Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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I need your help.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
as many of you know I am making the altera tabletop roleplaying game which is a supporting system and contains the lore for the server. I am currently writing up the section for qualities and hit a wall.

qualities are aspects of your character that make him or her special, things that set her apart from the crowd, both positive and negative. Below is the list I have so far but it feels incomplete, any suggestions would be helpful.

eidetic memory
natural (starting max for single proficiency is increased by one)
magically adept
mana efficiency
strong back (higher carrying capacity)
savant (one proficiency is half price to reflect a natural aptitude)
boyscout (always have the right tool for the job, small things only like string, a nail, a small knife)
member (you belong to an organization, order of knights, secret cabal, inquisition, etc)
squire/assistant (you have one)
two weapon fighter/two weapon master
cold hearted (apathetic)
battle shock (you go last in combat due to fright)
dominated (your will was not your own at one point so it is easier to affect you with mind control)
dark secret
personality disorder
hawk eye
blind/half blind
deaf/half deaf
bat ears
speech impediment
gifted (+1 starting max for one attribute)
physical disability/amputation
god blessed
family killed by bandits
nemesis (you have one)
bigot (you are one)
register your fists (improved hand to hand abilities)
dependents (someone relies on you for food and shelter, not conducive to a life of adventure)


Lord of Altera
Leads, Helpful, Mysterious, Funny, insane, Goody two shoes, Cruel, Tricky, Naughty, and Child


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
Please elaborate on mysterious, leads, and goody. I like your ideas though!


Lord of Altera
Intuitive, Inventive? Ability to make simple weapons from sticks and such? >.>
Simple weapons being the equivalent to batting someone about with said stick.
But still, a viable option when someone's unarmed in the middle of nowhere :3


Lord of Altera
Levels can range from Jerry Rigger to Macgyver :3
I mean, if you improvise a bow it'll probably be REALLY weak..
but still, it's a bow in a tight situation :D

Also, how about a "night affinity" or "day affinity" type thing? Just where characters become slightly more powerful in a select few aspects during such times?


Lord of Altera
Perhaps also a handyman kind of thing? Allowing you to repair weaponry, transportation, housing, should it break? >.>
*just spitting out ideas*

Animal friendly..

Eagle eye (Archer +, also able to spot things from a great distance)

Adrenaline rush, allowing for speed in a short burst no matter what the person is carrying, or something along those lines? >.>

Precognition? The ability to undo a single move every in game week or so..Something with a REALLY big recharge time so it cant become OP...

Hard stomach, less likely to suffer negative effects from potions, ale, etc..

Lightweight, ALWAYS suffers the worst side effects of ale, potions, etc.

...Let me just spit out some more once I've got them in my head. Tell me if any of these make sense..

Cold/heat affinity, allowing someone to survive better in either type of environment, but not in the other.

Fast motabolism, allows the player to be quicker at the cost of them growing hungrier faster..

Technologically impaired, unable to operate anything past swinging a sword...

Think-skulled, less likely to suffer extreme effects of any head-based attacks at the cost of an intelligence point or two..

Fast healer, Self explanatory :p

Corpsman, can heal teammates in the field from gathered plant materials (must search for plants and only has chance of finding one ingredient, wherein two or three ingredients will be needed for one minor heal..)

Tendon control, faster bow reloading (I know nothing of archery, Weeee~!)

Innovative, able to craft two weapons into one (axe + sword = battleaxe, something like that.)

Huntsman, can find game and food in the wild..

Fragile build, can break limbs easier but can also move a bit faster..

..Again, just spitting out ideas here :3

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Inquisitive is all I have right now, because of the length of the list and all the ideas put forward so far
What I like about inquisitive is that it doesn't mean the person is smart, just yearning to know more things, and can ask the right questions to get the best answers