Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished A Little Letter To Lavoyard


Lord of Altera
((Just to signify this is an OOC response))
((Kings don't usually respond directly to letters. No leader does, really. Its always some kind of PR representative. If you don't know what that is, PR is "public relations", meaning the people who talk to others on behalf of a group))
((In short, don't complain when you get a response from the King's scribe rather than the King himself... chances are, he can't even read or write))
((Yes that was also OOC, so is this, and I don't mind if it's from PR guy, I just can't tell what is what . . . ))


Lord of Altera
OK. Due to last minute preps for this weekend, were going to have to push this back a bit. I am not sure of the date, but I know it will not be this weekend.