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Divine Spells & Changes Proposal


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
On the 29th I finished a proposal for new Divine Spells, I have been informed that after all this time (even with my express consent they could still be used), the document has still not been moved over to Divine discussion in lore, so here is a chance for player feedback. I managed to get this done over the course of a month, but some spells predate that. Not all are perfect, I don't think I'm a perfect spellwriter and they are mostly unreviewed. Here they are:

Name: Spiritual Weapon
Divine: Universal
Tier: 1
Action: Prayer
Cost: 1
Duration: 12 hours
Spell: Ritual prayer over a weapon grants the blessed’s weapon divine influence. The weapon will glow with the strength of torchlight in the color of the divine, and foes intangible or otherwise resistant to mundane weapons will be damaged nonetheless. Only one weapon may be imbued at a time; the effect applies to ammunition in ranged weapons.

Name: Radiance
Divine: Universal
Tier: 1
Action: Prayer
Cost: 0
Duration: 5 minutes
Spell: The head of the blessed is adorned with a divine corona of light, emitting the glow of a torch in the colors of their patron. For up to 5 minutes, those within 50 meters of the blessed are given a feeling of divine closeness, whether that invokes awe or fear.

(No more fear/calm/courage here, just light & vibes)

Name: Feast of the Gods
Divine: Universal
Tier: 1
Action: Prayer
Cost: 1
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: A meal capable of feeding up to three others is summoned by the blessed. Unfinished food will vanish within the hour, but is otherwise mundane.

Name: Divine Word
Divine: Universal
Tier: 1
Action: Prayer
Cost: 1
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: A message is sent to the mind of a mortal across any distance in mere moments, always understood and spoken in the mother tongue of the target. Knowing the name, face or alias of the target is enough to permit communication.

  • Tier 1: The caster can send one single word to their target.
  • Tier 2: The caster can send up to ten words to their target, and they can hear a response of up to ten in turn.
  • Tier 3: The caster can send a thirty word message, and may be replied to with one in turn.

Name: Lustral Liquid
Divine: Universal
Tier: 1
Action: Prayer, touch
Cost: 1
Duration: 12 hours
Spell: After ten seconds of prayer, a liter of water is sanctified by the blessed, becoming either pure or putrid. Should it be diluted with another liquid, it reverts back to normalcy.

  • Holy Water: Should it come into contact with an Undead, Vyre, Mage, Infernal, Abyssal or Heretical, they are burned by divine energy, sustaining potentially lethal injury from contact as smoke billows off the burn.
  • Lifeblood: Used to sate vyres as sustenance or for the purposes of warding off spirits.

Name: Martyr
Divine: Universal
Tier: 2
Action: Touch
Cost: 0
Duration: 1 round
Spell: An injury laid upon a target is mended as though never rendered upon them in the first place. As a result, the blessed receives an equivalent wound, transferring it to them wholly.

Name: Steed
Divine: Universal
Tier: 2
Action: Prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: 12 hours
Spell: A divine mount materializes galloping to the side of the blessed, acting as an otherwise mundane horse. The blessed may use Soul + Handling (Animals/Summons) for any complicated maneuvers but the mount is incapable of attack. If dismounted or attacked, it dematerializes as it would by the end of the spell duration.

  • The Grey Lady: A pale horse with a mane and tail of grey mist.
  • Ignis Synnove: A horse, embers drifting from its mane and tail, and and scattering beneath its stride.
  • Jax: A racehorse with a satiny golden coat.
  • Jishrim: A giant spider.
  • Korog: A large ram.
  • Sallana: A unicorn.
  • Shalherana: A stag.
  • Skraag: An undead horse.
  • Theodra: A giant wolf.
  • Valiant: A sturdy warhorse, in cloth barding and built like a tank.
  • Visage: A silvery steed that appears to be an ordinary horse, carrying more fish-like traits at a closer glance.

Name: Divination
Divine: Universal
Tier: 3
Action: Prayer
Cost: 3
Duration: Prayer
Spell: A question may reach the blessed’s patron directly, granting them a response in time.

  • This is limited to once per OOC month and can be arranged via ticket prior to reply in-ticket or within an in-game event.

Name: Consecration
Divine: Universal
Tier: 3
Action: Prayer, touch
Cost: 3
Duration: Permanent
Spell: Holy wards are established around the blessed, creating a structure befitting of their patron in a 15 cubic meter environment. Obstruction will prevent the spell from completion. With such a building within, a region may qualify for Divine Grounds. Should it be taken down, the boon offered by Divine Grounds will fade.

(Have this replace the T2 ‘fort’ spells)

Name: Angelic
Divine: Universal
Tier: 4
Action: Prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: Divine wings emerge from the back of the caster, allowing them to fly at the pace of a sprint. Phasing through the blessed’s clothing and armor, the wingspan stretches 5 meters expanded, folding up against the back like a pack otherwise. If attacked directly, the wings will break.

Name: Waypoint
Divine: Universal
Tier: 4
Action: Prayer, hand upon a shrine
Cost: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: The blessed may venture as far as their worship reaches, traveling from one shrine of their patron to another in a burst of divine light. They may bring up to their Soul attribute in additional passengers, so long as the patron has not left a curse upon one of them.

Subject to Removal:
Name: Baptism
Divine: Universal
Tier: 1
Action: Prayer, touch
Cost: 1
Duration: Permanent
Spell: A symbol is remarked upon a willing individual, signifying their commitment to the patron of the blessed.

(I think Baptism as a symbolic act probably does not require a spell, Holy Water or Lifeblood will do)

Name: Envision
Divine: Universal
Tier: 1
Action: Prayer, touch
Cost: 1
Duration: 1 minute
Spell: A target is presented with a mental scene befitting of the blessed’s divine, sitting with them regardless of the attention paid to it. Cannot be used on the same target for 12 hours.

(I don’t believe this is particularly helpful with the constraints of some divines’ faiths)
Name: Repair
Divine: Korog
Tier: 1
Action: Vocal prayer over an object
Cost: 0
Duration: Prayer
Spell: Through the grace of craftsmanship, a damaged or broken item smaller than 1 cubic meter is restored to function; should component parts be absent, substitutes are required or the item will not be restored. Rust is removed outright.

Name: Handiwork
Divine: Korog
Tier: 1
Action: Vocal prayer over an object
Cost: 0
Duration: Prayer
Spell: Inspection of a craft allows the blessed to find tells of its creation; they may learn of the initial maker or material components of an item with just a touch.

Name: Hard-Pressed
Divine: Korog
Tier: 1
Action: Vocal prayer, touch
Cost: 0
Duration: Prayer
Spell: Korog’s skillful hands prevent an item from breaking or otherwise falling apart, even when it should by all means. So long as their prayer and touch is maintained, the item is unable to collapse without external force.

Name: Armor of Artifice
Divine: Korog
Tier: 1
Action: Vocal prayer
Cost: 1
Duration: 1 Hour
Spell: Using available components nearby, the blessed jury-rigs together a piece of armor, be it gauntlets, boots, a breastplate or a helm. Once the duration elapses, the pieces fall away. Blocking using the armor may be performed with Soul + Crafting (Engineering).

Name: Battering Ram
Divine: Korog
Tier: 1
Action: Headbutting
Cost: 1
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: The head of the blessed momentarily takes on the projection of a bighorned ram, allowing them to use their skull as a blunt weapon. During this time, the impact of their own strike cannot harm the blessed. May be used as a hammer.

Name: Molten Metal
Divine: Korog
Tier: 2
Action: Prayer, touch
Cost: 2
Duration: Prayer
Spell: Crafted steel heats under the blessed’s touch; so long as they maintain contact and prayer, the targeted metal becomes hot and malleable. A resistant target may use an applicable defensive contest against the blessed’s Soul + Unarmed (Grappling) each turn, or sustain a burn where contacted. Should the grapple be overcome, the spell ends.

Name: Revel
Divine: Korog
Tier: 2
Action: Prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: Prayer
Spell: Singing a song of Korog, any within a 5m radius of the blessed must succeed a Body + Resilience (Endurance) contest against the blessed’s AOE DC or become drunk for a round; this check is remade each turn that the song is maintained. While drunk, a target makes Dexterity checks at disadvantage.

Name: Armament of Artifice
Divine: Korog
Tier: 2
Action: Vocal prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: 1 Hour
Spell: A weapon is constructed of materials on-hand, slapped together in a defiance of logic and an act of brilliance all at once. The blessed may use Soul + Crafting (Engineering) in place of Body + Melee (any) checks with this item if they so choose.

Name: Gruff
Divine: Korog
Tier: 2
Action: Vocal prayer, touch
Cost: 2
Duration: Maintained touch
Spell: Footing holds fast on anything greater than a sheer 90° angle, allowing the blessed to stay standing with their hands free on any surface so long as one foot is planted.

Name: Ornament
Divine: Korog
Tier: 2
Action: Vocal prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: 8 Hours
Spell: A gem’s inner potential is briefly touched on, allowing the blessed to sustain its masterwork effect regardless of if it is in a craft or not. 1 may be active at a time.

Name: Stalwart Prayer
Divine: Korog
Tier: 3
Action: Vocal prayer
Cost: 3
Spell: So long as they maintain prayer, the blessed becomes immovable. They are not immune to attack, nor able to move of their own volition beyond prayer.

Name: Utmost Concentration
Divine: Korog
Tier: 3
Action: Meditative silence
Cost: 3
Duration: 10 minutes
Spell: Without uttering a word, the blessed enters a deep focus. For the duration, any Mind roll they make may be done with advantage. If they speak at any point, the spell ends.

Name: Arsenal of Artifice
Divine: Korog
Tier: 3
Action: Vocal prayer
Cost: 3
Duration: 1 Hour
Spell: A haphazard sling, crossbow or bow equivalent is impossibly put together out of materials on-hand with a design so obtuse only the blessed may use it to launch projectiles. The blessed may use Soul + Crafting (Engineering) in place of any Body + Ranged (Bow) checks if they so choose. There is no need to secure ammunition.

Name: Momentary Disassembly
Divine: Korog
Tier: 3
Action: Vocal prayer, touch
Cost: 3
Duration: 10 seconds
Spell: A contacted mechanism or craft falls apart in perfect unison, collapsing into its components for 10 seconds before snapping back into place; anything occupying its previous space is subject to being bludgeoned out of it. A holder of the targeted item may make a Body + Resilience (Malaise) contest against the blessed’s Soul + Crafting (Engineering) to resist. Constructs briefly pulled apart feel every instant.

Name: As You Were
Divine: Korog
Tier: 3
Action: Vocal prayer, touch
Cost: 3
Duration: Permanent
Spell: A contacted inanimate item is held in true permanence, unmoving until contacted by an outside force. Time does not wear on the item, nor does gravity pull it down. Mechanisms stop outright, completely paused. Should it be touched by anything other than the blessed, the spell breaks.

Name: Automaton
Divine: Korog
Tier: 4
Action: Vocal prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: 2 Hours
Spell: An animated humanoid automaton is constructed of light by the blessed, taking tangible metal form for the duration thereafter. The blessed may command the automaton as a summon, using Soul + Handling (Summons) for any relevant checks. It falls apart upon sustaining wounds equivalent to the blessed’s Soul attribute. Appearance may vary.

Name: Artillery of Artifice
Divine: Korog
Tier: 4
Action: Vocal prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: 1 Hour
Spell: A makeshift siege weapon is constructed by blessed hands over the course of 10 minutes. This weapon is composed of whatever materials or mechanisms are on-hand, and may be used by the blessed’s Soul + Crafting (Engineering); no other hands are able to utilize its complex creation.

Name: Constructed Aspect
Divine: Korog
Tier: 4
Action: Vocal prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: 2 Hours
Spell: Taking on the form of a construct, the blessed’s body is rewrit from flesh to stelhide. For the duration of the spell (or until early dismissal) they become immune to effects upon the soul, and have natural armor equivalent to platemail, but disadvantage on Dexterity checks.

