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Inquisition:Nakam (Edited: Letter to the Inquisiton)


Magus of Nothing
Due to struggles finding any members of the Inquisition or indeed a Headquarters of the organisation the letter would be left at the Shrine of Skraag, the Greyling hoping that divine purpose will allow it to find it's way to those who need it. He would also keep a copy on his person.

If you can't read the proper letter, there's a nicer format below~
(Sorry Cherry)
Dear the Grand Inquisitor,

It has come to my attention that the race known as the Nakam seem to follow no Gods. However, be cautious that only two of the observed have been noted to not follow the Pantheon. This puts them in direct violation of the 5th Divine Law, which clearly states that a lack of belief in the Pantheon puts those in this situation subject to inspection by the Grand Inquisitor. The two unbelievers are thus described;

Nakat 1: Situated around five foot and a half, this nakat has an olive coloured coat, dotted with darker colours. The insides of it's ears are a light pink, it's nose is brown and it currently wears at the time of writing a light blue top and brown shorts that stop just above it's first knee. It's eyes are blue-coloured and it is believed to be female, but with this race such things are hard to tell.

Nakat 2: Situated at around five foot and a half, this nakat has a dark chocolate coat and a pink nose. The insides of it's ears are a light pink and it currently wears at the time of writing a navy blue cloak over a white shirt, with beige shorts that end after the first knee. It's eyes are a similar colour to it's coat. Race is uncertain with this one, it could easily be male or female.

Please ensure these non-believers are converted or brought to a swift justice.

The 5th Divine Law;
5. Mortals who worship False Gods that are not one of the Pantheon shall be struck down for Heresy and burned until dead over the flames of birch wood. May the flames purify their filthy souls.
-Those who do not spread the name of False Gods, yet do not recognize the Pantheon (Atheists), are upon a grey area and shall be burned according to the Grand Inquisitors purview.

The Gods' Will Be Done!
The Greyling,
High Priest of The Order of Undeath

For those struggling to read the above, which is entirely understandable because it's an annoying as anything font; the below is a direct transcription.

Dear the Grand Inquisitor,

It has come to my attention that the race known as the Nakam seem to follow no Gods. However, be cautious that only two of the observed have been noted to not follow the Pantheon. This puts them in direct violation of the 5th Divine Law, which clearly states that a lack of belief in the Pantheon puts those in this situation subject to inspection by the Grand Inquisitor. The two unbelievers are thus described;

Nakat 1: Situated around five foot and a half, this nakat has an olive coloured coat, dotted with darker colours. The insides of it's ears are a light pink, it's nose is brown and it currently wears at the time of writing a light blue top and brown shorts that stop just above it's first knee. It's eyes are blue-coloured and it is believed to be female, but with this race such things are hard to tell.

Nakat 2: Situated at around five foot and a half, this nakat has a dark chocolate coat and a pink nose. The insides of it's ears are a light pink and it currently wears at the time of writing a navy blue cloak over a white shirt, with beige shorts that end after the first knee. It's eyes are a similar colour to it's coat. Race is uncertain with this one, it could easily be male or female.

Please ensure these non-believers are converted or brought to a swift justice.

5. Mortals who worship False Gods that are not one of the Pantheon shall be struck down for Heresy and burned until dead over the flames of birch wood. May the flames purify their filthy souls.
-Those who do not spread the name of False Gods, yet do not recognize the Pantheon (Atheists), are upon a grey area and shall be burned according to the Grand Inquisitors purview.

The Gods' Will Be Done!

The Greyling,
High Priest of The Order of Undeath
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Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Yeay heathens, heretics and atheists. Whoooo~~~!


Lord of Altera
*A tall, brooding cloaked figure would be within the Shrine of Skraag.. and would look over the letter that has been left upon it.. Taking it's time to read the letter carefully.. Before placing it back where it was within the shrine, and speaking a small prayer.. before turning slowly, and leaving once more..*

[shaaaddy : D weee ]


Non sum qualis eram
From an OOC perspective I'd like it if people could leave characters of struggling races alone.

From an IC perspective there isn't even an inquisiton properly formed yet, and I'd merrily disregard this as baseless, as there's a proper way to become an exalted and this, well... exceeds bounds.

Makes more sense for people to investigate others trying to sick them on folks at this point.


Magus of Nothing
From an OOC perspective I'd like it if people could leave characters of struggling races alone.

From an IC perspective there isn't even an inquisiton properly formed yet, and I'd merrily disregard this as baseless, as there's a proper way to become an exalted and this, well... exceeds bounds.

Makes more sense for people to investigate others trying to sick them on folks at this point.
Hm? This isn't about becoming the Exalted (as nice as that would be :p). I'm taking the Greyling in a new direction to revitalize the character. I left the server for a while because I was bored and now this new direction lets me explore the character's thoughts on religion. If I wanted to become the Exalted I would've picked a different God; Dummy is to my knowledge much more likely/already is the Exalted of Skraag. He also explicitly states that converting them is a preference to killing them; killing them achieves nothing.

