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[City] Campus_Domini - Most southern outpost of Altera

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I think I might like it here
Settlement Name: Campus_Domini
Mayor: CasioCane
Assistants: GoldenBuddha, Lindahlaren and collinbob
Current Wealth: Fluctuates! We are a growing community and use our money to buy plots.
Wealthy town none the less.
Coordinates: X: 4929 Y: 541 Z: 86
Population: 20
Residents: CasioCane, Lindahlaren, GoldenBuddha, collinbob, TheHyruleFool, maverichero, darkynighty, clankut, Crazylord, Chanceofdoom, ertflol, iHackintosh, ethanrs, matrakka45, ryanmelvin and Teirakie

How to become a resident of the town: If you feel like this is the place for you to live then just send me a PM ingame or on the forums, or you can even simply reply to this thread.

Daily Tax Rate: None
Cheapest Plot Cost: You get your first plot for free when joining the town!
Biggest Plot Cost: In order to get a bigger area to build on you must do the following.
To get a 2nd plot to build on you must pay 10k to CasioCane (total 10k)
To get a 3rd plot to build on you must pay another 15k to CasioCane (total 25k)
To get a 4th plot to build on you must pay another 20k to CasioCane (total 45k)

Be adviced that I can NOT keep track of who and how much you give me if im not online so I require the whole sum to be payed at once when both parties are online.
This system greatly helps the further development of our town!

Description / Introduction: TBA

Location on map and how to get there:
Campus Domini Location Map.png Town close up.png
PortSilver harbour.png

Builds planned and constructed
Castle buildings:
Castle and walls - 80% complete
First Community Farm - 100%
Forge - 100%
Minor Bakery - 0%

Town buildings:
Brewery - 0%
Town Hall - 0%
Harbour/ships - 90%
Message board (located in harbour village, harbour office) - 0%
RP, job board (located in harbour village, harbour office) - 0%
Public mine - 0%
Tree Farm - 0%
Bakery + Mill - 0%
Blacksmith - 0%
MarketPlace - 0%
Church - 0%
Library - 0%

The CastleCastle.png

Overview of town Overview of town.png


i recently just but 20 stacks of cobble for 335r and i will be maing them into stone and selling them to get 2000r that is a 1665r profit all for our town!


I think I might like it here
Thankyou arkkaine :)
I was going to ask one of ya kings to do that tomorrow, but you were to quick!


Lord of Timbervale
Hello, I'm new and I apologize if this isn't the appropriate place for this but I was looking to join your settlement. How do I go about doing this?


I think I might like it here
This is the rihgt place to apply. And as Collin said I will invite you when I log on next time :) it will be later on today.
Welcome aboard glad to have you!


I think I might like it here
If you wonder why the town area looks really weird it is because we had a bit of a misshap with the server. My fellow mayors and I lost all of our goods and progress that we had done during the day...
We will do our very best to restore this to normal tomorrow! 17/12


that wall was from my single player not server :S just showing casio what its like, and i have not been on lately because i was at my wifes volleyball tournament, then we had an after party at her friends house so sorry!


I think I might like it here
Collin please never apologies for choosing family and RL over minecraft and computer games ;)
It is quite alright to attend to those matters first and then come and check up on us on the server later on, we have made lots of progress and will continue doing so!

Bellon, pictures and even a trailer will be coming shortly ;)


ok thanks for understanding! and i cant wait to see this trailer ;) , i will probally be on alot today as i still need to make that alchemist house :p


I think I might like it here
Screenshots now added!
Please come visit to see more of the beautiful town we are trying to build up.

Members are always wanted and needed! We accept almost anyone, the only requirement is that you are helpful and kind to fellow town members.


I think I might like it here
Our numbers are growing!
Could an admin or mod please change the title of the thread, we are now a Large Town.

More screenies coming to show our progress and how well our members have been working.
Good job residents!
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