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Active Fania Brus - The Bull


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper


FaniaMylohkFin resized.jpg
Art by BlazingStred
Full Name: Fania Myranda Eleanor Brus
Nickname/Alias: Lady, Lady Brus, Ma'am, Sir
Title: Lady of House Brus, Dame, Lady of Iossey (former), Barones of Abermore (former), Queensguard to Queen Diamond Azerwind I (former), Queensguard to Queen Citrine G. Azerwind (retired).
Gender: Female
Orientation: Yes.
Age: Yes
Injuries: Healed

Family: Her brothers and sisters in battle and her rather large family.
Parenting: Both her parents were strict but loving, letting Fania choose her path but teaching Fania that she needs to finish what she starts.
Upbringing: Her mother taught her everything a woman is expected to know while helping her father teach her how to take care of herself and others. Taught to be kind but strict.
Childhood: During her early years she was already being taught everything necessary to one day become the lady of House Brus by her parents and several tutors.
Adolescence: Spent years as a squire before rising to the rank of Dame before her training was continued. Prepared to take on her role as the lady of House Brus from the age of 13 and onwards.
Adulthood: Became the lady of House Brus at the age of 16, taking on the role of leader.
Coming of Age: Eventhough she has been prepared for it her entire life she had to grow into being the lady of House Brus. From her parents she has learned to be kind but at the same time be strict and deliver swift justice to those who deserve it.

Species: Human
Preferred Hand: Ambidextrous
Eye Color: Blue.
Hair Color Red.
Hairstyle: Her currently long hair is worn in a braid updo.

Complexion: Kind and disciplined.
Build: Underneath her concealing clothes she's rather muscled thanks to years of practice and training.
Height: 5'9".
Weight: You shouldn't ask that.
Distinguishing Features: Red hair and blue eyes.

Jasper-(Aug+Sept) resized.jpg
Art by Lena B Wolf​

Health: Healthy and fit.
Energy: A lot of energy thanks to her dexterity training.
Memory: Sharp and accurate.
Handicaps: None.
Medication: None.
Phobias: You'd like to know, wouldn't you?
Addictions: None.
Mental Disorders: None.

Art by Ruu
Mode of Dress:
Fania either wears the Brus armour or her current more formal attire.
Grooming: Her hair is extremely well-kept.
Posture: She always has a 'proper' posture. Walks upright with her chest out and her head held high. While walking her shoulders remain leveled and her head does not move.
Sits upright with her legs either pressed together with her feet touching or crossed at the knee.
Mannerisms: Impeccable.
Scent: She mostly smells sweet.

Attitude: She acts and reacts with kindness unless someone throws said kindness back into her face or crosses a line. Once they do this she will be real strict.
Stability: Extremely stable.
Expressiveness: Speaks her mind when she feels it is needed but she will never be blunt about it unless absolutely necessary.

Current Residence: Mockingbay.

-Red dress
-Brown gown
-Her Azerwind armour
-Her House Brus armour

Casual and combat-oriented wear:
Either the Brus armour or the Azerwind armour.
While wearing armour her hair would generally be in a knot on the back of her head so it doesn't interfere with her ability to fight or it would be braided and left hanging on her chest.

Formal and semi-casual wear:
For formal and semi-casual wear her wardrobe consists of a long red dress or a golden gown with either a bodice or a corset worn (to offer some sort of resistance against attacks).
She would wear the House Brus signet ring on her left ring finger along with a bracelet around her right wrist and an armlet around her left arm while her arms would be covered in gloves.
A leather choker would be fitted around her neck while a leather strap is attached to her left leg, containing a dagger.
Her hair would either be in a knot, braid or just loose.

-Arming sword
-Bastard sword and sheath
-Heater shield

-Armlet on her left arm when unarmoured.
-House Brus signet ring on her left index finger.
-Engagement ring on her right ring finger.

Funds: Plenty.
Home: Iossey.
Prized possessions: House Brus signet ring, her honour and her arming sword.

Loves: Cory
Marital Status: Not married yet

Occupation: Military leader, Dame, lady.
Work Ethnic: Hard work is rewarded.
Income: Plenty.
Wealth Status: Upper class.
Experience: Eventhough she has spent her entire life working towards being the lady of a noble house her parents have taught her that hard work will be rewarded.
This is why she gladly helps building the buildings her House needs and cooking for feasts.
Organizations/Affiliations: House Brus and Abermore.

Education: Extremely well educated.
Intelligence: Rather high.

Religion: An Harateth/Ignite at heart, but she has grown to believe that each gods is a part of the full picture, like angels to a god. This has now been legitimized by the Ignis church.
Morals: Loyalty, fairness, equality and honour are important to her.
Motivation: To do what's right.
Priorities: Loyalty and honour.
Etiquette: Exquisite/flawless/impeccable.

Main Goal: To have House Brus remain strong along with Abermore.
Minor Goals/Ambitions: Help the people.
Career: Lady of House Brus and military leader.
Accomplishments: Brought House Brus back to a solid position and fought in a couple of battles like the first day of the Siege of Breakwater.
Greatest Achievement: Re-establishing House Brus' military prowess.
Secrets: Yellow!

Fania Brus finished.png
Art by Elz​

Hobbies/Interests: Training, playing violin and helping others.
Likes: Working, helping those who need it, training and music.
Savvy: Politics, combat, tactics and people.

Strengths: She is rather strong, agile and swift, is skilled in martial arts and fighting with a sword/sword and shield among a few other weapons. Great dexterity and stress-resistance.
Flaws: Always honest and honourable.
Perception: Acute.
Instincts: Extremely sharp.
Cruel Streak: Deserters, traitors and those who break an oath/their word and cause other people severe harm because of it.

Favorite Colors: Red and orange.
Favorite Animals: Ponies and cats.
Favorite Places: Anywhere people are or green.
Favorite Foods: Salads, strawberries and peanuts.
Favorite Drinks: Wine.

Least Favorite Colors: Bright lime.
Least Favorite Animals: Rats and snakes.
Least Favorite Places: Infirmary.
Least Favorite Foods: No food.
Least Favorite Drinks: Really really strong rooibos tea.

Common (fluent)
Lavoyarde (fluent)
Rede (near-fluent)
Elven (enough to get by)

Role: Lady of House Brus, lady of Iossey and vassal to Abermore Queensguard to Citrine G. Azerwind and vassal to Azerwind.
Fulfillment: Hard work pays off.
Alignment: Lawful good.
Symbol: The current House Brus sigil.

-Chastity: Knowledge, honesty, wisdom.
-Temperance: Humanity, justice, honour, abstinence.
-Charity: Will, benevolence, generosity, sacrifice.
-Diligence: Persistence, fortitude, effort, ethics, rectitude/righteousness.
-Patience: Forgiveness.
-Kindness: Satisfaction, loyalty, compassion, integrity.
-Humility: Bravery, modesty, reverence, altruism.

Body - 5
Mind - 3
Soul -2

Melee - 5+++ (two-handed blades)
Grappling - 4+++ (unarmed combat)
Ranged - 3++ (crossbows)
Fortitude - 3++ (enduring pain/damage)
Awareness - 3+ (perception of surroundings)
Determination - 3+ (pushing through/resisting influences)
Evasion - 2++ (evading attacks)
Might - 2+ (exerting force)
Stealth - 2
Survival - 0+ (tracking)


Art by Kam

Cory - No matter the obstacle, we will Endure and Overcome. RagingLunacy

Isabell Goodman - Now where have you flown off to?
Celestine Brus - I will teach you everything my parents taught me and more.
Hayley Brus - You are like a daughter to me.
Citrine G. Azerwind - I hope those after me can teach you what I evidently could not.


Mylohk - As horrible as it sounds, you will find a way to tune it out some day. You are a good man.
Trefor - Make sure you keep that compassion of yours.
Anwar - Someone who knows how to dress well.
Aesi - Put Byrne in your museum as a collector's edition item.
Byrne - Loyalty is vital, to a certain point.

Leofaren - You patched me up after the battle, and then helped Kopii take care of my injuries. I can not thank you enough. Shankster
Kopii - You have my gratitude, but I do hope we meet again under better circumstances. Omikuji


It's Complicated

Trebuchets - They do not understand like I do.

Borgan Anguta - Wherever you are, I hope you're safe.
Raelur Fen'Shal - You keep watch beyond, I will keep watch here.
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Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Fania's Family

Lord William Brus (ancestor)

Lady Myranda Gwynne-Brus (ancestor)

Lord Christopher Brus (Fania's father)

Lady Meredith Morse-Brus (Fania's mother)

Lady Fania Brus
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Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Art stuff:





Jasper-Fania resized.png
Milah ElenaSkitalets Dec 2019 resized.png
Elena Skitalets

Jasper-(Aug+Sept) resized.jpg
Lena B Wolf

FaniaMylohkFin resized.jpg

Reference images:
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Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper

Endure and Overcome

House Brus currently consists of few members, for most either fell or got removed after what legends describe as the fight that defined House Brus.