Name: Animate Prosthesis
Divine: Korog
Tier: 4
Action: Vocal prayer, meticulous tinkering
Cost: 4
Duration: Permanent
Spell: A prosthetic appendage is animated on a target lacking an organic counterpart, allowing it to function as a full-facility replacement. Should the appendage be stricken, it is rendered inert, and must be repaired by this spell to regain full function.

Name: We Can Rebuild
Divine: Korog
Tier: 4
Action: Vocal prayer, surgical precision
Cost: 4
Duration: 12 Hours
Spell: Outfitting injuries of the flesh with materials of artifice, the blessed instills a dying target with the means to survive their injuries for up to 12 hours, after which the designs will fail them and death will resume. If stricken during this time, the life-support mechanisms fail. Healing requires their removal.
Name: Flaunt
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 1
Action: Expressive gestures
Cost: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: Flair announces the blessed’s every act to draw attention. They may back themselves with an unseen instrument, create confetti of lambent rose petals, or become enwreathed in light. Dazzling, startling, and attention-grabbing, the effects of the spell vanish as soon as they come.

Name: Embrace
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 1
Action: Hushed prayer, clasping the target
Cost: 0
Duration: Maintained contact
Spell: The touch of the blessed soothes the target of any supernatural tampering upon their emotions, but only so long as they remain held in some capacity. Any abated emotions resume when the spell ends.

Name: Caress
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 1
Action: Hushed prayer, gentle touch
Cost: 0
Duration: Prayer
Spell: Blood refuses to spill after a gentle touch, so long as the blessed maintains their prayer. For the duration, a single contacted wound is stemmed from bleeding. If stricken, the wound resumes bleeding, and the spell ends.

Name: Affinity
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 1
Action: Hushed prayer
Cost: 1
Duration: Prayer
Spell: Allowing their empathy to pour out of them, the blessed may sense the emotions of any within 5 meters. An aura around those nearby will tell their feelings, or fail to appear if they resist this spell with a Soul + Resilience (Malaise) contest to the blessed’s AoE DC or lack a soul to feel with. Those within range feel admired.

Name: Stolen Glances
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 1
Action: Eye-Contact
Cost: 1
Duration: 10 rounds
Spell: A target becomes locked in a staredown with the blessed should they fail a Soul + Resilience (Malaise) contest against the blessed’s Soul + Charisma (Persuasion). They may attempt each turn to break this visual focus, the spell ending early if the target succeeds.

Name: Rapport
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 2
Action: Hushed prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: The blessed ingratiates themselves to a target within 15 meters. Should the target fail a Soul + Awareness (Insight) contest against the blessed’s Soul + Charisma (Persuasion), they are recognized with the familiarity of lifelong friends for the duration. Should they fail, the target is made aware of the attempted bond.

Name: Deeper Meaning
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 2
Action: Performance
Cost: 2
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: A message is hidden in the arts (song, brushstroke, dance, etc.) for those chosen by the blessed to understand; the blessed may instill a 20-word message within their action that is flawlessly understood by any they choose. To all others, it sounds perfectly normal.

Name: Unforgettable
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 2
Action: Hushed prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: A moment in time is perfectly guarded in the memory of the target; they are unable to wholly forget or misremember it so long as the blessed does not either. The memory cannot be tampered with or removed in any way otherwise.

Name: Entanglement
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 2
Action: Hushed prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: 1 Hour
Spell: A lambent grapevine extends along the blessed’s wrist, wrapping around their arm. The vine functions as 10 meters of rope, able to be controlled by the blessed with full facility. The vine uses Soul + Handling (Summons) for any contested checks, and is not strong enough to strangle or otherwise injure a target. If cut, the vine disperses into light.

Name: Hearth and Home
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 2
Action: Hushed prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: 12 Hours
Spell: A 5 meter radius is consecrated by the blessed to become a home-away-from-home, conjuring a warm hearth, cooking amenities such as herbs and spices, and a comforting bed to lay one’s head. When the duration elapses, the conjured items fade away, but cooked food retains its flavor.

Name: Charm
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 3
Action: Hushed prayer, affectionate gesture
Cost: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: A single target within 50 meters must overcome their Soul + Charisma (Persuasion) contest with a Mind + Resilience (Mental) roll or become charmed, unable to harm or speak ill of their charmer. Should the blessed leave range of the target, attack or threaten them, or fall unconsious, the spell breaks. This effect extends to any entity with emotion.

Name: Til Death
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 3
Action: Hushed prayer, holding each hand
Cost: 3
Duration: Permanent
Spell: Two willing targets are made aware of one-anothers’ fates, no matter how far they are. Either is aware of the direction of their counterpart, and should one perish, the other is notified. Upon death, the spell is broken.

Name: Thorns
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 3
Action: Hushed prayer
Cost: 3
Duration: Prayer
Spell: The blessed is embraced by lambent growths of thorn-laden roses that wrap around their person. Should the blessed be wounded by a melee attack, the vines will lash out and deliver an identical injury in turn. During this time, the blessed cannot move.

Name: Peace
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 3
Action: Hushed prayer
Cost: 3
Duration: 30 minutes
Spell: A 5 meter diameter around the blessed is consecrated to be a place of tranquility, warding all within from inflicting or sustaining harm. Attacks upon the warded must overcome the blessed’s AoE DC, with failures seeming to phase through them entirely. Protection does not extend to any that have inflicted injury in the last 12 hours.

Name: Immaculate Conception
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 3
Action: Hushed prayer, holding hands
Cost: 3
Duration: 24 hours
Spell: Two willing targets are granted a child, forgoing pregnancy and compatibility altogether. The child, born in an unfurling flower of light, has traits of each parent and the species of one. Animal races cannot be cross-bred with other races. Neither target may be subject to this spell again.

Name: Bewitch
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 4
Action: Hushed prayer, touch
Cost: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: A single target may make a Soul + Resilience (Mental) contest against the blessed’s Soul + Charisma (Persuasion); should they fail, the blessed may give a single non-violent command up to 5 words that the target must obey. Should the target succeed, they are aware of the attempted influence. After the action is done, they regain full autonomy.

Name: Pure of Heart
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 4
Action: Hushed prayer, touch
Cost: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: A hand laid upon the heart of a target allows the blessed to clear the target of all emotional influence from spells, mutations and any other effects. For the remainder of the day, the target is wholly immune. This may also be used in tandem with holy water to cure Lover Vyres.

Name: Annulment
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 4
Action: Proclamation, touch
Cost: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: A hex or pact laid upon a target is rendered void by the blessed, should they succeed a Soul + Charisma (Persuasion) roll (DC 15 + Spell Level). If the blessed fails, the spell may be recast to allow the target an attempt to break their binds with their own Soul + Charisma (Persuasion) roll. If both should fail, the procedure may be attempted once more in one week.

Name: Ambrosia
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 4
Action: Hushed prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: One hour
Spell: Wine and food blessed by the Goddess of bounty becomes divinely nourishing, healing all wounds or curing illness; if ingested in moments of conflict, the bounty spoils, and has no effect.

Name: Renew
Divine: Sallana
Tier: 4
Action: Hushed prayer, touch
Cost: 4
Duration: 24 hours
Spell: A living target is rejuvenated back to its prime, extending lifespans and removing signs of age over the course of a day. At the behest of the blessed, the effect may be wholly reversed. Wounds or sustained effects are not cured.
Name: Repose
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 1
Action: Silent prayer, touch
Cost: 0
Duration: Permanent
Spell: A corpse is divinely embalmed, remaining whole without risk of decomposition or undeath. During this time, material possessions of the body cannot be removed by any means, nor can stakes be removed or inserted within. The body is held in utter stasis unless revived to life through supernatural means. Arcane attempts to revive alert both the blessed and the Grey Lady.

Name: Warden of the Realms
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 1
Action: Silent prayer
Cost: 0
Duration: 1 round
Spell: Planar Convergence and any resulting effects are made known to the blessed, and they may sense arcane, demonic or divine presence in a given object or their immediate environment. Disruptions in the River are sensed most vividly.

Name: Last Rites
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 1
Action: Silent prayer
Cost: 0
Duration: Prayer
Spell: The blessed can sense impending death in a target. Should they so choose, the blessed may remove the agony of death from the dying, allowing the target a peaceful passage to the river.

Name: Moment of Silence
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 1
Action: Silent prayer
Cost: 1
Duration: Prayer
Spell: A lone target is made unable to make a sound should they fail a Soul + Resilience (Malaise) contest of the blessed’s Soul + Awareness (Insight). A willing target may forego a roll to become muffled. Sound made beyond the target’s person will not be silenced.

Name: River Roam
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 1
Action: Silent prayer
Cost: 1
Duration: Prayer
Spell: Stood upon water as though it were ice, the blessed may traverse without sinking. To be knocked prone will cut short the spell, and the blessed suffers disadvantage on any balance-based check during this time.

Name: Beckoning
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 2
Action: Silent prayer within a divine mark
Cost: 2
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: An apparition of a departed soul appears as they would have in life, left stationary and ethereal within the bounds of the blessed’s divine inscription. Unable to move or touch, the spirit may see and speak as they would have in life; should they be unwilling, the spell fails.

Name: Winter Wisp
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 2
Action: Silent prayer, touch
Cost: 2
Duration: 15 minutes
Spell: A hand or held weapon is enwreathed in ghostly grey flame, cold to the touch. For the duration, attacks with this flame are considered to be Energy-based, and act as Blooded Silver for the purposes of vulnerability.

Name: Sepulcher
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 2
Action: Silent prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: 12 hours
Spell: A 5 meter radius around the blessed is consecrated, erecting a small sepulcher, including a plinth they may rest upon. For the duration, undead and Skraag-blessed are unable to enter the hallowed ground, stricken with severe frostbite each turn they remain within.

Name: Church Grim
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 2
Action: Silent prayer, touch
Cost: 2
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: A guardian treads amongst the graves, a spiritual hound meant to guide the dead to the River. The hound’s obeisance to the Lady extends to her blessed, allowing it to make attacks on their behalf with Soul + Handling (Summons); leaving minor bites and scratches equivalent to steel. While the spell is active, the blessed suffers disadvantage on Body-based checks. Adrift and limited to 2 meters of movement, if stricken the Church Grim returns to the Lady.

Name: Murder of Crows
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 2
Action: Silent prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: A shroud of black crows manifests in place of the blessed, drawing their person from one place to another within 15 meters. Unable to bypass direct obstruction, Soul + Dexterity (Evasion) is rolled if attacked or dodging.

Name: Hush
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 3
Action: Silent prayer
Cost: 3
Duration: 1 Hour
Spell: Sound within a 10m radius of the blessed lowers to a whisper, muffling noise and stifling communication. This may be dismissed by the blessed at any time.

Name: Calling
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 3
Action: Silent prayer within a divine mark
Cost: 3
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: A spirit is called upon and granted corporeal form, able to move and engage with the material world around their person. Appearing as they would have in life, the called soul has full facility over their actions but may be dispelled either at the blessed’s discretion, or if stricken twice. The called soul may retain physical presence, but no powers or abilities they may have held in life.

Name: The Scales
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 3
Action: Silent prayer, touch
Cost: 3
Duration: 1 week
Spell: The blessed attempts to hex a target; should the blessed succeed a Soul + Resilience (Malase) contest with the target, the target is left unable to kill another mortal without it taking their own life in turn. Should the hexed target take the life of another through directly killing or creating the circumstances of their death, the blessed is informed and The Lady balances the scales of sin.

Name: Threnody
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 3
Action: Mournful song
Cost: 3
Duration: Song
Spell: A haunting melody or chant bestows the qualities of masterwork blooded silver upon the weapons of allies within 10 meters. So long as the song is maintained, they will glow in the presence of and present greater harm to supernatural or summoned creatures.

Name: Judgement
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 3
Action: Silent prayer
Cost: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: The Grey Lady’s blessed may render judgement upon a target within 10 meters, smiting them with a burst of banishing grey flame that spreads 5 meters in diameter where it impacts. Targets within range of the impact must make a relevant check against the blessed’s AOE DC, caught by crippling frost if failed. This spell may be intercepted en route to its intended location.

