Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
matyio said:
How on earth was I supposed to know that? You've never called him Xei in rp
Xei is actually a different, and now deceased character, so MY BAD PLEASE FORGIVE ME MAT D:

I even added Xeenal.. Weird..

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
It seemed like this thread needed a bump, but still a pointless one, as I still cannot continue the backstory

What I am here to do is apologies for my complete absence from the server, as is the time of year that people take exams, or tests depending on how far you are through, which has taken up next to all of my free time. I will try to get on of my free will, but do not expect me to, and if you wish to rp, don't hesitate to ask, as even though I do not go on by myself, I'd be happy to arrange an rp and make time for those who are polite enough to ask :)


Lord of Altera
Cliffs hurt? No! I thought they were nice and soft *sadface*:(
Lol anyway, interesting story man. Surprised this is lore approved :confused: