Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Campus_Domini - Most southern outpost of Altera


Lord of Timbervale
NOTE: We are currently in a remodel so please bear with us. If you were a former member of the town and find yourself no longer having permissions contact me and I will make sure to get you back in. We are looking for more members to help us re-grow and establish Campus Domini as a leading community on Altera, Please consider joining us!

This new town write up is a Work In Progress and is subject to change. Thank you for your patience. If you have any comments or questions do not hesitate to contact me.

ALL FORMER MEMBERS: Please contact me ASAP about returning! If I do not hear from you soon you risk the loss of any and all plots you control.

Settlement Name: Campus_Domini
Mayor: Maverichero
Assistants: Gamer2255
Current Wealth: Fluctuates! We are a growing community and use our money to buy plots.
Coordinates: X: 4929 Y: 541 Z: 86
Population: 2
Residents: Maverichero, Gamer2255, Owlywly

Discription: Campus Domini is a small quiet town nestled in the eastern section of Altera. The focus of Campus Domini is community. We strive to work together on a common goal decided on by the town through the town council for the good of us all. Everyone has a voice here, and everyone’s opinion matters. If you are looking for a tight knit group, can work as a team member and have a good time doing it then Campus Domini is the place for you!

As of February 2012: Campus Domini is going through a large remodel after the recent incidents. We are refocusing ourselves on community and establishing more communal structures while taking down the looming castle in favor of an open town center and meeting hall. We are looking for people who can build so come and have a look!

How to become a resident of the town: Please leave an application here in the forum, thank you!

In-Game Name:
RP Name:
Roll you wish to fill and why:
A couple sentences about yourself:
How you feel you can add to this community:

Daily Tax Rate: None
Cheapest Plot Cost: You get your first plot for free when joining the town
Biggest Plot Cost: In order to get a bigger area to build on you must do the following.
To get a 2nd plot to build on you must pay 10k to Maverichero (total 10k)
If you would like more then two plots a special request must be submitted to the town council for consideration.

When purchasing a second plot please pay the money directly to Maverichero. If I am online I will set it up right away for you and if I am not please leave a message here and I will make sure you get your land.

Location on map and how to get there:

Builds planned and constructed
Town buildings:
Brewery - 0%
Town Hall - Done
Harbour/ships - Done
Message board (located in harbour village, harbour office) - Done
RP, job board (located in harbour village, harbour office) - 0%
Tree Farm - 0%
Bakery - Done
Blacksmith - Done
MarketPlace - Done
Church - 0%
Library - 0%
Sherriff’s Office- Done
Bank- Done

Building Code: Here at Campus Domini we allow citizens to build there own homes so it truly feels like their home. With that said there are guidelines that must be followed.

All home cannot exceed a height of 10 blocks. All basements may go only as deep as 12 blocks. Houses can be built out of all forms of wood, cobble, stone brick and stone. We do want the majority of the built to be of wood.

The town's roads are 4 blocks wide and do come into plots one block deep. While we apologize that this shrinks your building space to 14 x 14 we hope you recognize the value of having such a wide roadway for everyone to travel on. We ask that you not build directly onto these blocks with the exception of a path leading to a door and or a mailbox. If you think something else can be added to this list please contact the mayor.

We are a more down to earth town and wish that to be reflected in the dwellings present. All builds are to be approved by the mayor or an assistant. If you would like special permission for a build outside of this then submit it to the town council.

Jobs in Town: To help facilitate more RP and establish concrete roles in town we will be looking for people to fill the following roles. This list will grow as the town grows.

Mayor: (Maverichero) The leader of the town. Delegates responsibilities and guides the town. Is chair of the town council.
Sherriff: (Gamer 2255) The sheriff is considered an Assistant Mayor and will assist in the running’s of the town as well as keeping the peace and maintaining the jail. In times of combat the Sherriff will become the Captain of the Guard and call for the Militia to be formed.
Banker/ Scribe: Maintains the towns bank as well as towns records. The banker is considered an Assistant Mayor.
Farmer(2): The town farmers maintains crops grown for the town as well as tending its herd of animals. it is there job to supply the baker, butcher with the supplies they need.
Butcher: cooks all meat products and ensures the town has a proper supply in both storage and for sale.
Baker: Makes all baked good and ensures the town has a proper supply in both storage and for sale.
Miner (2): The miner maintains the town mine as well as ventures off to gather raw materials as needed.
Blacksmith: forges all town tools and weapons as well as maintain a stock for sale. Works closely with the miners.
Apothecary: Supplies the town with all potions needed.
Enchanter/ Librarian: Maintains the town library and enchants all town tools and weapons as seen fit.
Militia: Every town member from Mayor to new arrival is considered a member of the militia. When the town is threatened the Mayor or the Sherriff can call for the Militia and all town citizens will pick up weapons and defend there homes. At this time all orders from the mayor or Sherriff are to be taken as law.
Town Council: This is the ruling group of the town. Consisting of a selected group of trusted citizens all major decisions in regards to the town are made within this group. The mayor chairs this council and will call for a vote on all major issues. The Council may vote off the mayor and select a new one if needed.
Innkeeper: the inn keeper maintains the town inn, welcoming both new members and visitors supplying them with a room until a plot can be found for them. They will keep a full and varied stock of food on site for sale supplied from other members of the town.