Name: Sanctify
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 4
Action: Silent prayer, touch
Cost: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: An item with an imparted divine hex or demonic taint is purged, restoring it to normalcy. This spell may be used in reaction to an attempted possession to negate the effect as well as purge the corrupted item.

Name: And Hope to Die
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 4
Action: Silent prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: Until broken or void
Spell: An oath is sworn on the grave of a willing target, with the blessed informed if the terms are broken. In addition to any predetermined caveats, the target is forsaken from revival without express permission from the blessed. The blessed may have as many as their Soul attribute in active contracts at a time; if another is made, one must be voided.

Name: Terminus
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 4
Action: Silent prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: Prayer
Spell: The blessed may impart their soul as their body meditates, manifesting as an apparition within a graveyard or shrine to the Grey Lady. In this incorporeal form, the blessed is able to speak, listen and see the world around them, as well as drift up to 50m away from their hallowed grounds. If attacked, they are shunted back to their physical form, ending the spell.

Name: Revenant
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 4
Action: Silent prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: 2 hours
Spell: A departed soul is recruited to aid the blessed. Taking the form of their living self for the duration of the spell, the revenant acts at the blessed’s behest, including fighting if need be. Rolls from the revenant soul use Soul + Handling (Summons); it may be stricken a number of times equivalent to the blessed’s Soul attribute before returning to the river.

Name: From Whence Ye Came
Divine: The Grey Lady
Tier: 4
Action: Vocal prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: Figments, conjured entities or raised undead within a 10 meter radius are tested against the Grey Lady’s ward upon the realm. Should they or their wielder fail a Soul + Resilience (Malaise) contest of the blessed’s AOE DC, the targeted creature(s) will be banished or turned to dust. Uncontrolled undead are destroyed without contest.
Name: Orate
Divine: Visage
Tier: 1
Action: Subdued gesture
Cost: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: The voice of the blessed is conveyed from another source within 10 meters.

Name: Watch
Divine: Visage
Tier: 1
Action: Subdued gesture
Cost: 0
Duration: 10 minutes
Spell: At the expense of their own sight, the blessed may see from an out-of-body location within 10 meters. The blessed may dismiss the spell early if desired.

Name: Listen
Divine: Visage
Tier: 1
Action: Subdued gesture
Cost: 0
Duration: 10 minutes
Spell: The blessed hears from an out-of-body location within 10 meters; all sound they would otherwise bodily hear is muffled until the duration ends or the blessed ends the spell.

Name: Suggest
Divine: Visage
Tier: 1
Action: Mindful prayer or touch
Cost: 1
Duration: 5 minutes
Spell: An idea is planted in the mind of the target, as though they had formed it themselves. Should the thought seem unlike them, the target may resist with a successful Soul + Resilience (Mental) roll against the blessed’s Soul + Charisma (Guile).

Name: Mirage
Divine: Visage
Tier: 1
Action: Mindful prayer
Cost: 1
Duration: 30 minutes
Spell: A mirage up to 1 meter tall and equally wide appears within a 10 meter radius of the blessed. Up to two distinct illusions may be active, and each will disperse into mist if touched by anything but the blessed that conjured it. Suspicious eyes may roll Mind + Awareness (Investigation) against the blessed’s AOE DC to see through the guise.

Name: Inkblot
Divine: Visage
Tier: 2
Action: Mindful prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: Permanent
Spell: A small splotch of ink appears within a written word that the blessed secrets a 1-sentence message into. They may choose at the time of cast if the message requires a successful or failed Soul + Awareness (Investigation) check against their AoE DC to be noticed; the message may be investigated once a day.

Name: Chiaroscuro
Divine: Visage
Tier: 2
Action: Mindful prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: 5 minutes
Spell: A mote of shadow encompasses a 3 meter radius around the blessed. Any attempts to see through the near-opaque darkness require a successful Soul/Mind + Awareness (Passive) roll against the blessed’s AOE DC.

Name: Elude
Divine: Visage
Tier: 2
Action: Mindful prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: 1 turn
Spell: With one foot in shadow, the blessed may descend into darkness to emerge in a shaded area up to 5 meters away. Soul + Dexterity (Evasion) is rolled if this spell is used as a dodge. If a harsh light impedes between the cast and destination, the blessed is thrust out of the initial shadow.

Name: Decipher
Divine: Visage
Tier: 2
Action: Mindful prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: One hour
Spell: Written word and code are translated before the eyes of the blessed; should a roll be required, the blessed may roll Soul + Awareness (Investigation) to resolve.

Name: Delusion
Divine: Visage
Tier: 2
Action: Mindful prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: An illusion up to 3 meters wide and tall is created within 20 meters of the blessed. Capable of movement and sound as loud as a scream, the illusion disperses if touched by anything bar the blessed to create it. Skeptics may roll Mind + Awareness (Investigation) against the blessed’s AOE DC to see through the illusion.

Name: Scotopia
Divine: Visage
Tier: 3
Action: Mindful prayer, subdued gesture
Cost: 3
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: Darkness becomes wholly visible to the blessed up to 75 meters away. Items or entities concealed in shadow are seen as though in light. Invisible or hidden entities may be spied with Soul + Awareness (Investigation) as needed.

Name: Revision
Divine: Visage
Tier: 3
Action: Mindful prayer, touch
Cost: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: A target’s memory is tapped. Details are rewritten or added as the blessed chooses so long as they succeed a Soul + Lore (History) contest against the target’s Mind + Awareness (Passive). Should the blessed fail, the target is aware of an attempt on their mind. When the memory comes to mind, the target may roll Mind + Awareness (Investigation) against the blessed’s AOE DC to dismiss the effect of the spell on success.

Name: Immerse
Divine: Visage
Tier: 3
Action: Mindful prayer
Cost: 3
Duration: Up to 12 hours
Spell: Secreting away from the world, the blessed may hide within a basin of still water or a closed book for the duration of the spell. During this time they may see and hear the world around them, but are unable to utilize the other senses. Should still water stir or pages turn, the blessed will be flung out, no longer hidden.

Name: Spyglass
Divine: Visage
Tier: 3
Action: Mindful prayer, viewing target through object
Cost: 3
Duration: 1 day
Spell: The blessed observes a target through the reflection or lens of an object (mirror, eyeglasses, etc.) as they cast this spell. The target may be spied upon through this item at any time within 24 hours, always seen from the distance and angle that the spell was initially cast.

Name: Fallacy
Divine: Visage
Tier: 3
Action: Mindful prayer
Cost: 3
Spell: The blessed’s surroundings are cloaked in a glamor, masking the senses to the blessed’s choosing. A 30 meter radius is blanketed in illusion, but the environment beneath will remain the same. The illusion may be resisted with a Mind + Awareness (Passive/Investigation) roll against the blessed’s AOE DC. Should a target overcome the DC, they may see through the entire illusion.

Name: Writ
Divine: Visage
Tier: 4
Action: Mindful prayer, touch
Cost: 4
Duration: Until broken or void
Spell: A hand laid on a written contract renders it binding, with the blessed informed if the terms are broken. In addition to any written caveats, if the target breaks the pact, the blessed may inflict one condition on the target: a day of blindness, a day of silence, or a day-long lapse in memory. The blessed may have equivalent to their Soul attribute in contracts active at a time; one must be voided to make room for another.

Name: Masque
Divine: Visage
Tier: 4
Action: Silent ritual, holding a token of their target
Cost: 4
Duration: 12 hours
Spell: The body of the blessed reconfigures into another being, taking on their exact physicality in a painful shift over the course of 30 minutes. While their size, appearance, clothing and voice will reflect their masque, the blessed retains their race and any external features such as curses or hexes. Suspicious eyes may see discrepancies in detail if they succeed a Mind + Awareness (Investigation) contest against the blessed’s Soul + Charisma (Guile).

Name: Displace
Divine: Visage
Tier: 4
Action: Mindful prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: Another mortal within 25 meters swaps places with the blessed in a blink, each assuming the position of the other to the best of their ability. An unwilling target may succeed a contest of Soul + Resilience (Malaise) to negate the spell. May be used as a reaction with a successful Soul + Dexterity (Speed) defense.

Name: Doppelganger
Divine: Visage
Tier: 4
Action: Mindful prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: 2 hours
Spell: A shadow proxy of the blessed attacks a target within 25 meters, using their Soul + Handling (Summons) for each strike. The proxy attacks with mental damage, and may take an amount of strikes equivalent to the blessed’s Soul attribute before dissipating into mist. The Doppelganger may be subject to Displace.

Name: Narrative
Divine: Visage
Tier: 4
Action: Mindful prayer
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: Illusions and other obscuring effects within a 30 meter radius of the blessed are taken under their control, allowing them to reshape and change effects at will. Should another entity resist this, they may make contesting Soul + Resilience (Mental) rolls with the blessed.
Name: Cant
Divine: Jax
Tier: 1
Action: Cupping a hand by the mouth
Cost: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: Words carry a second meaning only interpretable to chosen targets. All others that hear will make out either a mundane or misleading sentence—or complete gibberish.

Name: Tools of the Trade
Divine: Jax
Tier: 1
Action: Reaching into a pocket
Cost: 0
Duration: 2 hours
Spell: The blessed may produce a set of cards, dice, or gambling chips. Each item is filigreed with gold and silver linings, composed of light otherwise. No more than three sets may be conjured at a time, with the oldest being dispelled as the newest appears.

Name: Pokerface
Divine: Jax
Tier: 1
Action: Deep breaths
Cost: 0
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: The emotions of the blessed become wholly unreadable both physically and spiritually; during this time, they become aware of any attempts to read them either by sight or through supernatural means.

Name: Flourish
Divine: Jax
Tier: 1
Action: A flick of the wrist
Cost: 1
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: Blessed fingers draw the eye; the result of a Soul + Deception (Thievery) check against a single target’s Mind + Awareness (Passive) draws the eye to distract from other actions. If the target fails, they suffer a -2 to any future Awareness-based checks against the blessed for 1 hour. This effect does not stack.

Name: Swabbie
Divine: Jax
Tier: 1
Action: Hollering
Cost: 1
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: A mute halfling deckhand appears at the beckon of the blessed, capable of doing harmless chores for the duration. If struck, the swabbie is sent “back to Jax”.

Name: Silver Lining
Divine: Jax
Tier: 2
Action: Cursing Jax for failure
Cost: 2
Duration: 1 Minute
Spell: Following a failed roll, the blessed may cast this to add +1 to their next non-combative roll. This effect does not stack.

Name: Snake Oil
Divine: Jax
Tier: 2
Action: Grandiose gestures
Cost: 2
Duration: 30 minutes
Spell: Something about the candor of the blessed rings out earnestly to all those who hear. The blessed is recused from any forced-truth effects for the duration, and is not held to any magic pacts signed during such time. A successful Mind + Awareness (Insight) check against the blessed’s Soul + Charisma (Guile) will dismiss the effect of the spell.

Name: Worth its Weight
Divine: Jax
Tier: 2
Action: Contact, verbal provocation
Cost: 2
Duration: Concentration
Spell: A contacted metal is turned to gold, dulling or weakening weapons while coins and trinkets glimmer with newfound—yet impermanent—value. Gold items lose any special properties, and weapons are left imbalanced with a -1 to any attacks or maneuvers.

Name: Parlay
Divine: Jax
Tier: 2
Action: Prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: 5 Minutes
Spell: A golden projection of the blessed appears at a destination within sight or visited within the week; the blessed may freely speak and hear through this projection, translating any foreign tongue during this time. Should their conversational partner strike the projection, the spell ends in a mote of seaspray.

Name: Smuggle
Divine: Jax
Tier: 2
Action: Sleight of hand
Cost: 2
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: A held item is whisked away to a pocket only the blessed may access, where it remains for up to an hour. Should the hour elapse, the item clatters comically at the blessed’s feet when it reappears.

Name: Even the Odds
Divine: Jax
Tier: 3
Action: Verbal provocation or taunt
Cost: 3
Duration: Concentration
Spell: The blessed negates any negative effects on their next roll, delaying any detrimental modifiers until the roll after. This may be recast.