The few that remain, however, hold onto the honor, ideals and customs customary for House Brus.

The current leader of House Brus, Fania Brus, is trying her best to continue the legacy of House Brus, while also rebuilding the House and attempting to forge new alliances.


House Brus has been around for a while, it has seen many things and it has endured it all.

It was founded a long while ago, more and more stories piling up through the years.

One story, a legend of sorts, describes one of the most important members of the House; it describes the deeds of William Brus.

William Brus is an ancestor of the Brus’ of today that, according to these legends, is the one responsible for the way House Brus is currently looked at.

It tells us about a time when House Brus was at it’s strongest, it had many members and followers and it had joined a Kingdom in order to rise in prestige and power. But this decision proved to be a fatal one. As the Kingdom gained enemy after enemy, so did House Brus.

When the Kingdom fought battles, so did House Brus.

The tale describes what happened one fatal night in the hills; how William Brus readied his troops behind a hill to rush to the aid of the allied Kingdom. They rode to battle and surprised their opponent, crushing part of their army in an instant. The gathering of Brus and allied men started celebrating their coming victory. Lord, generals and soldiers alike. They didn’t realise that the opposing forces barely tried to retreat, nor begged for mercy.

The generals were too focussed on winning the war that they realised what was wrong only when it was already far too late.

One single horn could be heard in the distance...then another…

Before they could effectively react, the rest of the opposing armies marched on them from over some of the many hills.

A seemingly easy victory turned into the bloodiest of battles as friend and foe fell alike.

As soon as they could catch even the tiniest of breaks, most other lords had started to retreat. They started leaving the battlefield behind and most of their troops ran for their lives.

William, however, refused to go down like that. Few men looked at him as he and his group moved towards the enemy, giving their “allies” time to retreat.

William and those that remained tried their best at fighting off the enemies, but their number was too great. Nearing the end of battle, allies, those from the other Houses as well as those from House Brus alike, charged one last time towards their opponents.

After a bloody fight, the remainder of the allies and House Brus either fell or retreated.

William fell near the end with his weapon in hand, his determination and loyalty had never, not even once, faltered.

The time after this was a time for mourning for House Brus.

They ceremonially burned the bodies of Willam, some generals and other high-ranking members of House Brus.

Those of House Brus that retreated, only those without any serious wounds,were removed from the House. House Brus had no space and time for those that’d ultimately abandon and betray their own kin like that.

The following years House Brus did their best to rebuild, but their numbers remained few. The Lady of House Brus title eventually moved to Fania Brus.

The position of heir to the leadership over House Brus therefore fell upon the closest relative, Hayley Brus. Fania Brus is the former heir, and now the Lady, of House Brus.

She and the two generations before her agreed about how to rebuild their House: spread to other lands, settle there and find support among other Houses and perhaps even join an Empire or Kingdom.

Fania requested that Hayley traveled around the Northern Kingdoms to find support and allies for them and their House. Happy to help rebuilding House Brus, Hayley immediately set out into the vast lands of the Northern Kingdoms.


House Brus is a House that quickly got accustomed to the art of warfare and other military actions. Therefore they prefer fortified manors, forts and castles over the usual manor or house. This, however, does not mean they are any less hospitable or honourable. Quite the contrary, actually. Even though it is true that House Brus punishes those that retreat, and doesn’t believe in showing mercy on the battlefield, they are honourable. They do not go back on their word to later drive their blades through you.

For hospitality they have a series of customs, one of which is “Bread and Salt”.

“Bread and Salt” is a custom of House Brus where they place a fine, circular, bread on an embroidered and decorated piece of cloth. In the center of this piece of bread there has been placed a container of salt. Upon arrival, the host(s) will display the bread and salt.

The visitor will then step forward, take a piece of bread, dip it in the salt and then they eat it.

This custom shows House Brus’ respect towards other Houses, lords and Kingdoms, and towards those they like or generally respect.

The bread and salt also signify that House Brus will not, unless defending themselves from an attack from the guest, let any harm come upon the guests.

Those that break this custom by engaging in an aggressive manner, whether the host aggressively engages on the visitor or the other way around, are regarded with the least respect possible, for they are as low as to attack someone after a sign of respect and are punished accordingly.


None yet


Fania Brus - House Leader

Hayley Brus - House Heir

Ronn McBryde - Ridder

Victor Roichstead - "Chosen"

Tanjya Aclinta - Sergeant

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Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
*moves his ale mug underneath it* No wires...hmm...


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
*slaps the thread with an update*


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff

Endure and Overcome

House Brus currently consists of few members, for most either fell or got removed after what legends describe as the fight that defined House Brus.

