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Lord of Altera
I can't dance, but that doesn't mean I don't.

I can only dance when I am around other people who can't dance either, but it's always a fun time. If you can catch me by myself in my room with some music playing, though, you might also catch something you won't expect.


Lord of Altera
One of my favourite lyrics:
"Boys play rock and roll
They know that they can't dance
At least they know"

I also seem to start busting small moves to that when it comes on. I mainly listen to music on the train. Public trains.


We demons of our solemn hour
I've danced ballroom. . Once or twice.
I believe we did the tango at that time.
It was a shame that people who danced at my age back then were considered idiots and I somehow cared about their opinion.

Twas fun though


Lord of Altera
My dancing skills are quite mixed, but I don't consider it to be professional dancing. When I practice dancing, I try to get into the rhytm by moving around and (hopefully) be in sync with the music. Like a robot. Why? Because I have a strange interest for them.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
My dancing skills are quite mixed, but I don't consider it to be professional dancing. When I practice dancing, I try to get into the rhytm by moving around and (hopefully) be in sync with the music. Like a robot. Why? Because I have a strange interest for them.
*applauds* Well said.

Also... YOU'RE BACK- *tacklehugs*


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
I'm an expert in the 'casual club dancing' and 'hardcore rave' and also 'the grandpa at a wedding'

Mhmm, get at me haters.

I'm also alright at all that ballroom stuff but I'm too lazy to go to a class or exam thing for it.



El programming zorro
Retired Staff
I've been doing some ballroom dancing for quite some time now... 12- no, 13 years now :)
In fact I more or less know how to dance anything that is danced by 2 people : Rock, Salsa, Mambo, Samba, Paso Doble, Waltz, Zouk, Tango, Swing, New Jack, Lindy Hop, and all the variants... even mixes of multiples dances & styles that were more or less created by the group of people I was dancing with ^^
The whole list would kinda make anyone dizzy :D


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
I've been doing some ballroom dancing for quite some time now... 12- no, 13 years now :)
In fact I more or less know how to dance anything that is danced by 2 people : Rock, Salsa, Mambo, Samba, Paso Doble, Waltz, Zouk, Tango, Swing, New Jack, Lindy Hop, and all the variants... even mixes of multiples dances & styles that were more or less created by the group of people I was dancing with ^^
The whole list would kinda make anyone dizzy :D


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)

Swing/Most-traditional-partner-dancing, got a lot of practice from heading down to group get-togethers.
I'm good at keying into what the other person is doing and moving with them.... I've never had a real formal lesson, but I'm told I look professional - even when I'm just improving and trying not to trip :I


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
I once was ~forced~ to take a hip-hop lesson at school (never again-), and I picked up the routine fine despite feeling like a complete fool, and when we had to perform in front of the class at the end of the lesson, the first thing the teacher said to me was: "You do ballet."

How did she even know that-
It was terrifying.