Name: Finders Keepers
Divine: Jax
Tier: 3
Action: Vocal allusion to an object
Cost: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: The blessed pulls—seemingly from nowhere—an item they last laid hands on. Should any other hand have touched it since, they are unable to produce the object. The item cannot exceed the carrying ability of the blessed.

Name: Folly
Divine: Jax
Tier: 3
Action: Verbal provocation
Cost: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: The blessed twists fortune, making the same roll as their target and choosing which of the two results the target uses, be it higher or lower. The target must be within 20 meters and able to hear the blessed.

Name: In the Red
Divine: Jax
Tier: 3
Action: Sly prayer, coin toss
Cost: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: A coin is flipped. Should it land on heads (1), an injury on the blessed or target is healed; should it land on tails (2), the injury is doubled—either replicating on the blessed or the target. An unwilling subject of this spell may contest Soul + Resilience (Malaise) checks with the blessed.

Name: Fumble
Divine: Jax
Tier: 3
Action: Sly prayer, touch
Cost: 3
Duration: One week
Spell: Holding a won or stolen trinket of the target, the blessed may attempt to hex the fortune of their unfortunate quarry. If the target fails a Soul + Resilience (Malaise) contest against the blessed’s Soul + Charisma (Guile), they will be left feeling hungover for days. So long as they remain hexed, the target must roll with disadvantage on any luck-based checks. The trinket in question cannot have left the target longer than a day.

Name: Bargaining
Divine: Jax
Tier: 4
Action: A handshake
Cost: 4
Duration: Until broken or void
Spell: A firm handshake renders a spoken deal binding, with the blessed informed if the terms are broken. In addition to any listed caveats, the blessed may inflict one condition on the target: a day of drunkenness, a day of seasickness, or the entirety of their on-hand gold being turned over. The blessed may have up to their Soul attribute in contracts active at a time; one must be voided to make room for another.

Name: Bon Voyage!
Divine: Jax
Tier: 4
Action: Enthusiastic waving
Cost: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: The blessed sends a target within 10 meters well on their way, teleported to the nearest shrine to Jax, who may kindly bless their journey. The target may resist with a contesting Soul + Resilience (Malaise) roll against the blessed.

Name: Of All Trades
Divine: Jax
Tier: 4
Action: Façade of helplessness
Cost: 4
Duration: 5 Minutes
Spell: A single skill is replaced by the blessed’s highest statistical roll for their next instance of it within the duration. The desired replacement is declared at time of use. The same skill cannot be replaced again for 24 hours.

Name: Cheat Death
Divine: Jax
Tier: 4
Action: Prayer or melodramatic pleading
Cost: 4
Duration: 5 Minutes
Spell: Within the duration, the blessed evades a single lethal injury; should they wish, they may feign death within this time with uncanny detail.

Name: Loophole
Divine: Jax
Tier: 4
Action: Declaration, touch
Cost: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: Hexes or pacts always have a way out. Should the blessed succeed a Soul + Charisma (Guile) roll (DC 15 + Spell Level), one of the aforementioned effects is escaped. If the blessed fails, a recast permits the target attempt to skirt their binds with their own Soul + Charisma (Guile) roll. If both fail, the process may be retried in one week.


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
Name: Bloodsense
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 1
Action: Touch
Cost: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: From a touch, the blessed can detect existing wounds and scars in a target. If the target is a vyre, the blessed will sense any lineage and subtype.

Name: Forevermore
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 1
Action: Touch
Cost: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: A target’s acquaintance with death is made known to the blessed; the amount of deaths and revivals by any means become inherently known to the blessed. Should a revival retain a consequential effect, the blessed is made familiar as well.

Name: Clot
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 1
Action: Morbid prayer, touch
Cost: 0
Duration: Prayer
Spell: Blood stills at the gate of its wounded vessel, so long as the blessed maintains their prayer. For the duration, a single contacted wound is prevented from bleeding. If stricken, the spell ceases and the body resumes its drain.

Name: Depose
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 1
Action: Morbid prayer, touch
Cost: 1
Duration: Permanent
Spell: The effects of Repose are undone, permitting a corpse to be defiled by undeath, and stakes to be removed. If cast upon a corpse under no other protections, it quickly festers with rot and decay.

Name: Fret Not Over Murder
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 1
Action: Morbid prayer, touch
Cost: 1
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: A corpse is weakly raised in service to the blessed, able to carry out inane tasks as commanded. The soul empowering it is much too weak to attack another with any strength, and will be cast out if the vessel is stricken, returning it to dormancy.

Name: Withering Touch
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 2
Action: Morbid prayer, touch
Cost: 2
Duration: 2 hours
Spell: A wound is graced with divine rot, festering and wearing away. It cannot be healed by any means for the duration unless Repose or Replenish is cast upon it.

Name: Covetous Clutch
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 2
Action: Morbid prayer, touch
Cost: 2
Duration: Prayer
Spell: A lambent skeletal hand reaches for a held item within 3 meters of the blessed, attempting to pry it away. During this time, the blessed may make a Soul + Unarmed (Grappling) contest against the target’s Body + Dexterity (Reflex/Evasion); should the blessed succeed, the item is given to the blessed the following turn. Does not function on archblossom; target items must be held, lest there be nothing to envy.

Name: Marrow
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 2
Action: Morbid prayer, touch
Cost: 2
Duration: 15 minutes
Spell: A held fragment of bone is divinely bolstered, growing into a melee weapon of the blessed’s choosing. For the duration, the bone behaves as steel, optionally using Soul in place of Body for Melee checks. As the duration elapses, the bone cracks and dissipates.

Name: How Abhorred
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 2
Action: Morbid prayer, touch
Cost: 2
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: A skull--be it attached to a body or not--is animated with a specific stolen soul inside, able to speak as they would have in life. Limited to the totem it is placed within, the skull cannot move nor feel, but may see through its eyes and speak through its teeth. Once the duration elapses, the skull is rendered mundane again.

Name: All Souls Are Immortal
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 2
Action: Morbid prayer, touch
Cost: 2
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: A deceased body is reanimated into servitude, capable of leaving a target with minor injuries through bites and scratches equivalent to steel. The corpse is sluggish, moving up to 2 meters each turn and using the blessed’s Soul + Handling (Summons) for any attacks; while this spell is active, the blessed suffers disadvantage on any Body-based checks. If stricken once, the vessel is severed of the empowering soul, falling dormant.

Name: Affix
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 3
Action: Morbid prayer, touch
Cost: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: Disembodied appendages are grafted onto a target lacking them, allowing them to utilize the transplant with full autonomy after a 12 hour period acquainting with it. The transplant must be organic, as must the place where it is affixed.

Name: Putrefaction
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 3
Action: Morbid prayer, touch
Cost: 3
Duration: 12 hours
Spell: Bodily decay is accelerated to such a degree that a corpse can no longer be protected by Repose, nor staked. The body is infested with locusts and moths, eating away at it until naught remains; during this time, a 3 meter radius around the corpse becomes a hazard of infectious insect bites for those that would enter. If a Body + Resilience (Endurance) save against the blessed’s AOE DC is not successful, targets are inflicted with an occult injury.

Name: Bloat
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 3
Action: Morbid prayer
Cost: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: A corpse under the control of the blessed swells and explodes into viscera and bone capable of shredding into targets within 2 meters. Should they fail a relevant check against the blessed’s Soul + Handling (Summons), targets sustain an occult injury.

Name: Malediction
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 3
Action: Morbid prayer, touch
Cost: 3
Duration: 1 week
Spell: Clutching freshly discarded tissue (blood, bone, etc.), the blessed hexes the source, causing them to bleed from the eyes and mouth for days on end if the target fails a Soul + Resilience (Malaise) contest against the blessed’s Soul + Medicine (Anatomy). So long as the hex subsists, the target will start each day with a minor injury no matter the degree of healing prior. Tissue must be sourced within a day of removal.

Name: Be Raised Again
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 3
Action: Morbid prayer, touch
Cost: 3
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: Bestowing a potent soul upon a fallen vessel, the blessed raises a powerful ally to aid them in combat. Capable of wielding weapons, the raised soul may inflict any degree of injury; it may sustain two hits before being left inert once more. The blessed suffers disadvantage on any body-based checks while the spell is active.

Name: Leech
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 4
Action: Touch
Cost: 4
Duration: 2 turns
Spell: Harshly grasping a target with a Soul + Unarmed (Grappling) check against the target’s Body + Resilience (Malaise); should the blessed succeed, a wound from the blessed imparts to the target. Should the same contest yield a blessed success the turn following, they are healed of the equivalent wound. The spell ends if the blessed fails either check.

Name: Horror
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 4
Action: Morbid prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: Prayer
Spell: The blessed takes on a horrid guise, frightening those nearby to the best of their ability. Should the blessed’s Soul + Charisma (Intimidation) surpass the Mind + Resilience (Mental) of any target that sees them, they are forced to look away in terror. The contest is remade each round the effect persists.

Name: Swarm
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 4
Action: Morbid prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: Prayer
Spell: A 1 meter radius around the blessed is plagued by moths and locusts, ravenously biting any that come too close. Should a target come within range, they must succeed a Body + Resilience (Endurance) save against the blessed’s AOE DC or risk minor occult injury through bites. The blessed is still able to move and attack as their prayer is maintained.

Name: Siphon
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 4
Action: Morbid prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: Fallen vessels are harvested for skin, blood and bone, rotting away on a corpse as it regenerates upon the blessed’s body with full autonomy. By the duration’s elapse, wounds are sealed with black scabs and limbs are regrown with mottled skin. Healed tissue carries the eye, skin and hair color of the original vessel.

Name: Death is Unnecessary
Divine: Skraag
Tier: 4
Action: Morbid prayer, touch
Cost: 4
Duration: 4 hours
Spell: A 4 hour rite raises a fallen mortal as undead or a vyre, allowing their return. Should a spirit be unwilling, they may contest a Soul + Resilience (Malaise) roll against the blessed, remaining immune to the spell permanently should they succeed. An undead is harmed by holy water and spells ordinarily made to heal, and only healed by Martyr and Affix.
Name: Raving
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 1
Action: Incomprehensible prayer
Cost: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: Blessed babble can be interpreted only by those they deem fit; whilst uttering varying degrees of gibberish to all others, the blessed may entrust secret messages as they speak.

Name: Jitters
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 1
Action: Incomprehensible prayer
Cost: 0
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: The blessed’s body language and cadence are left so erratic that they are unreadable physically and spiritually; during this time they are aware of attempts to read them through sight or supernatural means.

Name: Mimic
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 1
Action: Incomprehensible prayer
Cost: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: A sound heard within the last hour emits from the blessed with eerie detail; anything from animal calls to full sentences to environmental clatter can be copied to such an uncanny degree that it is unsettling.

Name: Paranoia
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 1
Action: Incomprehensible prayer or touch
Cost: 1
Duration: 5 minutes
Spell: A fear that seems all too real creeps into the mind of the target intrusively. The target may resist with a successful Soul + Resilience (Mental) roll against the blessed’s Soul + Charisma (Intimidation).

Name: Cling
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 1
Action: Touch
Cost: 1
Duration: Until release
Spell: Blessed hands become as adherent as web, allowing the proxy of the Spider to hold things impossibly; they may hang on a ceiling or wall or latch onto a held item. Attempts to disarm or detach the blessed’s grip must overcome a Soul + Unarmed (Grappling) or Soul + Athletics (Climbing) check respectively.

Name: Abomination
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 2
Action: Incomprehensible prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: 15 minutes
Spell: An arm of the blessed constricts and reshapes into a chitinous malformed claw, pincer or stinger; for the duration it may be used as a weapon, functioning as steel. This weapon may use Soul + Unarmed (Striking) in place of body, should the blessed choose.

Name: Compounding Eyes
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 2
Action: Incomprehensible prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: Prayer
Spell: The countenance of the blessed reshapes into an almost melted arachnidian semblance, eyes sprouting in disorder all along the head. Through this, the blessed gains 360° vision, seeing all around their personage for as long as they maintain their prayer. This may grant temporary sight to a blinded blessed.