All members are free to sell any good they gather while on town business as long as there agreed quota is met. No member will not be taxed on anything sold in this manner. All proceeds from chest shops in public buildings will go into the town bank. all proceeds from chests within the market go to the control of that market stall.

Rights as a member: As a member of Campus Domini you have the right to several services of the town.
Every member has the right to one free plot assigned to them by the mayor/assistant mayor on hand upon them joining. If they wish to wait for a better plot or not have a plot at all they may have a room in the inn for no cost.
Every member has the right to one vault within the bank (once built) containing two double chests at no cost.
Every member may apply for a stall within the market. Regrettably this will come as a first come first serve basis but a list will be established for future openings.
Every member has the right to have there voice heard as well as a vote in all town meetings. If you don’t like any policy of the town bring it to the mayor and the council for discussion.
Every member has the right to live happily and peacefully.
Every member has the right to trial. If you are accused of a crime in Campus Domini you may request to have your case heard by the entire council who will decide on your fate.

If any member breaks another town members rights or any town rules they will be expelled from the town. Griefing anything inside the town is unacceptable and you will be asked to leave without the option of coming back. If you are found guilty of any crime within a trial you will follow the councils rulings or be removed.


First the fishing village, the first sight visitors will be greeted by after coming off the boat. This is taken from the town side.

Town center, where the market public park and town hall are located. This is the heart of the town.

The market, located in the center of town, is there to be a bustling source of commerce. If you are interested in selling here, contact the mayor!

The town park, a quiet place for both residents and visitors to sit and reflect.

The town bank, where all goods are kept safe. The entrance to the great vaults of Campus Domini is guarded here.

The blacksmith, a place where the finest tools, weapons and armors are forged.

The town Bakery, a place to get your daily bread or a special treat.

More pictures to come!

alec goldstein

I think I might like it here

hello, i would like to become a part of campus domini, i am not a very good builder when it comes to things that are big, but i am good at building small structures. i would like to become your blacksmith if you will have me, i am active, 19years old, of Russian blood, and love tight knit groups. my computer is currently down, but i receive my paycheck next week so i will be able to get a new computer.


Lord of Timbervale
We will be more then happy to haveyou join us. Regretably I am currently at work so I will no be able to get on until tommorrow night (I'm in the U.S and work 3rd shift.) We will have to arrange a time for both of us to be on and give you a tour and explain the directions our plans for the town will be taking.

Also if you see gamer2255 on he will be able to invite you into the town as well.

Hope you enjoy your new home!

alec goldstein

I think I might like it here
i will, but i won't be on for a week or so. thats when i get my new computer. I'm currently on my brothers and he doesn't want me downloading mine craft on it.


Lord of Timbervale
We are whatever we want to be lol. On a serious note we don't care what race you are as long as you play nice with everyone else.


I think I might like it here
In-Game Name:jdesarno
RP Name: chuck
Roll you wish to fill and why: blacksmith because im more used to crafting then fighting
A couple sentences about yourself: i like to work with people im nice and social and friendly but when you piss me off i am a crazy bastard
How you feel you can add to this community:i would wish to contribute to the town in both ways resorces and moral im a good talker and wish to supply people with tools weapons and armor


Lord of Timbervale
I updated the original post with screenshots of the work we have been doing in town. We have been tirelessly working to make this town a home, and we hope we are heading in the right direction.


In-Game Name: Dracofreak
RP Name: (don't really have one yet)
Roll you wish to fill and why: Militia i am currently interested in militia because joining you would be my first town and because role-play combat is a big thing to me and i would love to defend a town and feel the thrill of being a hero.
A couple sentences about yourself:Hi Maverichero as you can see my in-game name is Dracofreak and i like to join your town because this will be my first i think already from talking to you in-game you are a nice person and would be running this town well,a bit about me is obviously i like minecraft and gaming but I'm a very creative person and am good at building i like to change random spawns around like villages and add ruins and paths off the the jungle just to add a bit of and RP twist to survival gameplay I'm also interested in drawing and i do alot of it at home most of it is based on an RP style sword, creature e.t.c. and if you would like i can post one up.
How you feel you can add to this community: I feel i could add to the community by helping out in defending, building creative structures and donating it the town itself by supplying it with money for resources and defending it altogether.


