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building an RPG from scratch aint easy.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
The problem i have here is that I cant for the life of me think of a good way to word the weapons thing. You get what I am trying to accomplish with this, swords are used differently than axes, axes are used essentially the same way as maces and hammers and picks but do a fundamentally different type of damage, spears and pikes are in their own category. I think the way you listed it above is better than how I have it now. but I need to think and work on the wording.

here's how I am trying to separate them, by how they are wielded:

heavy headed weapons that rely on their weight and momentum to deal damage:
axes, clubs, flails, maces, morning stars, picks, hammers

weapons that are basically a blade with a handle that are good for more finesse than aforementioned weapons:
swords(all kinds), knives, daggers, machetes, and the like (rapier almost falls into a different catagory since it is used sooo much differently than say a claymore or bastard sword)

pole weapons:
spears, polearms, lances

but then there are the oddballs:
Rapier, sap, more exotic weapons like the sickle, scythe, whip, ball and chain (not a flail more like that thing they used in kill bill, blowguns, slings

I will add all the other stuff, Its all really good ideas.

Magic is still needing to be worked out however. I'm not sure how I should do it without over or underpowering it. I'm going to leave all the magic stuff for last for now.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
Suggestions on these:

Axes. [:(]
Possible rework of weapon categories. Instead of, for example, Light-Med-Heavy Swords, go with (Light, Medium, Heavy) Cutting Weapons. Perhaps go with Cut (Swords, Sickles, Scythes, etc) Hack/Chop (Axes, Machetes, etc), Bash (Clubs, Warhammers, Ball and Chain, etc) and Puncture, (Rapiers, Spears, Lances, Picks.)
check it out lemme know what you think

better? added axes and picks to their own catagory. this process is so damn grindy.