Name: Contortion
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 2
Action: Incomprehensible prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: Prayer
Spell: The body of the blessed dislocates and distorts, allowing them to fit through spaces as small as their skull in a painfully disjointed mass of bone and flesh. Once this spell ends, the body snaps back into its shape prior to the cast.

Name: Arachnidian
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 2
Action: Incomprehensible prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: Four spider legs sprawl out of the spine of the blessed, chitinous, hairy, and large enough to support the weight of the blessed and their belongings. The legs may be used for combat (in place of any other attack) with Soul + Unarmed (Grappling), and may surmount obstacles or climb walls while keeping the hands of the blessed free. If ripped off or cut through, a leg crumbles into nothingness.

Name: Weaver
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 2
Action: Incomprehensible prayer, touch
Cost: 2
Duration: Prayer
Spell: The blessed spools web-like thread along their fingers, permitting them to create temporary items of fabric. Tarps, tents, clothing and so on may be quickly spun together by the blessed in a single cast, serving as a quick adaptation in harsh environs. The silk eventually wears away after 12 hours.

Name: Screech
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 3
Action: Clutching one’s face
Cost: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: A blood-curdling shriek emits from the blessed, overwhelming anyone too close. Anyone within 10 meters of the blessed must succeed a Body + Resilience (Endurance) check against the blessed’s AOE DC or be left deafened for 1 hour. Anyone within 5 meters of the blessed will be knocked back by the force of the scream if they fail the check.

Name: Chaos Incarnate
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 3
Action: Incomprehensible prayer
Cost: 3
Duration: 1 minute; cannot be recast for 10 minutes
Spell: Jishrim warps the blessed into a mass of spider, mortal, and some gelatinous creature horribly blended together. Within this form, they may use Soul + Resilience (Malaise) for Melee and Unarmed attacks.

Name: Subsume
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 3
Action: Incomprehensible prayer, touch
Cost: 3
Duration: Permanent
Spell: Upon the event of a severed appendage, the blessed may affix any deceased component of an animal or mortal they wish to graft upon their person in its place. Claws, teeth, pincers and stingers are considered to be of refined steel quality; extra eyes, and noses are capable of function.

Name: Nightmare
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 3
Action: Incomprehensible prayer, touch
Cost: 3
Duration: One week
Spell: Through an object of sentimental value, a target is hexed by the blessed with nightmares. If the target fails a Soul + Resilience (Malaise) contest against the blessed’s Soul + Charisma (Intimidation), they are given night terrors of blessed design for one week. Unless the hex is dispelled, the target will start each day with a minor injury regardless of healing or prevention the night prior. The catalyst object must be held or worn by the target within a day of cast.

Name: Webbing
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 3
Action: Incomprehensible prayer
Cost: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: Silk slings outward from the blessed to snare onto a target like rope, allowing the blessed to pull or swing with either Soul + Dexterity (Reflex) DC 12 on inanimate targets or CA + Unarmed (Grappling) against a relevant check on animate targets. If cut or lit aflame, the thread crumbles apart.

Name: Distort
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 4
Action: Incomprehensible prayer, touch
Cost: 4
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: 5 cubic meters of terrain are tapped by chaos, reshaping to a gnarled, twisted form of the blessed’s choosing. This may be used to bypass areas or make passage more treacherous. In the event a check is made against it, Soul + Resilience (Malaise) is used by the blessed.

Name: Malison
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 4
Action: Incomprehensible prayer, touch
Cost: 4
Duration: 1 week
Spell: An item held in one hand is hexed, inlaid with a trigger for the blessed to activate in the wearer or wielder. While in contact with the afflicted item, a target is susceptible to the blessed’s urge of paranoia, frenzy or fear once a day. The target must succeed a Soul + Resilience (Malaise) contest against the Blessed’s AOE DC or become consumed by the effect, speech left incoherent. While in possession of the item, targets find themselves unable to part with it.

Name: Husk
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 4
Action: Incomprehensible prayer, meditation
Cost: 4
Duration: 12 hours
Spell: The blessed becomes deathly still; so deathly in fact, that they appear dead to any onlooker. When the duration elapses, the blessed will shed their skin and heal themselves of injury, maiming and illness, leaving behind a husk of their former self. If the process is interrupted in any way, the spell will fail and the blessed will be left with loose, flaky skin for days.

Name: Gnawing Dark
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 4
Action: Incomprehensible prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: Prayer
Spell: A 15 meter radius around the blessed is thrust into the void, any semblance of light turning to severe darkness, sound drowned by hideous laughter. All within range but the blessed are beset upon by gnashing teeth; should they fail a relevant defensive check (defaulting to Body + Resilience (Malaise)) against the blessed’s AOE DC they are subject to occult gnawing injuries that turn.

(Potentially change occult to mental)

Name: Spider Bite
Divine: Jishrim
Tier: 4
Action: Incomprehensible prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: 1 hour before expiry
Spell: Jishrim imparts hallucinogenic venom into the teeth of the blessed. Should the blessed successfully bite a target, they must roll Mind + Resilience (Mental) against the blessed’s Soul + Medicine (Anatomy). If the target fails the contest, they are mired with all-too-real illusory fears that the blessed is made intrinsically aware of. Each following turn the afflicted target may make the same check, suffering disadvantage on Mind-based checks that round if they fail. The effect continues for 2 hours unless dismissed by the blessed or cured.
Name: Replenish
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 1
Action: Tranquil prayer, touch
Cost: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: Restoring life upon the living, Shalherana’s grace cleans a wound of rot and other detritus, pouring out like water.
Name: Healing Hand
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 1
Action: Tranquil prayer, touch
Cost: 0
Duration: Permanent
Spell: The blessed may hold a hand to a minute wound, weaving it shut as if by stitching under their touch; it remains painful and requires focus, but eschews the need for a traditional needle and thread. Injuries deeper than cuts through the skin are not healed.

Name: Commiserate
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 1
Action: Tranquil prayer, touch
Cost: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: Injuries and illness upon a touched target are sensed by the blessed, allowing them to discern the degree of harm upon the target’s person with great detail.

Name: Serenity
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 1
Action: A moment of relaxation
Cost: 1
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: Countenance turning to one of complete tranquility, conveying both physically and spiritually as serene and content even when emotions are dissonant. While in this state, they are privy to any attempts to probe their emotions by sight or supernatural means.

Name: Meliae
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 1
Action: Tranquil prayer
Cost: 1
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: A spirit of nature forms of vines and rootstock, one meter tall. It may enact mundane tasks for the duration. If stricken or exposed to flame, the spirit withers into nothingness.

Name: Lashing
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 2
Action: Tranquil prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: 15 minutes
Spell: A hand or held item is wreathed in bright white barbs and briars that weave together as a whip. The weave may be used for lashing attacks, inflicting occult slashes upon targets with a Soul + Resilience (Malaise) check.

Name: Make Amends
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 2
Action: Tranquil prayer, touch
Cost: 2
Duration: Permanent
Spell: Wounds are gently closed over the course of a day, allowing nonlethal injuries to heal during this time; mundane sickness is abated for the same period. If undisturbed, this will cure major and minor wounds upon a target within 24 hours. Application requires an uninterrupted 15 minutes of prayer.

Name: Fairy Ring
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 2
Action: Tranquil prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: 12 hours
Spell: Lambent mushrooms encircle the blessed in a 5 meter radius ring. For the duration, beings cursed by undeath, vyrism or possession find they are without these traits while inside.

Name: Soothe
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 2
Action: Tranquil prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: 2 hours
Spell: Pain lessens by half for the spell’s target, easing the burden of injury or illness. For the duration, the target suffers disadvantage on any Body-based checks due to the sedative effect of the spell. Either party may prematurely end the spell as desired.

Name: Pollen in the Wind
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 2
Action: Tranquil prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: Flaking into pollen and cypsela, the blessed reforms from one place to another within 15 meters. Soul + Dexterity (Evasion) is rolled if attacked or dodging, and the blessed cannot pass through direct obstruction.

Name: Forsake
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 3
Action: Touch
Cost: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: The blessed may intuit injuries they have healed in a target and, if any are present, they may be reopened. The target may resist by succeeding a Soul + Resilience (Malaise) contest with the blessed; should they fail, wounds reopen and revert as though freshly left on their person.

Name: Imposition
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 3
Action: Tranquil prayer, touch
Cost: 3
Duration: 3 turns
Spell: Heavy injuries are healed beneath the touch of the blessed at a supernatural rate. Bone, muscle and flesh is regrown akin to a damaged plant. If cast in urgency, the blessed must succeed a Soul + Medicine (Healing) roll against a DC 16 (Lethal), DC 13 (Major) or DC 10 (Minor).

Name: Dediffer
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 3
Action: Tranquil prayer, touch
Cost: 3
Duration: One week
Spell: Absent bodily tissue (appendages, organs, etc.) is regrown from severance in a state of atrophy over the course of a week; atrophied but otherwise whole targets regain autonomy when cast upon thereafter. Should a regrowing component be harmed or exerted the target must succeed a DC 10 Body + Resilience (Endurance) roll or the healing will cease.

Name: Overabundance
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 3
Action: Tranquil prayer, touch
Cost: 3
Duration: 1 week
Spell: Holding wasted tissue (blood, bone, etc.), a hex is evoked upon a target, prompting their person to overgrow for the course of a week if they fail a Soul + Resilience (Malaise) contest against the blessed’s Soul + Medicine (Anatomy). While the hex subsists the target’s hair and nails will grow unmanageably each night, and start each day with a painful growth that requires a minor injury to remove. Tissue must be lost within a day of use.

Name: Barricade of Briars
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 3
Action: Tranquil prayer
Cost: 3
Duration: 15 minutes
Spell: A wall of briars sprouts from the ground in a line up to 30 meters in length, 1 meter in height. Intersecting with a target stops the growth, and the wall turns to ash if exposed to flame. Targets that contact the wall must succeed a relevant check against blessed’s AOE DC or be punctured by divine thorns, given occult injury.

Name: Allmother’s Arms
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 4
Action: Tranquil prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: Shalherana takes aside a target within 10 meters, transporting them to Her nearest shrine should they fail a contest of Soul + Resilience (Malaise) rolls against the blessed.

Name: Chrysalis
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 4
Action: Tranquil stillness
Cost: 4
Duration: 12 hours
Spell: Lambent silk surrounds the blessed, encasing them in a beautiful cocoon. When the duration elapses, the blessed will emerge free of injury, maiming and illness and leave behind a bed of silk in their wake. If the process is interrupted, the blessed will be wrought malformed and premature until successful.

Name: Immunity
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 4
Action: Tranquil prayer, touch
Cost: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: The target of a hex or pact is given immunity to it (ending the effect) so long as the blessed succeeds a Soul + Resilience (Malaise) roll (DC 15+ Spell Level). Should the blessed fail, the target may attempt to resist in their stead upon a second cast with the same roll as the blessed. Should both attempts fail, the spell may be attempted again within a week.

Name: Recompense
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 4
Action: Tranquil prayer, touch
Cost: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: Shalherana attempts to return harm to the harmful. A contacted wound is laid upon the attacker that administered it unless they succeed a contest of Soul + Resilience (Malaise) with the blessed. The wound must be fresh, given within the last 12 hours; the spell cannot be repeated with the same wound.

Name: True Revival
Divine: Shalherana
Tier: 4
Action: Tranquil prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: 4 hours
Spell: A deceased body fully healed by Imposition or other means may be revived by the blessed following a rite for the duration of the spell. Cleaned and marked, the soul is imparted back to the body by Shalherana’s grace and returned to life just the same. The target will experience revival as normal, but be resultedly spared any ill effects.
Name: Quiver
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 1
Action: Unwavering prayer
Cost: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: The blessed may pull a divine arrow from nothingness to loose from a bow, taking the traits of silver when striking a target. Upon making contact, the arrow fades to nothing once more.