Hey I would like to join this troupe! :D Here's my application :D
In-Game Name: killerkat13
RP Name: Kat. :)
Roll you wish to fill and why: Miner. Because I enjoy mining :D Though I could also be an Innkeeper! I am very friendly and willing to help people.
A couple sentences about yourself: I love RP. I also am 17, love playing Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros. I dislike spiders (like to the EXTREME) and I hope I can join! :D
How you feel you can add to this community: I can add in population, along with being a great liability among a great addition to helping in building and or other activities that I could help with! I hope I can join!


In-Game Name: aslesen

RP Name: Jonathan Whyte

Roll you wish to fill and why: Miner would be preferable. I'm quite routinated when it comes to mining, and I have some sort of a system to make the mining most efficient.

A couple sentences about yourself: I'm a 16 year old boy from Norway. I like skiing, basketball, litterature and videogames. My all-time favourite book is LOTR.
I have been playing Minecraft since it was in alpha. Even so, I must admit that I am not an especially skilled builder.
I'm decent. I enjoy roleplaying, though it can be a little challenging, since english is my second-hand language. But, with some practice it shouldn't be a problem.
Since I am new to this server I need a place to live, so I hope this can be my first home.

How you feel you can add to this community: I feel I can add to this community by gathering resources, and eventually become a real RP asset too.


Lord of Timbervale
Whyte you as well are more then welcome. Though I do have to say We already have one miner so one of you can be but the other should really pick up another position. That is not to say you wont be able to mine as well. It's just whatever you mine would go towards your personal wealth. Grab me in game and I will get you both in world, set you up on plots and talk about your roll in the town.

To everyone, I will be updating the OP hopefully tonight. I just built the church and started the graveyard so I want to add some screenshots.If your curious about our little town please just come and visit.



Position malitia

I am a decent swords man and archer and could also find and bring back
Supply's if out I would be more than happy to lead
And train the town malitia if accepted I could hunt
While off duty.all I ask is a sword bow 10 aroows
And permission to turn my plot into a barracks

Ingame name ali3996


Also does any other town have a militia cause we
Should name the militia like the domini templars
I was thinking of a ranking system like
Initiate leather helmet and boots who answers to anyone
Else in the order and mayor and sheriff
Passed initiate full leather armour answers to anyone
But can tell the initiates what to do within reason
Knight full iron armour same as others but controls all below
Paladin iron armour with gold helmet
And high paladin( me)iron armour and dimond helmet


Lord of Altera
In-Game Name: GRavenor15
RP Name: Gideon Ravenor
Roll you wish to fill and why: I know this isn't a listed roll, but would to have the roll of military engineer. As my character has much military experience, I am good at building military fortifications(walls, towers, barracks, armories). If you do not need this task, I would like the roll of blacksmith. my character's military experience means he has learned much about weapons and armor, so as long as I get enough materials, I can build you anything.
A couple sentences about yourself: My character is a Templar Marshall who has just returned to Altera after many months(I really have been gone from the server for many months). He has much military experience, and is a brilliant tactician and military planner. Unfortunately, not many people have use for these skills, so until there is a large conflict, he is stuck.
How you feel you can add to this community: Even thou you might not know or remember me, but I have been with this server for over a year. As I said before, I am searching for a place to settle down and call home. Your town seems like a nice place to do this. I am kind, responsible, and capable of many tasks. My many skills would make a good addition to your town.


Lord of Timbervale
You will be more then welcome to our community. Please see me on the server and we can get you situated.

To everyone else waiting for entry into the town I will be on most days between 4 and 9 PM EST


In-Game Name: yabe763
RP Name: Yabe
Roll you wish to fill and why: I would like to be an innkeeper since i have lots of free time i would be pleased to welcome travellers and provide them with much needed services. I could also be scribe.

A couple sentences about yourself: Well i have been playing minecraft for 2 years now. I love rpgs and i mostly play pc games i'm 22 years old i live in Canada.

How you feel you can add to this community: I am very cheerful and loyal, people like to be with me and i like to be around people. I share most of my stuff to help others. I like to help and i think i would very much like to be a part of your city which i visited and fell in love with. I don't consider myself to be a bad builder and i would contribute a lot both in time and effort to your city if i were to be accepted. You can get some screenshots of some of my work at

P.S. I apologize for my possibly bad English.