Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Citadel] Bane - Capital of The Dominion of Cimmeria


<3 Hollow World
We need a graveyard and I want the church redone as I'm not happy with it. This shouldn't be a cathedral, just a modest building.

We need:

Graveyard - With our own special surprise (shadowsmalls knows), we'll unclaim plots that it's in after work is complete. That way if monsters are enabled again on Altera at some point they'll spawn in the graveyard.
Church rebuilt - modest, nothing fancy
Town expanded - I'm starting to warm to the idea of making it much larger over time.
Stone bridge over the river to/from Bane shrine. Where the peasants leave offerings.
Death tower - Tough has done a decent job but I think the stairs waste too much room and my rooms are too large. I'd rather be on one floor (top), I'll decorate it internally - I just need someone to sort out a method of getting up there. I'd like there to be 2 large rooms beneath mine for senior members of the town to use then the apprentices quarters above the library.
Blood tower - Kitz is working on this.
Shadow tower - This one is entirely in Shadowsmalls hands, I expect him as leader of the town to live here if he doesn't wish to live in Death tower.

This is a server build and royal commission so Kings/Queens are permitted to enable creative mode for people working on it who are members of the town. This is going to be a nation capital after all.


The Anime loving Brony
Okay, well he can wait 'till morning, as I'm not in the mood to come on now. I'll change it tomorrow to be usable for all resident's


The Anime loving Brony
Graveyard - Yes, that will be fun to create. We should think about where to put it. Close enough to the Church, but I think we should wait untill the Church is done 'till we do this.

Church rebuilt - Yeah, I agree. It shouldn't be too extravagant or anything, yet should also look kinda rotting and crumbling

Town expanded - I was kinda hoping that you could expand the Town a lot, as it's Kinda small :p

Stone bridge - Yeah, that would be a good Idea to have.

Death tower - Yeah, I'd like it if you had a whole floor to yourself, then two larger bedroom's for the Master of Apprentice's and his Assistant.

Blood tower - Kitz is working on this.

Shadow tower - Yeah, this will be where I will live, and the more senior Members can have a room if they so wish(The King's hands and the people in charge) I'm also wondering about placing the Idea I discussed with you here.


<3 Hollow World
Shadow tower - go ahead with that mate.

Justshadow has expanded the town a bit, happy for him to keep doing it when he's bored and any other new residents we get, it might look good having a town right around Bane but at a respectable distance?


Roleplay keeper
*rofl so bad*
Shadow.. *can't speak of just laughing* you said.. *laughs*
Evil person : not at all!
No profil i'm thinking of making one
Serve queen grief : no way!
Taking orders from people : mmmh maybe only you and maybe even not..
Assassin people : I think i can do that if it is'nt people i know.
Work with other evil persons or races : weeell why not? i work fine with other beings.
why in the world did you even ask me? im no mean person.. and why? theres lots of other peoples than me <.<
*laughs again and leaves this thread*