Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished [29th of May] [5pm EST] New Beginnings

Fluffy Bristle

Lord of Altera

New Beginnings Party

Messy, childlike, and barely literate posters have been put up in Storms Landing, Blackrush, Linistel, and Halbed. You are able to make out that there’s going to be a party in the Storms Landing tavern, to allow people to meet each other.

At the bottom of the poster, there’s “New Begin” written.

What?: A party to celebrate new beginnings, and to allow people to meet one another.
When?: 5 pm EST | 29th of May
Rating?: Moderate
Where?: Storms Landing, in the Tavern
Public or Private: Public
Have you spoken with the town/region owners and are they aware of the risks to their region involved?: Yes!

Storms Landing is at spawn, so you shouldn’t have any issues with getting there.
The event is upstairs! Go up the first two flights of stairs, then take a right and go down the hallway directly to your right. From there, follow the signs!
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Events Staff
Very Sweet
I would attend but it coincides with a campaign event I am DMing - Enjoy, folks!