Name: Animal Call
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 1
Action: Cupping hands over the mouth
Cost: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: The blessed may impart a hidden message within an otherwise innocuous animal call, discernible only to chosen allies.

Name: Acclimate
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 1
Action: Unwavering prayer
Cost: 0
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: The body of the blessed adapts to hot or cold environments to give reprieve from harsh climates.

Name: Assertion
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 1
Action: Eye contact
Cost: 1
Duration: 10 rounds
Spell: A target is challenged by the blessed, unable to break eye contact should they fail a Soul + Resilience (Malaise) contest against the blessed’s Soul + Charisma (Intimidation). The target may attempt to break visual focus each turn, ending if they succeed the contest.

Name: Instinct
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 1
Action: Unwavering prayer
Cost: 1
Duration: 15 minutes
Spell: Allies within 5 meters of the blessed find their senses heightened, granting advantage on checks to discern illusions and find tracks.

Name: Quarry
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 2
Action: Unwavering prayer, touch
Cost: 2
Duration: 1 week
Spell: With a hand to tracks left by their intended prey, the blessed attempts to hex their quarry with a mark of the hunt. Should the target fail a contest of Soul + Resilience (Malaise) against the blessed, the blessed is alerted whenever their quarry is within 100, 50 and 25 meters of them for a week. The blessed may have up to their Soul attribute in active Quarry; at maximum, one must be dismissed to take on additional.

Name: Den
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 2
Action: Unwavering prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: 12 hours
Spell: A hut of foliage and greenery appears around the blessed in a 5 meter radius, camouflaging into the wilderness. For the duration, any entry or exit to and from the den immediately stirs the blessed.

Name: Fairfruit
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 2
Action: Touch
Cost: 2
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: Held fruit and leaf are purged of harmful effects to the mortal body, becoming wholly edible under the touch of the blessed; should they be ingested, a single nonlethal wound will be carefully healed over the next hour. Should it be harmed or exerted within this time, the wound reopens.

Name: Sparrow
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 2
Action: Whistling
Cost: 2
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: Upon a missed ranged attack, the blessed may, as a reaction, shapeshift the airborne projectile. Taking on the form of a bird, the projectile will turn around to make a second ranged attack the following turn, using Soul rather than Body on the next Ranged check. The blessed must keep focus on the spell and forgo all other offensive action until the second pass.

Name: Birdcall
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 2
Action: Birdsong
Cost: 2
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: Whistled song conjures a divine bird to the blessed, able to fetch light items or attack at their command using Soul + Handling (Summons/Animals). If struck, the bird fades away. While the spell is active, the blessed has disadvantage on any Body-based checks.

Name: Packmaster
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 3
Action: Unwavering prayer, touch
Cost: 3
Duration: Permanent
Spell: A willing target is added to the blessed’s pack, each member instinctually linked to the others. Each member is aware of the direction of their packmates and notified should one perish. The blessed may have a total equivalent to their Soul attribute within their pack; should a member die they are removed from the effect—should the blessed fall, the spell is wholly undone.

Name: Hunting Hound
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 3
Action: Whistling
Cost: 3
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: A divine hunting dog or wolf answers the beckon of the blessed, capable of biting and clawing with the strength of steel; checks are made with Soul + Handling (Summons/Animals), and the dog may sustain 2 attacks before being dispelled. The blessed suffers disadvantage on any Body-based checks made while the spell is active.

Name: Nocturnal
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 3
Action: Unwavering prayer
Cost: 3
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: The blessed gains acute darksight up to 75 meters away, with keen senses of smell and sound allowing them to easily make out their surroundings. They are able to detect invisible entities in this state with Soul + Awareness (Tracking) where necessary.

Name: Skinchange
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 3
Action: Unwavering prayer, active summon
Cost: 3
Duration: Prayer
Spell: The body of the blessed enters meditative prayer, allowing it to wholly inhabit a familiar from the spell Birdcall, Hunting Hound or Steed with full autonomy. In this state, they may depart the required range of the summon and engage in tasks otherwise too complex for the original spells. If attacked, or should the summon’s duration conclude, the blessed will be snapped back to their true body. Soul + Handling (Summons/Animals) is used for any relevant checks.

Name: Wildform
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 3
Action: Animal call
Cost: 3
Duration: 12 hours
Spell: Bodily shapeshifting, the blessed takes on the form, size and mobility of a mundane animal up to their size. In this state, they may use Soul + Handling (Animals) for any relevant checks. Injuries transfer between forms and their base state, and the blessed may recast to change form at any time. No other spells may be cast in this state, possessions disappearing and reappearing as the blessed enters and exits this spell.

Name: Prowl
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 4
Action: Silent stillness
Cost: 4
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: The blessed becomes undetectable by supernatural means, with mundane tracking failing to find a trail in turn. While under the effect of the spell, the blessed is utterly silenced, blending into their surroundings with uncanny camouflage. If desired, Soul may be used in place of Body for any Deception (Stealth) checks.

Name: Apex
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 4
Action: Unwavering prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: Hearing becomes so well-tuned that the blessed can make out any movement within 50 meters of them, immediately keen on its direction. They are able to tell each source apart from one another, and cannot hear through obstruction greater than 3 meters.

Name: Pure Instinct
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 4
Action: Unwavering prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: The blessed dispels illusions within 30 meters of them, able to sense what they truly are. For 1 hour, attempts to negate illusions around them are negated, and the blessed is made aware each time the spell prevents an illusory effect; they are not privy to the source.

Name: Volley
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 4
Action: Loosing an arrow skyward
Cost: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: Passing an arrow to the wind, Theodra responds with a hail of her own. A volley of mundane arrows falls in a 15 meter diameter area within 40 meters of the blessed; those within range must succeed a relevant defensive check against the blesssd’s AOE DC or suffer piercing injuries from the hail of arrows. The volley is mundane no matter the initial arrow spent, and may be used with the spell Quiver. Arrows dissipate after landing.

Name: Sacred Beast
Divine: Theodra
Tier: 4
Action: Beast Call
Cost: 4
Duration: 12 hours
Spell: A greater, powerful form is taken on by the blessed up to the size of a grizzly bear. In a graceful shift of shape, the blessed takes on the latent abilities of the mythical creature chosen. The blessed is capable of speech, and other spells may be cast in this state, using Soul + Handling (Animals) for relevant checks. Possessions disappear and reappear as the blessed enters and exits this form, and injuries transfer between forms.

(Maybe require a “token” of a slain beast to turn into it?)
Name: Cinder of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 1
Action: Fervent prayer
Cost: 0
Duration: Prayer
Spell: An ember flickers from the blessed’s finger, sustained by their prayer; this may be used to light candles or set fires, but cannot set something ablaze without external aid.

Name: Hour of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 1
Action: Fervent prayer
Cost: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: The time is alerted to the blessed inherently, prompting them to the proximity of sunrises and sunsets in whatever metric they choose to intuit.

Name: Glow of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 1
Action: Fervent prayer, touch
Cost: 0
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: A touched item is enveloped in light, emitting a luminous gleam. Only one item may be under this effect at a time.

Name: Scorn of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 1
Action: Fervent prayer
Cost: 1
Duration: Prayer
Spell: A hand of the blessed radiates heat, allowing their touch to burn like flame. So long as their prayer is maintained, the blessed may use their hand to inflict minor, energy-based injuries.

Name: Fidelity of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 1
Action: Fervent prayer
Cost: 1
Duration: Permanent
Spell: A lit flame is graced by Ignis Synnove to become everlasting, ascending from flame to become pure light. It no longer burns, instead gleaming gold in permanence unless manually snuffed.

Name: Smoke of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 2
Action: Fervent prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: 5 minutes
Spell: A shroud of black smoke encompasses a 3 meter radius around the blessed. Any attempts to see through the near-opaque smog require a successful Soul + Awareness (Passive) roll against the blessed’s AOE DC.

Name: Solace of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 2
Action: Fervent prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: Ignis Synnove dispels any bewitching effects upon a target within 10 meters; should the effect be of higher level than this spell, the blessed must use Soul + Resilience (Malaise) to contest the assailant’s manipulation check.

Name: Sword of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 2
Action: Fervent prayer, touch
Cost: 2
Duration: 15 minutes
Spell: A weapon is enwreathed in holy flame, allowing its wielder to use their Soul attribute in place of Body on melee checks. In this state, injuries inflicted may be considered Energy-based at the wielder’s discretion. The blessed may grant this to weapons beyond their own.

Name: Bereft of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 2
Action: Fervent prayer, touch
Cost: 2
Duration: 12 hours
Spell: A divine hex attempts to revoke the warmth of Ignis Synnove from a target; should they fail contested Soul + Resilience (Malaise) checks, the target feels chilled for the duration—they cannot find warmth in flame, and cannot create flame mundanely or through supernatural means equivalent or lesser than this spell. This may be dismissed at any time by the blessed.

Name: Sear of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 2
Action: Fervent prayer, touch
Cost: 2
Duration: Permanent
Spell: A nonlethal wound is cauterized under the touch of the blessed, burned shut into a golden scar. If the wound is harmed or exerted within an hour, it reopens.

Name: Sight of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 3
Action: Fervent prayer
Cost: 3
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: Darkness becomes wholly visible to the blessed up to 75 meters away. Items or entities concealed in shadow are seen as though in light. They may detect the falsehood of invisibility in this state, using Soul + Awareness (Insight) where necessary.

Name: Zeal of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 3
Action: Fervent prayer
Cost: 3
Duration: 15 minutes
Spell: Devotion and fervor supplement what the body cannot, allowing the blessed and allies within 5 meters to use their Soul attribute in place of Body for defensive checks if they so choose. During this time, licks of flame encircle the affected persons in a resplendent aura.

Name: Stockade of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 3
Action: Fervent prayer
Cost: 3
Duration: 15 minutes
Spell: A line of stakes lit aflame sprawls up to 30 meters in length, rising 1 meter tall. Should it intersect with a target, they must succeed a relevant check against the blessed’s AOE DC or suffer injury from the harsh flame. If the line intercepts a target during cast, it will not extend further; it collapses under blunt force.

Name: Certainty of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 3
Action: Fervent prayer, touch
Cost: 3
Duration: 10 minutes
Spell: Lies spoken within 10 meters, through omission, silence or genuine intent become known to the blessed, guilty parties suffering a harsh burn somewhere on their person. All within range are aware of this risk to their person, as well as the moment it ceases.

Name: Sunburst of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 3
Action: Fervent prayer
Cost: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: The light of Ignis Synnove descends upon a target within 10 meters, golden flame erupting in a 5 meter diameter around the impact. Targets within the blast must succeed a relevant defensive check against the blessed’s AOE DC or be seared by harsh light. This spell may be intercepted before reaching its intended target.

Name: Pledge of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 4
Action: Fervent prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: Until broken or void
Spell: A pledge is made before the court of Ignis Synnove, informing the blessed if the terms are ever broken. In addition to any predetermined stipulation, the target is left at the mercy of the blessed to decide whether they burst into flame under the effect of Sunburst of Synnove. The blessed may have as many as their Soul attribute in active contracts at a time; if another is made, one must be voided.

Name: Semblance of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 4
Action: Fervent prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: If cast in the moment of or preceding their death, the blessed’s being—including their possessions—turns to ash, reforming at the nearest Shrine to Ignis Synnove healed of injury. This spell cannot be performed for another month afterward; each instance of its use marks the blessed with a tattoo of a phoenix feather somewhere on their person.

Name: Order of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 4
Action: Fervent prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: Illusions within 30 meters of the blessed are dispelled, and any further attempts to create them are negated for 1 hour. During this period, the blessed is made aware any time the spell prevents an illusory effect, but not left privy to the direct source.

Name: Seal of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 4
Action: Fervent prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: An emblem of Ignis Synnove springs forth as a protective barrier 5 meters around the blessed, used to catch inbound projectiles and evaporate them in a burst of flame. In place of other defensive checks, the blessed may use this spell as a reaction with Soul + Resilience (Malaise).

