Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Campus_Domini - Most southern outpost of Altera


Lord of Timbervale
We would love to have you. I will be in game later tonight so catch me or Gamer2255 on and we can get you into the town and ready to go.


Application: real_frojd

In-Game Name: real_frojd
RP Name: Frojd
Roll you wish to fill and why: Miner of Farmer i love to mine because it gives me a sence of accomplishment and farmer because i am patient and can work well with plants.
A couple sentences about yourself: I am a avid pc gamer and love most role playing games ex. skyrim, fallout, fable. I am from the country and i work on a farm during the summer , but i am going to school for enviromental design in video games.
How you feel you can add to this community: I feel i can be a working member of the society to bring a good steady income into the town


Lord of Timbervale
Hey guys So I would assume everyone has seen about the Exodus and that with this change coming I have been asked to found a city. With this being the case and the low activity this town has had I have decided to not bring Campus Domini into the next world. I love this place as much as everyone else but with my time being spent with Timbervale and no one really around other then myself and Gamer it doesn’t make sense to move the town.

I will be getting a schematic of the town from Lars and will do my best to make it available to everyone who wants it. Every one of you is more then welcome to help and live in Timbervale if you so choose. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask me. I hope to see you all soon.


In-Game Name: MrCompetition
RP Name: Katsumoto Katagiri
Roll you wish to fill and why: Blacksmith, would be a nice job for me, that and I will be going to the wilds a lot for supplies. That and it would also make it so that I can fulfill some of my goals on my off time more easily.
A couple sentences about yourself: I'm a pretty laid back guy, who will lend out a helping hand when he needs to. Has some crazy ideas sometimes that can turn out pretty neat. Otherwise I'm a 19 year kid that leaving for the service soon.
How you feel you can add to this community: You'd get a blacksmith if you accepted me, and I can sometimes make some pretty neat structures. Otherwise I can help out where it needs it.