Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Inactive Faelin of Eldor


King's Hand
Yea the thread that were meant for real legendary weapons, but then every newcomer, playing 2 weeks, posted his amazing kitchen knife in there...

frank frappuccino

Lord of Altera
Yea the thread that were meant for real legendary weapons, but then every newcomer, playing 2 weeks, posted his amazing kitchen knife in there...
*Cough* "This thread is for you to write however much you want about your named sword. Post the name and material, as well as a little (or big) story, and they will be added to the list. So go, this is your chance to be creative and if you really are a warrior, then why not tell your trusty weapon of choice's tale!" *Cough*


The Arbiter of the Gods
Anyway, how about some Misericorde? These daggers were long and narrow, and used to end people's lives if they were wounded and stuff. They were usually purty too :3

Classy example there :3


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Anyway, how about some Misericorde? These daggers were long and narrow, and used to end people's lives if they were wounded and stuff. They were usually purty too :3

Classy example there :3
Hmm... It's pretty, but the blade is double edged... And for hunting, that probably won't be helpful. :p