Name: Seraph of Synnove
Divine: Ignis Synnove
Tier: 4
Action: Fervent prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: 2 hours
Spell: An angel of holy flame is besought into being, brandishing a sword of fire to fight for the blessed. Rolls from the seraph use Soul + Handling (Summons); it may be stricken a number of times equal to the blessed’s Soul attribute before the flame is snuffed out.
Name: Shield of Faith
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 1
Action: Militant prayer, an arm raised
Cost: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: A shield forms upon the free arm of the blessed, allowing them to use it to block in place of a mundane shield; the blessed cannot cast again for the remaining turn, but may maintain the shield as long as desired. It acts as mundane steel.

Name: Battlecry
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 1
Action: Calling out
Cost: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: The voice of the blessed overpowers all other sound, allowing them to be properly heard over any amount of external noise. This is superseded by effects that quiet or prevent speech.

Name: Fester Not
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 1
Action: Hand laid on arms or armor
Cost: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: All manner of blood, grime and the like are slaked off of the blessed, cleaning wounds and removing lingering hazards like spores, slivers and splinters.

Name: Dauntless Standard
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 1
Action: Militant prayer, an arm raised
Cost: 1
Duration: 15 minutes
Spell: A weapon held aloft is decorated with a lambent banner of the blessed’s choosing; should no weapon be available, a wholly intangible banner manifests in-hand instead. Allies within 5 meters are given advantage on saves against fear, sorrow and frenzy-based effects.

Name: Provocation
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 1
Action: Indicating the target
Cost: 1
Duration: 10 rounds
Spell: Should they fail a Soul + Resilience (Malaise) contest against the blessed’s Soul + Charisma (Intimidation), a target is provoked by the blessed, unable to break eye-contact until the blessed does so. The target may attempt each turn to break this visual focus, the spell ending early if the target succeeds.

Name: Hardship
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 2
Action: Militant prayer, touch
Cost: 2
Duration: 2 hours
Spell: A target is spared half the pain of injury, taken on by the blessed for the duration. Whilst this spell is active, the blessed may cast Martyr without requiring touch up to 15 meters away.

Name: Stand Thy Ground
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 2
Action: Militant prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: 30 minutes
Spell: Allies within 5 meters of the blessed feel a rush of adrenaline, emboldening their strength and resolve. For the duration, those affected by the spell find their footing more easily and gain advantage on defensive checks each turn they do not attack.

Name: Defend
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 2
Action: Militant prayer, defensive stance
Cost: 2
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: In reaction to an attack succeeding upon a target within 15 meters, the blessed may suddenly appear at their side to make an additional defensive check. Should they fail, the blessed is stricken in place of the original target.

Name: Arm Thyself
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 2
Action: Militant prayer, an arm raised
Cost: 2
Duration: 15 minutes
Spell: A blade—size varying at the discretion of the blessed—appears in hand, composed of a navy blue steel with a red sheen. Functioning as steel, the blessed may interchangeably use Body or Soul for Melee (Blades) checks with the weapon. If disarmed, it fades in the same fashion it appeared.

Name: Armor Clad
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 2
Action: Militant prayer
Cost: 2
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: Worn armor fades to nothingness at the prompt of the blessed’s prayer, leaving them with their garb beneath until the spell is recast. Upon recast, the previously dispelled armor is returned upon the blessed over the course of a single turn.

Name: Foible
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 3
Action: Militant prayer, touch
Cost: 3
Duration: 30 minutes
Spell: A piece of armor contacted by the blessed’s hand is rendered ethereal if the target fails a relevant defensive check against the blessed’s Soul + Unarmed (Grappling). For the duration, the piece of armor may be bypassed by attacks as though nonexistent.

Name: Stay Your Hand
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 3
Action: Militant prayer
Cost: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: A target within 10 meters must win a contest of Soul + Resilience (Malaise) with the blessed, finding their weapon returned to its sheath or altogether disarmed should they fail. Effects that keep a weapon in-hand grant immunity to this spell.

Name: Tremble Not
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 3
Action: Militant prayer
Cost: 3
Duration: 12 hours
Spell: Unrelenting bravery makes the blessed emotionally immovable. If cast, this spell dismisses any supernatural sway on the mind and wards the blessed from manipulation for the following 12 hours.

Name: Master-at-Arms
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 3
Action: Militant prayer
Cost: 3
Duration: 30 minutes
Spell: Valiant instills the prowess to use any melee weapon upon the blessed. For the duration, the blessed may use any Melee Focus for a specified weapon type they do not already possess Focus for.

Name: Javelin
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 3
Action: Militant prayer, reaching back an arm
Cost: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: A bolt of divine energy forms in the hand of the blessed, thrown forth up to 30 meters. The blessed may make a Soul + Ranged (Thrown) roll against a target’s relevant defensive check, inflicting energy-based injury should it succeed. It may strike multiple targets in a line.

Name: Stature
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 4
Action: Militant prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: The blessed grows 3 meters tall, their belongings matching the new proportions. They gain advantage on all Body + Might/Unarmed checks, and disadvantage on any Body + Dexterity checks for the duration; in this state, their effective melee range is doubled.

Name: Phalanx
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 4
Action: Militant prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell: An array of lambent shields forms a protective barrier 5 meters around the blessed, catching inbound projectiles and shattering them with severe force. This spell may be used as a reaction, utilizing Soul + Melee (Shields) in place of other defensive checks.

Name: Thy Given Word
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 4
Action: Militant prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: Until broken or void
Spell: As a target kneels and swears an oath to the blessed, it becomes divinely asserted, informing the blessed if the terms are broken. In addition to the vows of the oath, if the target forsakes their word the blessed may render upon them a lasting injury requiring divine healing to be rid of. The blessed may hold an equivalent of their Soul attribute in oaths sworn at any given time, with one made void to make room for any beyond.

Name: Companion
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 4
Action: Militant prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: 2 hours
Spell: A knight in shining armor answers the call of the blessed, bearing a sword and shield decorated with the colors of Valiant. Soul + Handling (Summons) is used for actions including attacking, and the knight may be struck a number of times equivalent to the blessed’s Soul attribute before falling in battle and dissipating.

Name: Thousand Cuts
Divine: Valiant
Tier: 4
Action: Militant prayer
Cost: 4
Duration: Prayer
Spell: Blades of light surround the blessed in a 15 meter radius amid cries of battle and fog of war to disrupt sound and sight. All within range but the blessed will be attacked by blades; should they fail a relevant defensive check (defaulting to Body + Resilience (Malaise)) against the blessed’s AOE DC, they are subject to physical slashing injury that turn.


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
Providence: The blessed’s soul is warded by their faith in their Divine. If something tries to possess them, or they’re targeted by an effect that is functionally identical to possession, the blessed may roll a d6 save to resist it. If they roll their tier or lower on the d6, the possession fails and has no effect. They are additionally fully immune to any attempts to lay claim to their soul, such as being trapped, imprisoned, or otherwise by a greater entity. For curses or afflictions like Vyrism or Spiritblessed, they may resist it outright or optionally roll a possession save against it.

Spiritual Allies: Certain creatures recognize the Blessed of certain gods and behave differently than they would to other mortals, so long as hostility isn’t shown to them.
  • Skraag: Mindless undead aren’t hostile to Skraag blessed.
  • Jishrim: Spiders aren’t hostile and treat the Blessed as allies.
  • Shalherana: Non-predatory wild animals aren’t bothered by the Blessed’s presence.
Tier One
Spiritual Weapon: Removed - Turned into Spell

(New) Humility: The blessed may forgo visual indication of their being chosen, hiding any outward divine indication in their spells and passives while maintaining their effects.

Blessed Form: The patron grants a direct enhancement to the blessed. This +1 bonus can be taken multiple times, but only once for each skill. Resilience, Awareness, Charisma and Lore are universally available options.

Wellbeing: Allies within 5 blocks gain advantage on saves against the effects of poison, disease, possession and vyre infection.
Tier Two

Martyr: Removed - Turned into Spell

(New) Divine Scholar: Versed in study of their patron’s history and verse, the blessed may lean on their understanding to supplement their spirituality. The blessed may use Mind in place of Soul for any of their own spell rolls.

Blind Faith: The blessed relies wholly and unquestioningly on their faith in times of confusion, and may use Soul instead of Mind when rolling to resist mental effects.

Imbued Weapons: Weapons wielded by the blessed are touched by their divine, saturating them with unconventional power. The blessed may optionally substitute their physical damage type with another, allowing a weapon to bypass mundane defenses with greater ease. The weapon’s imbuement manifests as the divine’s lambent energy dancing along it, radiating their colors.

  • Ignis Synnove: Sunlight (Energy)
  • The Grey Lady: Frost (Energy)
  • Korog: Molten Metal (Energy)
  • Theodra: Silver (Occult)
  • Jax: Gold (Mental)
  • Shalherana: Thorns (Occult)
  • Sallana: Hearthfire (Energy)
  • Valiant: Lightning (Energy)
  • Jishrim: Darkness (Mental)
  • Visage: Venom (Occult)
  • Skraag: Rot (Occult)

Tier Three
Spirit and Blood: Ascending their physicality, the blessed’s person gains a DC 7 armor save against mundane attacks. This does not stack with physical armor, but may supersede it if the armor is reduced to be less effective. This protection does not extend to occult, mental or energy-based damage.

Aethersight: The blessed can see the presence of magic as a faint aura outlining spells, artifacts, or similar magical items and effects. This aura appears purple for arcane spells, and white for divine spells. They gain a +2 on rolls to discern illusions, and have no penalty on awareness checks to detect invisible foes.

Inspiration: The blessed serves as a beacon of hope to their allies, bolstering their resolve. Allies within 5 blocks may substitute the blessed’s Soul score for their own on checks to resist effects or conditions.
Tier Four
Anathema: Non-mortal foes are scourged by divine presence, actively harming unnatural beings within 5 meters as though being pieced apart. The nature of Anathema is flavored to the blessed’s patron, such as the flame of Ignis. For summons or creatures with a specified amount of strikes to their personage, it deals the equivalent of two strikes each round. Extraplanar entities such as figments, fiends, supernatural phenomena such as ghosts, and otherwise unnatural beings such as undead, elementals and summoned creatures are affected, so long as the blessed is hostile to them. It does not apply a physical condition beyond harm.

Eternal: The blessed’s injuries heal at an unnatural rate and in unnatural ways. Nonlethal injuries mend within one day OOC, and lethal injuries no longer guarantee death, healing after two days OOC. Lost limbs regrow over the course of a week, extremities take days. Healing leaves scars in place of the injury as normal. If slain, the blessed may regenerate from a corpse, so long as the heart and head are not obstructed. Revival in this method does not count towards the standard revival count, but must be recorded on the revival thread with 'Eternal' specified as the method. The usual memory loss mechanics apply to revival; the details of their death are hazy, and they remember little of the actual deed.

Bulwark: A divine aegis protects the blessed and extends to those in their vicinity. If the blessed successfully saves against an effect caused by a magical creature/environment, all allies within 10 blocks are considered to have saved as well. If they successfully save against an effect caused by a spell, arcane or divine, the spell is neutralized before having any significant effect.


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
I only just finished this one today--again, not all of these are perfect, even the concept may be flawed. Idea was that each divine had 10 graces available, and each grace was available to two Gods. If you didn't want to go through one divine, you could go through the other.
Graces: Proposal
In lieu of the new Divine Progression Goals, putting those forward as the means to obtain a grace from a deity would permit players to undertake devotion with a bit more intent.

Graces manifest the same as curses—passive effects laden on a character’s person. So long as the character and their deeds align with the divine providing, they can apply for a specific grace and be granted it at Divine Team’s discretion. It may similarly be taken away should certain requirements be met. Graces are held on the same level as T2/T3 passives, and may be achieved by those arduous means.

  • 10 total prominent deeds.
  • Must have completed the ‘meaningful ritual or practice’ deed for any tier.
  • Must consistently adhere to the tenets and values of their patron.
  • Must not be actively cursed by their patron.
  • If blessed, the divines cannot oppose or conflict.
  • If not blessed, must adhere to the standards of the divine.
  • The Exalt may pick a single grace from their own divine so long as they retain the title.

