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[Archive] Laws of Azerwind + OOC rules (WIP)


Yū Yi
Azerwind flag fixed.png
Rules of Azerwind
1. Respect and follow the rules of the server ->
2. Metagaming any information will lead to either a warning or you will be kicked.
3. OOC bullying will not be allowed.
4. Be accepting of others - Mockingbay is a place for all people, so be sure to give people a fair chance.


Laws of the first tier: Ground laws
If Laws of this tier are broken, the offender will be sent to Trial

I | Regarding Nobles of House Azerwind
1. The Queen is the ruler, and none of the rules apply to her. The monarch has full and unlimited power.

2. Family members of house Azerwind are above and exempt from following any of the following laws.

1.1 Might a family member of House Azerwind be considered guilty of a crime of the first two tiers of Azerwind Laws they shall be put on a private trial with only other nobles of Azerwind around.
1.2 While this trial is in waiting and/or if the family member of house Azerwind is found guilty of their crimes they shall be excused from any executing any orders.
3. Only family members of House Azerwind can make changes in the ink of the tome of law.

4. A family member of Azerwind can attend trials and work for the house when they fulfill one of these:
- Are above 13 winters old
- Is the eldest child of the current ruling monarch
- Has special permission from the monarch

II | Regarding the council

1. The advisors shall never exceed a total of five filled seats

1.1 less than five filled seats however, is no issue.

2. The family members of House Azerwind shall decide who is to be sat upon the following seats:
-The Advisor of Economic
-The Advisor of Agriculture
-The Advisor of Military
-The Advisor of Domestic
-The Ambassador

3. The ones upon the seats which are chosen by chance have to fulfill the following requirements:
- They have to officially live upon Azerwind lands.

- They cannot have broken any law of the first two tiers, Ground Laws, and Core laws respectively.
- They have seen at least thirteen winters.
- They have to acknowledge Jax as a god and follow the Pantheon, no heretics shall be allowed upon the council of Azerwind.

III | Regarding Treason

1. Treason against Azerwind is the highest crime one can commit and the offender will be sent to trial no matter what the circumstance might be.

1.1 Treason includes. (While still a part of House Azerwind, and upon Azerwind grounds in some cases)
- Repetitive insulting of nobility.
- Spying for other states upon Azerwind.
- Assault, Murder or causing any form of harm upon Nobility.
- Attempts to overthrow the Azerwind through coup or other means.
- Spreading lies about Azerwind to other States.
IV | Regarding War

1. War can only be declared after a meeting with advisors

1.1 A ruling monarch can bypass this and use executive order.
2. If War is declared upon house Azerwind, the advisors must come together as soon as possible.

3. In times of war, the general will be given permission to pass through executive orders

3.1 The family of Azerwind will however have full permission to overrule any of these, shall they see them unfit.
4. In times of war, all taxes and fines shall no longer exist for the people who pick up arms against the enemy.

5. In times of war a guard of Azerwind cannot resign from duty or else it shall be classed as treason.

6. In times of war, battle and siege must be attempted to be prevented, Victory must be flawless and without the death of peasantry.

7. In times of war, each and every person within the lands of Azerwind is welcome to go to the safest haven of the lands, wherever they consider that to be.

8. Once a call to arms is uttered by any of the Vassals or the House of Azerwind, Each and every able body is expected to show up to such.

V | Regarding Rights of Vassals
1. Noble lords or ladies of Azerwind's Vassals have the right to request a meeting

2. Vassals have the right to raise their own guard and militia.

3. Vassals have the right to uphold their own laws within their own lands, however, are not exempt from following Azerwind's Ground Laws and are expected to follow Azerwind's complete Law system upon setting foot within Mockingbay.

4. Vassals have the right to their own traditions.

IV | Regarding Trials
1. A trial must never deny access to a member of the Azerwind family who wishes to overlook the trial.

1.1 A trial must always be attended by the victim (if still alive)
1.2 A trial must always be attended by the offender.
1.3 If witnesses are available, they too must attend the trial.
2. A trial can be held anywhere within Azerwind lands as long as the aforementioned members are on site.

3. The following punishments can be decided upon in Trial.

- Imprisonment after which Forced labor is Required.
- Mutilation; Removal of ears, hands or tongue depending on the case. Sight, however, must never be taken from an offender.
- Forced labor.
- A Fine.
- Repentance to the gods through prayer in chains.
- Branding of the body.
- Public Shaming.
- Death.

- Freedom.

3.1 The following however, can never be decided upon in Trial.
- Removal of Sight.
Laws of the Second tier: Core laws

If Laws of this tier are broken, depending on the case, the offender will be sent to Trial, otherwise, a large fine is asked.

I | Regarding Murder
1. Murder is prohibited in all cases, excluding execution.
2. Murder in proven self-defense might result in a fine instead of a trial.

2.1 Murder without proven self-defense will result in Trial.2.2 Plotted murder will also result in Trial.

II | Regarding Assault and Violence

1. Guards and those above have monopoly on the usage of violence

1.1 Within controlled events such as: "Spars and planned "Tavern Brawls" this too, isn't prohibited.
1.1.1 Both of these events need to be watched by at least one noble of Azerwind or a guard on duty.
1.2 Is a guard or those above found to abuse their power, they can be reported anonymously

2. Assault of nobility will be considered a greater crime than the assault of peasantry.

2.1 Assault of nobility of any sort will result in Trial.2.2 Assault of peasantry can also be bought off by fine.

III | Regarding Arson

1. Arson is prohibited under all circumstances.

1.1 Arson with no major damage or injury will result in a fine of double the cost of the lost items.1.2. Arson with major damage or injury will result in trial and aforementioned fine.1.3. If arson results in the death of anyone, murder laws apply.

IV. Regarding the Guard.

V. Regarding Pillaging
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Yū Yi
5. Be accepting of others - Mockingbay is a place for all people, so be sure to give people a fair chance.
Gonna highlight this.
Remember to not ignore people and give everyone who tries to RP here a fair chance.


Lord of Altera
Gonna highlight this.
Remember to not ignore people and give everyone who tries to RP here a fair chance.
For a town striving to be a center for RP, that's a pretty big one you'd want to enforce. From experience, that was a dumb thing to deal with.


Yū Yi

Prettified the layout a little and added some more rules, plus edited some existing ones :D

I am still working on fully finishing this, so right now it is a WIP