Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

[Event] Beckoning


Events Staff
Very Sweet

As the ash falls from the skies like snow, people find that every once in a while there is a stray blood droplet upon the ground. It is no blood rain, but it is a faint reminder of the time the Vyre came to be, and every Vyre finds there to be a deep sense of familiarity. They also find themselves inexplicably drawn to a location, a cave lined with flickering blue flame and the overwhelming scent of iron. A great pool of blood, and they remember the dreams of wading into the seas. Fear mingles with anticipation, and yet this time there is perhaps the illusion of choice. They can go, to sate their curiosities, to embrace what they have become, to continue on the path they've followed... Or they can stay back, and never know what awaited them. Some may find themselves simply too taken with the idea, focused only on the pool, unable to resist.

Somewhere in the mountains near the Landing is a cave. This cave will cause mild anxiety and fear in those who enter it if they are not a Vyre, and if they continue on to being within three metres(blocks) of the blood pool they will find themselves suffering from intense bleeding from the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, with prolonged exposure killing them outright and dissolving their bodies into blood that will enter the pool itself. Taking the blood (or skulls, or anything from within) outside the cave results in it boiling away, unable to be stored or kept as trinkets.

Vyres who enter the cave and reach the pool will feel compelled to wade into the blood itself and over the span of merely ten seconds their bodies will melt away into blood, dispersing with that of the pool. They will feel a sort of connection with something greater, something unknown, and then reform into themselves in the middle of the pool, coated in blood and garbed in black robes. Upon stepping out of the pool, the majority of the blood upon them will seep into their skin, and they feel satiated, well fed, and distinctly different. Changed.

In the coming days, they'll find a sort of gem on their person. Those in the possession of Vyre bodies who have turned into 'Relics', will find they are left with a single black skull instead...

- - -

This event is more a constant location up until the end of the week, giving ample time for people to visit it and roleplay it accordingly when they desire. The effects are outlined above, but ultimately it means you are choosing to stay a Vyre and enter the new system or you can opt to not 'change' and you'll find yourself cured with an announcement on Sunday describing the process. (I have added a part that allows characters to feel more compelled for those of you who want to be in it OOC but the character might not.) Those entering the new system will need to follow the new lore and post their profiles soon after the 'Change', and whilst your grandfathered rank has been given to you and your bloodline remains the same, you can choose what 'type' of Vyre you'll become. Be it Biters, Nobles, etc, as outlined on the Vyre thread.

Relics are explained [here] in detail, as well as 'who' they are. There are no props for these items but ensure you keep Lore updated on their locations.

Once you've posted your profile I'll go through and send out some items via the mailbox plugin some time after Sunday. It'll just be a small reminder of the event.

You can find the new lore here; [ x ]
As well as the FAQ here; [ x ]

The cave is located in this area:

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