List of Graces

Grace: Sanction
Divines: Shalherana, Valiant
Effect: The graced cannot suffer disadvantage on attacks if their target has harmed them successfully within 7 days.

Grace: Amends
Divines: Shalherana, Sallana
Effect: The graced may make mundane Mind + Medicine (Healing) checks at advantage. Alchemical concoctions do not apply this benefit.

Grace: Consequential
Divines: Shalherana, Jishrim
Effect: Scars left by the graced, through healing or harming, cannot be removed through any means, appearing through supernatural glamours and overlaid markings.

Grace: Virtue
Divines: Shalherana, Ignis Synnove
Effect: The graced may take the curses or hexes of a target upon themselves so long as they maintain contact. Afterward, the target cannot feel this reprieve for another 12 hours.

Grace: Gold Leaf
Divines: Shalherana, Jax
Effect: Golden leaves illuminate along weapons or armor held by the graced in much the same fashion as blooded silver’s feathering; the leaves remark a divine curse, hex or grace in a 6 meter proximity of the item.

Grace: Dweller
Divines: Shalherana, Theodra
Effect: The graced is attuned with nature such that they may use Soul in place of Mind for any Lore (Nature) rolls, intuiting their answers rather than needing to learn or know.

Grace: Eternity
Divines: Shalherana, Korog
Effect: Trees nurtured or cut and crafted by the graced are not subject to deterioration in any natural capacity, lasting until the end of time against pests, pestilence and other sources of wear.

Grace: Pale Birch
Divines: Shalherana, The Grey Lady
Effect: Any weapon or stake wielded by the graced takes on the effects of a birch stake for the purposes of use against vyres and other supernatural phenomena.

Grace: Begrudging
Divines: Shalherana, Visage
Effect: Wounds inflicted or healed by the graced may be reminded upon a touched target, exposing them to the pain of every compiled wound as though freshly administered.

Grace: Foreverafter
Divines: Shalherana, Skraag
Effect: The skin of the graced graced is frozen in time, unable to gain scars under any circumstance. Injuries occur just the same, but eventually heal back to an appearance of normalcy even if the underlying damage persists.

Grace: Protective
Divines: Valiant, Sallana
Effect: The graced may make an armor save on behalf of a target within 1 meter of them once each turn.

Grace: Rampant
Divines: Valiant, Jishrim
Effect: The graced cannot be placated from violence by supernatural influence; spells that prevent harm or influence emotions have no deterring effect on the graced’s desire to inflict violence.

Grace: Code of Conduct
Divines: Valiant, Ignis Synnove
Effect: Energy-based attacks made upon the graced may be negated with physical armor saves rather than Energy.

Grace: Keen
Divines: Valiant, Jax
Effect: Weapons held by the graced are ever-sharp, always keeping an edge or point in their hands. Broken weapons will hold-together or make useful in some fashion so long as the graced holds them.

Grace: Readiness
Divines: Valiant, Theodra
Effect: Bolstered vitality permits the graced great stature; their body is consistently honed with musculature, and they may dismiss imposed disadvantage on a single Body-based check each day as a result.

Grace: Heavyweight
Divines: Valiant, Korog
Effect: The weight of the blessed is doubled in any circumstance unless they actively restrain the effect. They are given advantage in physical checks to avoid being moved.

Grace: Verdict
Divines: Valiant, The Grey Lady
Effect: Whenever the graced must act as justiciar, the crimes of their target become known to all around them for 21 days. During this time, the guilt ascribed to the target by the graced is made known to any within 10 meters of them—alerting them of the culprit's crime.

Grace: Polished
Divines: Valiant, Visage
Effect: Metals worn or held by the graced take on a perfect reflective sheen, no matter the wear upon them. This may be used to redirect light or energy-based attacks with a successful defensive Soul + Lore (Arcana) check.

Grace: Brutal
Divines: Valiant, Skraag
Effect: Whenever blood spatters the personage of the graced, their own wounds are stemmed until it dries. As long as the blood of their enemies remarks them, the graced cannot perish of a lethal wound.

Grace: Spontaneous
Divines: Sallana, Jishrim
Effect: Unpredictable notions spur the graced, preventing their actions from ever being supernaturally divined or predicted with complete accuracy. Not only can they give an averse answer to upcoming actions or telegraphing, the graced is aware whenever another attempts to probe as much of them.

Grace: Warmth
Divines: Ignis Synnove, Sallana
Effect: Guarded against the cold, the blessed can comfortably endure wintery climates in lighter garb; supernatural cold such as spells or shadowblessed may supercede their resistance.

Grace: Bardic
Divines: Sallana, Jax
Effect: The whimsical presence of the graced grants a rhythm to their ensemble, coordinating them while leaving foes discordant. The graced may choose the order of initiative where required, and their allies can tell their intent without need of verbal communication at all times.

Grace: Seasonal
Divines: Sallana, Theodra
Effect: The garb of the graced acclimates to wherever they find themselves, lining with feathers or fur in cold climates, slimming to light silks or leathers in warmth, and adjusting for rain, snow, ash and any other obscure condition they may face. Mundane terrain or natural conditions cannot cause disadvantage for the graced.

Grace: Brimming
Divines: Sallana, Korog
Effect: Exuberance and merriment from the graced act as protectorate for their kin. So long as they dine together, the graced may make a Soul + Resilience (Endurance) check to mitigate poisons upon their allies.

Grace: Woe
Divines: Sallana, The Grey Lady
Effect: An air of sorrow pervades around the graced, giving them advantage on checks to resist emotional influence.

Grace: Vanity
Divines: Sallana, Visage
Effect: Mirrors always seem to show the graced as though head-on, even if not directly facing them. So long as they are within 50 meters, the graced will be shown instead of any other reflection. They can intuitively tell whenever they are being scryed upon.

Grace: Bleeding Heart
Divines: Sallana, Skraag
Effect: The graced may sate any vyre with their emotions as if a Lover, superseding any need to feed upon blood so long as the graced is of heightened passions.

Grace: Prismatic
Divines: Jishrim, Ignis Synnove
Effect: Light in the presence of the graced takes on a color of their choosing, which affects all surrounding items bar illusions or hallucinations, which the fabricator thereof must consciously keep up with.

Grace: Chaotic
Divines: Jishrim, Jax
Effect: The graced may attempt to negate Occult-based attacks with physical armor saves rather than Occult defense.

Grace: Raptorial
Divines: Jishrim, Theodra
Effect: Biting or clawing attacks from the graced may be treated as steel for the purposes of potency.

Grace: Eclectic
Divines: Jishrim, Korog
Effect: The handiwork of the graced cannot be mundanely or supernaturally identified, too much a mosaic of inspiration. Their artisanry cannot be discerned, handwriting cannot be attributed, and their work cannot be tracked or traced to them. To an outside eye, too many influences cloud the sum product.

Grace: Deadly
Divines: Jishrim, The Grey Lady
Effect: Whenever killing a target, the graced ensures agony lasts with their soul until they revive. Every death retains some form of lasting trauma for the victim, be it a lesson or a phobia.

Grace: Mired Mind
Divines: Visage, Jishrim
Effect: Guarded by divine means, the graced is given chainmail-equivalent protection against all mental attacks; this effect is overridden by higher protections or effects that negate it.

Grace: Dreadful
Divines: Jishrim, Skraag
Effect: The graced may make any variety of mundane Charisma (Intimidation) check with advantage due to some horrid cadence or countenance about them.

Grace: Decadent
Divines: Ignis Synnove, Jax
Effect: Every article of esteem on the person of the graced holds a beautiful sheen, decorated with gold and silver filigree. The pure metals prevent vyre infection and infernal possession upon the graced.

Grace: Hierarch
Divines: Ignis Synnove, Theodra
Effect: An air of superiority surrounds the graced, commanding the respect of animals under their reins. Soul + Handling (Animals) is rolled at advantage for the purposes of taming or reaction.

Grace: Crucible
Divines: Ignis Synnove, Korog
Effect: Weapons held by the graced take on the heat of Irzis-Fyr when striking. The weapon does not burn itself, nor the graced wielder, but it will take on the orange glow of heated metal.

Grace: Pyrelight
Divines: Ignis Synnove, The Grey Lady
Effect: The graced cannot be burned by mundane fire, which instead illuminate around their person in divine hues. Flame actively caused by supernatural means will bypass the effect and sear the graced as normal.

Grace: Luminary
Divines: Ignis Synnove, Visage
Effect: Exceptionally persuasive, the graced may make any variety of mundane Charisma (Persuasion) check with advantage due to some inherent influence in their voice and presentation.

Grace: Reborn
Divines: Ignis Synnove, Skraag
Effect: The graced may subvert the need for any sort of revival one time, remade at the nearest shrine of their patron as their original body disperses into ash and dust. After use, this grace cannot be regained.

Grace: Opportunist
Divines: Jax, Theodra
Effect: With a touch, the graced can tell if a target is under the effects of a hex or curse, be it arcane or divine; they know no details beyond the “yes” or “no”.

Grace: Crafty
Divines: Jax, Korog
Effect: Nimble, dextrous fingers remark the graced; they have advantage on any Body + Deception (Thievery) checks to arm, disarm, lock or unlock mechanisms.

Grace: Tilted Scales
Divines: Jax, The Grey Lady
Effect: Fortune changes at the behest of the graced, allowing them to reroll any undesired luck-based outcome in a twist of fate.

Grace: Seaborne
Divines: Jax, Visage
Effect: The graced will always float in water unless willed otherwise. They can be anchored by weight greater than their own, but will otherwise make way to the surface without need to swim.

Grace: Rotten Luck
Divines: Jax, Skraag
Effect: If cursed or hexed, the graced may pawn off their misfortune to another within 5 meters; should they leave the graced, the former target is immune to the effect for 12 hours.

Grace: Self-Assured
Divines: Theodra, Korog
Effect: Defensive Mind + Resilience (Mental) checks are made at advantage, with the graced much too certain of themselves to be easily swayed or attacked.

Grace: Vigilant
Divines: Theodra, The Grey Lady
Effect: Soul may be used in place of Mind for any Awareness (Passive) check the graced makes, allowing them a supernatural sense for the world surrounding.

Grace: Observant
Divines: Theodra, Visage
Effect: Any Mind + Awareness (Tracking) checks are made at advantage if the graced has perceived their intended target within 12 hours.

Grace: Sanguine
Divines: Theodra, Skraag
Effect: Consuming blood or flesh allows the graced to take on attributes of its source, be it mortal or beast. For 12 hours, the graced takes on an appearance in hybrid of themselves and their prey, gaining natural weapons equivalent to steel.

Grace: Constance
Divines: Korog, The Grey Lady
Effect: Ever-present and terminal, the graced does not appear to age by natural means. This is superseded by supernatural aging effects such as spells, hexes or alchemy.

Grace: Methodical
Divines: Korog, Visage
Effect: Intrepid in their artifice, the graced is given advantage on any Mind + Crafting (Engineering) roll.

Grace: Everlasting
Divines: Korog, Skraag
Effect: In the event of their death, the body of the graced cannot be further harmed; they cannot be staked unless it was the cause of death and cannot be dismembered in any fashion.

Grace: Gloom
Divines: The Grey Lady, Visage
Effect: The graced may perfectly conceal their attributes in shadow, becoming physically indiscernible even by means of seeing in the dark.

Grace: Graven
Divines: The Grey Lady, Skraag
Effect: Undead cannot harm the graced due to divine intervention. Attempts to do so will disintegrate the offending limb of the perpetrator.

Grace: Prevaricator
Divines: Visage, Skraag
Effect: The aesthetic changes and vulnerabilities that come with vyredom are masked upon the graced, not even triggering the appearance upon masterwork blooded silver’s proximity. While holy water and blooded silver still harm as they would, they do not visibly appear to do so.


Based on what?
Retired Staff
happy these get to see the light of day. Thank you for your hard work and contribution


A miserable little pile of secrets
Thank you for your dedication and creative vision :heart:

I think there's a lot we can take away from this draft to improve the Divine system and make it feel fresh and balanced.