OOCly, yeah I agree that it's a shame they are Nakam but the Greyling would've reported this "heresy" regardless of race. I've never had any preferential treatment for playing a character that is now one of the remaining two left; we never had more than three at a time as Greylings.
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Magus of Nothing
I realise that the title is quite misleading.

I've changed it to more fit the situation.


Lord of Altera
From an OOC perspective I'd like it if people could leave characters of struggling races alone.

From an IC perspective there isn't even an inquisiton properly formed yet, and I'd merrily disregard this as baseless, as there's a proper way to become an exalted and this, well... exceeds bounds.

Makes more sense for people to investigate others trying to sick them on folks at this point.
Isnt nakat the ONLY strugling race?
Edit: forest corrected me :)
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No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I dunno nael, from reading the OP, everything I can tell would seem this is a legitimate initiative, the logical conclusion of the system we designed.

Isnt inquisition against heretical mortals precisely what the system was designed to produce? (And if not, then why does the 5th divine law exist?)


Dead Man Walking
Due to struggles finding any members of the Inquisition or indeed a Headquarters of the organisation the letter would be left at the Shrine of Skraag, the Greyling hoping that divine purpose will allow it to find it's way to those who need it. He would also keep a copy on his person.
Dear the Grand Inquisitor,

It has come to my attention that the race known as the Nakam seem to follow no Gods. However, be cautious that only two of the observed have been noted to not follow the Pantheon. This puts them in direct violation of the 5th Divine Law, which clearly states that a lack of belief in the Pantheon puts those in this situation subject to inspection by the Grand Inquisitor. The two unbelievers are thus described;

Nakat 1: Situated around five foot and a half, this nakat has an olive coloured coat, dotted with darker colours. The insides of it's ears are a light pink, it's nose is brown and it currently wears at the time of writing a light blue top and brown shorts that stop just above it's first knee. It's eyes are blue-coloured and it is believed to be female, but with this race such things are hard to tell.

Nakat 2: Situated at around five foot and a half, this nakat has a dark chocolate coat and a pink nose. The insides of it's ears are a light pink and it currently wears at the time of writing a navy blue cloak over a white shirt, with beige shorts that end after the first knee. It's eyes are a similar colour to it's coat. Race is uncertain with this one, it could easily be male or female.

Please ensure these non-believers are converted or brought to a swift justice.

The 5th Divine Law;
5. Mortals who worship False Gods that are not one of the Pantheon shall be struck down for Heresy and burned until dead over the flames of birch wood. May the flames purify their filthy souls.
-Those who do not spread the name of False Gods, yet do not recognize the Pantheon (Atheists), are upon a grey area and shall be burned according to the Grand Inquisitors purview.

The Gods' Will Be Done!
The Greyling,
High Priest of The Order of Undeath

For those struggling to read the above, which is entirely understandable because it's an annoying as anything font; the below is a direct transcription.

Dear the Grand Inquisitor,

It has come to my attention that the race known as the Nakam seem to follow no Gods. However, be cautious that only two of the observed have been noted to not follow the Pantheon. This puts them in direct violation of the 5th Divine Law, which clearly states that a lack of belief in the Pantheon puts those in this situation subject to inspection by the Grand Inquisitor. The two unbelievers are thus described;

Nakat 1: Situated around five foot and a half, this nakat has an olive coloured coat, dotted with darker colours. The insides of it's ears are a light pink, it's nose is brown and it currently wears at the time of writing a light blue top and brown shorts that stop just above it's first knee. It's eyes are blue-coloured and it is believed to be female, but with this race such things are hard to tell.

Nakat 2: Situated at around five foot and a half, this nakat has a dark chocolate coat and a pink nose. The insides of it's ears are a light pink and it currently wears at the time of writing a navy blue cloak over a white shirt, with beige shorts that end after the first knee. It's eyes are a similar colour to it's coat. Race is uncertain with this one, it could easily be male or female.

Please ensure these non-believers are converted or brought to a swift justice.

5. Mortals who worship False Gods that are not one of the Pantheon shall be struck down for Heresy and burned until dead over the flames of birch wood. May the flames purify their filthy souls.
-Those who do not spread the name of False Gods, yet do not recognize the Pantheon (Atheists), are upon a grey area and shall be burned according to the Grand Inquisitors purview.

The Gods' Will Be Done!

The Greyling,
High Priest of The Order of Undeath
SKRAAG'S BONES, WHAT ARE YOU DOING. The Greyling REALLY needs to talk to Dummy more.

Slow down, and take it one step at a time, yo. Remember, Skraag's first virtue is patience.
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