Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!



Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
This tells me it is not an existing world with existing creatures and races, but a newly crafted one which we, the current races, move in to?


Lord of Altera
erm for town mayors ect, who want to make a new town. Do they get like early access to create their new town. Or can you import towns from like another server or whats going to happen with that?

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
erm for town mayors ect, who want to make a new town. Do they get like early access to create their new town. Or can you import towns from like another server or whats going to happen with that?
Will I lose my town/build?
Not if you don't want to. There will be a slow transition into the new map (exodus) and the old world will stay open for a while yet. Every town will be offered a choice between a schematic/single player file of their town, or have their town moved as a whole or in parts. Having a town moved over does require activity in that town.
I don't know about early access, but as you can see from Lar's post you will have the option of moving your current town, if it is active enough.

My questions are: Will current mayors be given an area to build a new town in instead of moving their current town? If so will it be equal to the amount of plots currently owned in Altera, more or less? Also I am guessing that current mayors will not have to re-purchase lands to start their town again, right?


I don't know about early access, but as you can see from Lar's post you will have the option of moving your current town, if it is active enough.

My questions are: Will current mayors be given an area to build a new town in instead of moving their current town? If so will it be equal to the amount of plots currently owned in Altera, more or less? Also I am guessing that current mayors will not have to re-purchase lands to start their town again, right?
If current mayors choose not to bring their town, they can receive a similar amount of empty land.


Lord of Altera
are we going back to what we did in 1.6 + 1.7 where you apply for building permmision or are we doing something totally different cause if its the first one im going to be sooo glad :p


are we going back to what we did in 1.6 + 1.7 where you apply for building permmision or are we doing something totally different cause if its the first one im going to be sooo glad :p
I'm still need to sit down and crack my brains on how we will do this exactly. But I have a pretty good idea.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
you mean the one fitz vangarrett and i built? (well i mostly jut did that one cave and my house XD)


Lord of Altera
I agree i think that they need permission to build big things including towns, that way we have a set amount and les of them to just be "there"