Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Do you need anything? Request it here (FREE!)


Lord of Altera
I now this is a tall order but I need a little more than 1,000 obsidian for a project I'm working on. I don't expect all of it but every little bit helps :D.
So I managed to get most of the obsidian I needed and only need a little more. I'll take what you gathered and throw some items your way in thanks. Is there something you need to fill an order?


Lord of Altera
So I managed to get most of the obsidian I needed and only need a little more. I'll take what you gathered and throw some items your way in thanks. Is there something you need to fill an order?
Nothing really for an order, just enderpearls for a project I'm working on, so if you have any that you won't use, I'd much appreciate it!


Lord of Altera
My name is checked off on the list but I haven't gotten the items yet :eek:
It's struck through, which means I have the items, but I haven't delivered them yet. Items and names that are not struck through are still in progress. Once it is delivered, it will come onto the "Finished and Delivered" list. I'd love to come online and deliver to both of you, but I can't come online anymore today, I'll probably be on tomorrow though.


Lord of Altera
Hey, Shrimpsy, if you still need/want, I have a few stacks of beef in the mailbox outside my house. Are you able to access it if I put your name on the lockette?

Directions to mah house: On Elumeril Island (airdocks -> Tauredal -> E. Island), you go to the village (to the right of the manor), and walk all the way down the cobbled road, then turn left at the end (Rox's house), and a second left will take you to my front door. Hope this helps. :)


Lord of Altera
Great, that'd really help! Also, I'll soon be putting up a donation chest, with a hopper so I don't have to put you all on lockette! :)


Legend of Altera
Um, I have a fine amount of radiants but no one put blaze powder on WebAuctionPlus so I was wondering if you could get me a few. I don't care about the amount. Also, if you can, some ghast tears. I might give you the potions I make in return for donations.=)


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
This may seem like an odd request, but I need someone with experience level 34 to partially repair my almost broken enchanted pickaxe :)


Lord of Altera
Gah, thank you all for bumping on this, I have really been slacking theses couple last days. Added the requests, and adding instructions on how to get to the donation chest!


Legend of Altera
Gah, thank you all for bumping on this, I have really been slacking theses couple last days. Added the requests, and adding instructions on how to get to the donation chest!
Umm.. where are the instructions for directions to the donation chest going to be?


I think I might like it here
I was wondering if you could try and find me a respiration helmet, any level and material will do.


Lord of Altera
Ablus's building supply list.​
20 spruce wood​
128 stone​
2 doors​
2 fence gates​
128 fences​
1 furnace​
64 spruce wood planks​
1 crafting table​
1 iron hoe​
1 stone axe​
I'm planning on building something, and I estimated everything up there. I am okay with it taking a long time, or a short time. Leave it in the chest at Thundervall, that has a private sign with gamemonster55, and shrimpsy on it. Directions to Thundervall:​
Look for the stormhold ship. Go to stormhold. Go to the stable, and find Thundervall. There you go.​