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Canon A Discussion with Chemicals


Lord of Altera
“The road to healing… is going to be a long one. Stay the course and you will make it someday. I know there isn’t much to say, but know you’ve made it this far… and there is no point giving up now.”

Vowrawn laid on the cold stone floor, staring at the ceiling, muscles had began to wane and his joints ached, he swam in his mind, drinking in the various chemicals and pulsed around it. Their thoughts, their enemies, their friends.

Vowrawn’s Empathy spoke to him, the voice resembling the softness of his mothers tones, Soft and calming.

[Empathy] “How long has it being now? 2 weeks? 2 months? What a mess you have yourself in… you don’t deserve this, I know how you feel; you have being here before? Haven’t you?”
[Vowrawn] “I don’t want to be here any longer, I wish to be free…”
The next three broke out, speaking in the deep, baritone voice of Vowrawn’s Uncle, his true father.

[Endurance] “You have lasted longer in worse conditions, brother. You do not need to fear them, you are strong.”
[Half Light] “Break your fucking chains and rip off the guards face and wear it as your face, so you are some form of evil, two faced monster. The Linleaites will surely fear you after that.”
[Vowrawn] “How do I break the chains?]
[Physical Instrument] “You can’t. Not in this state, you need to con someone into letting you out… look at you… so weak and pathetic, you should have beaten those two weaklings in your cell. I am ashamed to be a part of you.”
[Vowrawn] “I know I am… I deserve to be here. I have let everyone down…”
[Empathy] “No… you have not, Vowrawn. You have not let anyone down, you just did as you were told. As you always have done.”

Vowrawn’s Volition spoke to him in the voice of his father: Fulgrim, the madman who had “raised” him, all madness purged from him to show what a respectable opinion he may have once held.
[Volition] “If you continue to strain against those chains, you’ll cut a artery and you’ll bleed out, you know?”
[Vowrawn] “Maybe thats what I want? Maybe I want to die?”
[Volition] “And leave Sydri, Estella and Xhaal alone? Will you get a grip of yourself? Please? You’re fast on course to becoming exactly like your grandfather”
[Vowrawn] “What do I do then?”
[Half Light] “You need to break those fucking chains and you need to tear off some fucking faces, Vowrawn”

Vowrawn’s rhetoric spoke to him in the form of his sisters soft, compelling voice.
[Rhetoric] “Maybe he’s right? Maybe the only way out of here is violence? Maybe you’re just not being… violent enough”
[Vowrawn] “Maybe you’re onto something here”
[Volition] “Oh for the Lady’s sake… will you shut up? These are your former comrades, you dedicated a great portion of your life to them and you want to kill them?”
[Vowrawn] “Wait… how do you know about the Lady? I thought I boxed that up so deeply that someone would have to dig through my brain with a shovel to find it?”
[Volition] “Because, it is the hope that this is all a part of the Lady’s plan for you that is keeping you from not killing yourself to get through this, whether you like it or not.”


[Vowrawn] “How did it come to this?”
[Volition] “I don’t know… but the point is that there is no turning back. You are a good person Vowrawn, you are a good father, a dutiful partner and you care about your people. But you are in the process of hitting a complete psychotic break, we don’t want this.”
[Vowrawn] “I…”
[Volition] “I, what? You need to understand that if or when we get out of this, you cannot let this impact you negatively. You need to get all your proverbial weapons into one sword belt”

[Half Light] “Weapons… Yes! For face cutting?”
[Vowrawn] “No. Its just an expression”
[Half Light] “An expression is only the tamest way of expressing your true desires”
[Volition] “Just… shut up a moment, have you given any thought to what is going to happen if you get out of here?”
Vowrawn’s electrochemistry, long dormant due to his isolation kicked in with a vengeance, spoken in the brackish and contemptuous voice of Kollenna, a Prostitute who slept with Vowrawn on his 18th birthday, a strange occasion.
[Electrochemistry] “Sex, Drugs, Violence and Alcohol, Vowrawn. Burn your way through this land like the fucking hedonistic demon that you are!”
[Vowrawn] “Oh that does sound rather nice actually”
[Volition] “Lady Delay… Holy fuck, Vowrawn. Please. You don’t need cheap thrills to feel alive.”
[Vowrawn] “Maybe you’re right…”
[Electrochemistry] “Fucking bitch”
[Half Life] “Yeah!”
[Volition] “Vowrawn, you’re killing yourself. The urge is strong, but you are stronger”
[Physical Instrument] “Fuck yes! Now we’re talking”

[Volition] “Subdue your tendencies, focus on your family and cooperate with the Linleaites to the bare minimum. Don’t kick, don’t scream, don’t rage, proceed, dust yourself off and if you don’t get it now, you’ll get it in the next life.”
[Vowrawn] “I don’t really know what to do from here”


[Volition] “Do what you’ve always done; what you are told to do. You will make it. I love you and I am on your side”


Lord of Altera
I took direct thought from Disco Elysium of this, if you couldn't tell.
This took me like 30 minutes because I was bored on a lunch break. Please be merciful.​

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Disco Elysium is honestly one of the most life changing games I've ever played, alongside Outer Wilds. Taking inspiration or copying it for your own character is not a crime, a loveletter to the artists behind the source material rather. Very cool!