The few that remain, however, hold onto the honor, ideals and customs customary for House Brus.

The current leader of House Brus, Fania Brus, is trying her best to continue the legacy of House Brus, while also rebuilding the House and attempting to forge new alliances.


House Brus has been around for a while, it has seen many things and it has endured it all.

It was founded a long while ago, more and more stories piling up through the years.

One story, a legend of sorts, describes one of the most important members of the House; it describes the deeds of William Brus.

William Brus is an ancestor of the Brus’ of today that, according to these legends, is the one responsible for the way House Brus is currently looked at.

It tells us about a time when House Brus was at it’s strongest, it had many members and followers and it had joined a Kingdom in order to rise in prestige and power. But this decision proved to be a fatal one. As the Kingdom gained enemy after enemy, so did House Brus.

When the Kingdom fought battles, so did House Brus.

The tale describes what happened one fatal night in the hills; how William Brus readied his troops behind a hill to rush to the aid of the allied Kingdom. They rode to battle and surprised their opponent, crushing part of their army in an instant. The gathering of Brus and allied men started celebrating their coming victory. Lord, generals and soldiers alike. They didn’t realise that the opposing forces barely tried to retreat, nor begged for mercy.

The generals were too focussed on winning the war that they realised what was wrong only when it was already far too late.

One single horn could be heard in the distance...then another…

Before they could effectively react, the rest of the opposing armies marched on them from over some of the many hills.

A seemingly easy victory turned into the bloodiest of battles as friend and foe fell alike.

As soon as they could catch even the tiniest of breaks, most other lords had started to retreat. They started leaving the battlefield behind and most of their troops ran for their lives.

William, however, refused to go down like that. Few men looked at him as he and his group moved towards the enemy, giving their “allies” time to retreat.

William and those that remained tried their best at fighting off the enemies, but their number was too great. Nearing the end of battle, allies, those from the other Houses as well as those from House Brus alike, charged one last time towards their opponents.

After a bloody fight, the remainder of the allies and House Brus either fell or retreated.

William fell near the end with his weapon in hand, his determination and loyalty had never, not even once, faltered.

The time after this was a time for mourning for House Brus.

They ceremonially burned the bodies of Willam, some generals and other high-ranking members of House Brus.

Those of House Brus that retreated, only those without any serious wounds,were removed from the House. House Brus had no space and time for those that’d ultimately abandon and betray their own kin like that.

The following years House Brus did their best to rebuild, but their numbers remained few. The Lady of House Brus title eventually moved to Fania Brus.

The position of heir to the leadership over House Brus therefore fell upon the closest relative, Hayley Brus. Fania Brus is the former heir, and now the Lady, of House Brus.

She and the two generations before her agreed about how to rebuild their House: spread to other lands, settle there and find support among other Houses and perhaps even join an Empire or Kingdom.

Fania requested that Hayley traveled around the Northern Kingdoms to find support and allies for them and their House. Happy to help rebuilding House Brus, Hayley immediately set out into the vast lands of the Northern Kingdoms.


House Brus is a House that quickly got accustomed to the art of warfare and other military actions. Therefore they prefer fortified manors, forts and castles over the usual manor or house. This, however, does not mean they are any less hospitable or honourable. Quite the contrary, actually. Even though it is true that House Brus punishes those that retreat, and doesn’t believe in showing mercy on the battlefield, they are honourable. They do not go back on their word to later drive their blades through you.

For hospitality they have a series of customs, one of which is “Bread and Salt”.

“Bread and Salt” is a custom of House Brus where they place a fine, circular, bread on an embroidered and decorated piece of cloth. In the center of this piece of bread there has been placed a container of salt. Upon arrival, the host(s) will display the bread and salt.

The visitor will then step forward, take a piece of bread, dip it in the salt and then they eat it.

This custom shows House Brus’ respect towards other Houses, lords and Kingdoms, and towards those they like or generally respect.

The bread and salt also signify that House Brus will not, unless defending themselves from an attack from the guest, let any harm come upon the guests.

Those that break this custom by engaging in an aggressive manner, whether the host aggressively engages on the visitor or the other way around, are regarded with the least respect possible, for they are as low as to attack someone after a sign of respect and are punished accordingly.


None yet


Fania Brus - House Leader

Hayley Brus - House Heir


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
*a Thôrdil with a white beard drags a Christmas tree and hot choco to Paint*


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Updated Relationships (Paint ), appearance and at the end something about Fania's stutter.


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Added big blinking consent thingymcbob at the top of the char page because possibilities for antagonists who feel brave