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Dossier: Nemesis


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Seen on the field at the Fall of Stormhold

Description: Covered in obsidian armor customary of Grief's forces. What is underneath the armor is not visible, but the head is a withered and fire blackened skull.
Rank: Specialist. A particularly strong soldier. No command of units.
Known abilities: Strong soldier, particularly durable.
Threat Level: 6 of 10.
If seen on the field, engage using 7 or more men, preferably under cover with somewhere to fall back to. He will take a long time to go down, but he is not inhumanly fast, so it is feasible a particularly strong swordsman could hold him off for the time required for a group to converge on him.


Retired Staff
Update: Sighted at Witches' Brew, did not engage in combat. Possibly capable of pyrokinesis as flames cut off pursuers during chase.


Non sum qualis eram
Tracked down by a party. Killed several but was cornered in a lava pool and it's speed was restricted enough that the remaining members were able to kill it.


Roleplay keeper
.. ~ No. Sheila gave Nem(i) esis a tiny and very rough crystalic heart. So that he'd not forget her even if he was to go through a rough battle.


Dark Council Elite
-2nd of Fogwater, 2259-
Confirmed Deceased
Albareth Committed Final Deed
Attack Party formed by Fronte
Minimal Casualties


Dark Council Elite
*The writing looks as though the writer was in pain as he wrote.*

-Nemesis killed a second time by Peter Wise's Son.
-Stopped Nether Crawler
-Held City
-Casualties, Several Wounded
-Fury Survived

~Fronte - 4th of Fogwater, 2259


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I love how you all are totally oblivious of the symbolic significance of his name.


We demons of our solemn hour
Oocly: nemesis is the greek and roman goddess of revenge in the relentless way.
If this is what Legion means it'd be smartest to lock him instead of having him killed which is giving him chance to come back for revenge and kill more.

Fun fact: nemesis is also known as the inescapable.

Ic: Why do we keep killing the things that will come back anyway. If we find a way to. . Perhaps trap him.
We are no longer bothered by him.
I suggest a piston pitfall.
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
I killed him for no reason..? Dont you all worry! Ill kill him again... and again... and again... Until grief is so disappointed of him that she kills him herself.


The Arbiter of the Gods
I love how you all are totally oblivious of the symbolic significance of his name.
... Well now that it occurred to me, he's probably getting stronger every time we kill him. And has a nice list of people he'll personally murder.


We demons of our solemn hour
... Well now that it occurred to me, he's probably getting stronger every time we kill him. And has a nice list of people he'll personally murder.
Oocly: nemesis is the greek and roman goddess of revenge in the relentless way.
If this is what Legion means it'd be smartest to lock him instead of having him killed which is giving him chance to come back for revenge and kill more.

Fun fact: nemesis is also known as the inescapable.

Ic: Why do we keep killing the things that will come back anyway. If we find a way to. . Perhaps trap him.
We are no longer bothered by him.
I suggest a piston pitfall.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I killed him for no reason..? Dont you all worry! Ill kill him again... and again... and again... Until grief is so disappointed of him that she kills him herself.

Queen Leminth, after speaking with one of her Generals, has issued the Order that Nemesis is to be detained and potentially captured, wounded yet not killed barring further research.