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I love DayZ standalone. I play it all the time, but I can never seem to keep a stable character going. I always end up dying randomly whenever I get far into the game. I also get lost a bunch, and can never reach cities or big towns.


Lord of Altera
I've bought it a while ago, and totally love it, but I think the buggyness takes the fun away just a bit, ofcourse its only in Alpha, but I still consider the mod a better option for now :p


Lord of Altera
I love DayZ standalone. I play it all the time, but I can never seem to keep a stable character going. I always end up dying randomly whenever I get far into the game. I also get lost a bunch, and can never reach cities or big towns.
So, Scardrac...
I had to, now, I just hope you get the reference.
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Loyal Servant of Altera
Im the same as Scar except my problem is with the Assault Rifle. Whenever I get one I always end up dying :(
I would love to form a group of people though. My favourite part of DayZ is finding someone who is also friendly and trading supplies :)


The Arbiter of the Gods
Also, since the last post on that thread, they patched the game slightly... but they have work to do.


The White Mage
I'm waiting for Day Z to go on sale first - whether this happens before or after Alpha is over I have no idea ;_;


Lord of Altera
DayZ is just one of those games that really hits home right in the feels... and makes me really want a new computer.


Not A Pirate
Retired Staff
I'm waiting for Day Z to go on sale first - whether this happens before or after Alpha is over I have no idea ;_;
At the moment it is thirty dollars, no doubt you know, this is already half off of the price it's going to be, when it's fully released, so it is a good deal. Also it is selling amazingly well right now so they have no reason to put on sale, so in my opinion now is the best time to buy.


The White Mage
At the moment it is thirty dollars, no doubt you know, this is already half off of the price it's going to be, when it's fully released, so it is a good deal. Also it is selling amazingly well right now so they have no reason to put on sale, so in my opinion now is the best time to buy.
This is what im afraid of ^^ Paralyzed by indecision, do I wait or buy xD


I don't play it at all, I've been playing Takistan Life for ArmA 2, runescape and now arma 3.
It takes so long to get gear and there is still no core survival aspect. There needs to be far fewer guns and more focus on melee combat. I don't understand why they added a military assault rifle with scopes straight away when that is then making it more militarised. I hope they remove the current weapons later and replace them with small sidearms, hunting rifles and makeshft sights.

Once again it has turned into a server hopping, combat logging, deathmatch game. Sickness and health is just himders you slighty.

At this point in time the mod seems more stable.

Falling through fire station walls and random death. Classic Bohemia


The Arbiter of the Gods
They're idiots. Minecraft's model worked on Minecraft, but it won't work on a triple-a quality of title that DayZ is expected to have. They'll sell a lot of copies in Alpha, but the hype goes away quickly on these titles, and so (with God's help, because this business model is the biggest calamity of the gaming industry, but devs love jumping on the bandwagon) DayZ will fail before it reaches its final release.
As time goes on, games should gradually lower in price to keep customers. If you go onto and see how fast people now buy the game, you'll notice that it actually moves really slowly, especially in comparison to what it used to be. Games should not adapt the Minecraft model of pricing because it's simply a bad model.
Besides, 20 pounds for an early alpha? Jesus Christ, some Triple-As cost around that. I got my Bioshock Infinite for 20 pounds. Admittedly it was on sale, but you can still pick it up this cheap off the internet, and when I bought it it was still basically a brand new game.
Also, everything else to do with Early Alpha, including lack of guarantee the game will ever leave that stage, is expressed pretty well by TotalBiscuit.

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Loyal Servant of Altera
Once again it has turned into a server hopping, combat logging, deathmatch game. Sickness and health is just himders you slighty.
In the most recent updates this problem has been fixed. When you log out your character will sit on the ground for 30 seconds to make people find somewhere safe to log out. The server hopping has also been fixed as penalties will build up if you change servers too quickly.

Also, a miracle happened today. My character has returned with all his loot :D
Currently sitting on the NE shipwreck waiting for someone to team up with.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Played an hour and a half of the latest DayZ update and killed 3 bandits. One tried to kill me in the starting town and the other two were sniping guys at the NE airfield. Pretty chuffed :D