cobblestone generator, these were simply oversights on the rules. Justin saw a redstone farm outside the town walls and took that to mean he could have his own private farm. Another user, Nemovirus, created an identical melon farm in the middle of town. While it was later removed, Justin had seen it and believed he could do it as well. The cobblestone generator was created by Zombeh who has since told me he didn't see that on the rules, and he was shocked when he found he was banned.

Setting aside the town rules that were broken, Justin and Zombeh's only real offences were the redstone machinery and cobblestone generator. Both players didn't realise these things went against server rules and both were shocked to find out they were banned. All things considered, I think a month long ban is more than enough punishment for the offences these guys committed. They have learned their lesson and have both expressed that they're sorry for what they did.

I know that neither of them are welcome back in Warstrom, but neither have expressed interest in returning to that town. That should amend any broken town rules as any new town that should accept them will have different rules. As for why I wrote this appeal, both of them believed that I would best articulate this appeal.

I appreciate it if anyone took the time to really read this appeal. I look forward to hearing the moderating team's decision.


P.S. I'd appreciate it if non-mods/admins refrained from posting in this thread, as it will not contribute for or against this appeal in any way. Obviously, members of Warstrom might have a say if they were involved in the investigation that took place, in which a number of citizens stormed Justin's and Zombeh's house looking for infractions.


King ForumStalker
As for why I wrote this appeal, both of them believed that I would best articulate this appeal.
Maybe they dont speak good english or perhaps they arent brilliant at writing what the think down on paper (a bit like me really), or just realised Hoptoad would write and awesome appeal for them :p


Legend of Altera
I don't see them on the ban list?
For me, the ban list has been 404ing for the past week or so. I've only been able to view it since yesterday and a lot of people seem to have been removed.

Hoptoad, why are you writing the appeals for them ?
I'm writing it because they're my mates and we all felt I could better articulate their appeal; I could get the point across in a much more organised way.

I also read a post by Halfmad suggesting that users should be able to write an appeal on behalf of someone else. Cherbert replied and said he agreed. I took that to mean I could write this appeal for my mates.



Loyal Servant of Altera
Oke, as i'm from Warstrom i can confirm the description of the above to be correct.

Apart from:
I know that neither of them are welcome back in Warstrom, but neither have expressed interest in returning to that town.
Since that has never been discussed, nor did we have a chance to talk with them yet since they got banned.
Not that it should have any influence on the ban appeal itself whether or not Warstrom would allow them back in town.

If it was up to me, i still would like Zombeh and Justin to drop a line in this appeal in which they point out they understand why they got banned and to promise not to do it again.


Legend of Altera
Since that has never been discussed, nor did we have a chance to talk with them yet since they got banned.
Not that it should have any influence on the ban appeal itself whether or not Warstrom would allow them back in town.
It was discussed, albeit minimally. Nobody seemed all that interested in what I had to say. The only person to encourage me to appeal their ban was HoboLary.

If it was up to me, i still would like Zombeh and Justin to drop a line in this appeal in which they point out they understand why they got banned and to promise not to do it again.
I agree with that. I'll text them and tell them to post here.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
im leaning towards an unban, but will wait for their posts to make official say.
I have no problem of people making appeals on others behalfs btw.


If we are to let someone who 'broke the rules' back on the premise that they understand the rules and do not intend to break them again, something more personal is preferable :) Aside from that, it wasn't the biggest offense and I will accept the misunderstanding. They can be let back on after they have had their say.


Lord Zanros Hawklight
I remember banning theses two along with Aug (I think)
I remember the language on the signs was absolutely disgusting and there was as Hoptoad mentioned a cobble generator.

But it is a well written appeal so i am swinging towards +1 for unbanning


I'm deeply sorry for my faults and for any trouble i have caused on this server. This is the first server I have ever joined. Please accept my forgiveness.


i zombehtaco am also very sorry for the troubles. As i was unclear of some rules, i am afraid to say that i have broken some and am seeking forgiveness.



I've been unable to find you on any of our three banlists. Could you try logging on and see if you can ?


Legend of Altera
I feel I have every right to post here, since it was Drusus and I who found out while scouting the town and finding a whole in the city wall that lead to the basement.

The basement was all the way down to bedrock for one thing, outside of city walls, and broke into three or four homes.

The signs, I mean come on, common sense guys. No cussing is allowed, and you had some pretty bad stuff going on down there on 5+ signs.

The cobblestone generator and massive amounts of redstone are directly in the rules, there is no excuse as to why you did it. Read the rules, everyone does it.

I have no personal issue with any of these guys, breaking one or two town rules is no big deal to me, a slap on the wrist is fine, but when almost every town rule, and multiple server rules are broken, there should be no chance for appeal. Others have done the same things and have not been given second chances I bet, what makes these guys any different.

As I said before, nothing personal, just read the rules.

- Van Draymen


Loyal Servant of Altera
Indeed, he dug a tunnel from the docks level into port silver's market area, and thought it would be fine.
I've tried to reason with him, but instead of talking to me, he went back into the tunnel to continue his work...


Great, thanks for taking a crap in my face.

It's not your fault though Hoptoad, you're a great guy and you tried.


Legend of Altera
it was Drusus and I who found out while scouting the town and finding a whole in the city wall that lead to the basement.
I mentioned their basement was extensive. I also mentioned that Arkkaine had seen much of it. Also, when I was getting questioned about the whole affair, no mention was made of a hole in the town wall. I'm sure you told me you found their door open.

The basement was all the way down to bedrock for one thing, outside of city walls, and broke into three or four homes.
There was a 1x1 tunnel, which, again, I mentioned. Arkkaine didn't see that. That was an oversight on their part. From the natural mineshaft they found, they dug a staircase that led to bedrock. I don't see how that's a big deal, though.

The signs, I mean come on, common sense guys. No cussing is allowed, and you had some pretty bad stuff going on down there on 5+ signs.
There weren't that many signs with curses on them. There was a sign by the 'job board' placed by Justin, telling people not to screw around with the signs (putting it nicely). Another was by the chicken coop, and it was a a reference to Trailer Park Boys, and Ark had seen it.

The cobblestone generator and massive amounts of redstone are directly in the rules, there is no excuse as to why you did it. Read the rules, everyone does it.
I said the cobble generator was an oversight of the rules, and Justin and Zombeh believed the redstone to be justified. That said, a month long ban is, in my opinion, more than enough punishment for such a crime.

I have no personal issue with any of these guys, breaking one or two town rules is no big deal to me, a slap on the wrist is fine, but when almost every town rule, and multiple server rules are broken, there should be no chance for appeal. Others have done the same things and have not been given second chances I bet, what makes these guys any different.
I can understand that you're upset by all the town rules broken, but I tried my best to explain why they did what they did. Surely it's understandable as to why they did some of what they did. I would like to know, though: other than the cobblestone generator and excessive use of redstone, what other server rules did they break?

It's not your fault though Hoptoad, you're a great guy and you tried.
Cheers, mate.

I would like to say that it wasn't Brent operating on the Zombeh account at the time. It was our mate, Matt. I know that's no excuse, though.

Can't say I didn't try.

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
Its a real shame that you went to all that effort, Hoptoad, to help your friend and he or his friend just instantly ruined their chance to come back to the world's greatest minecraft server. Which may I add is about to go through the most awesome changes of our Alterean history (the Exodus for those of us that are less informed).

I was online when he got banned and was completely stunned since he was just barely unbanned before he got then hammer thrown at his face again. :confused:
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