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It all needs to start somewhere...


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I should note that I would also be willing to take on responsibilities as an (Grand) Inquisitor if desired. After reading up the entire thread, I was unsure whether the position(s) had been filled and thus hold back an application until I hear otherwise or I discover this endeavor obsolete.
Folks can apply even if the position is filled- this sorta stands as an interest-check for me, as well as a mini-ToS :D
I don't want to alter anyones character arc who doesn't want it altered ^^


+IGN: - Attorney
Character Name: - Miles Holdsworth
Divine of choice (If relevant, this is unnecessary here): - irrelevant
Have you read the relevant OOC and IC components of this position and the Inquisition thread, and are there any issues? If so, please clarify here: -Yes
History of IC leadership positions: - Miles owns and operates is own law firm in Tambry. He is well versed in the laws of various lands and has experience in Hieraxian court
Examples of OOC leadership (Events, organizations, running a town, etc.): - Examples of OOC leadership (Events, organizations, running a town, etc.): - I founded, co-own, and co-operate Tambry-Upon-Tam, House Stirling, and all of House Stirling's holdings. I've only 1 event to my name, though I view it as successful. I have attempted organizations in the past but none except Morgan's trading businesses have really been successful.
Why are you interested? - I believe I would be an asset at a position like this based on my ability to communicate quickly and efficiently, the amount of time I am available, and my knowledge of laws. I am also an experienced leader and capable of planning ahead.
Please restate the information of this thread (Pertaining only to the Inquisitor position), in your own words (Can be super short): - It is imperative that the Inquisitor be impartial and knowledgeable. The person playing it must be able and available to quickly communicate and be highly organized.


Lord of Altera
Alright. After many recommendations from other people to hell with it!

+IGN: - TybaltGetRhekt
Character Name: - Tybalt Rhett-Marr
Divine of choice: - Rahas
Have you read the relevant OOC and IC components of this position and the High Council thread, and are there any issues? If so, please clarify here: - I have, and there is no problem whatsoever.
History of IC worship: - Since the Death of Korigon (aka Valor) the Good God of War Tybalt learned of Rahas and decided to follow him. Established a Grand Shrine for Rahas which was actually blessed by Rahas himself. Dedicated His Great House and City for him. Established Rahas as a Nation's religion. Actively speaks and acts out against slavery, racism, and oppression.
Examples of OOC leadership (Events, organizations, running a town, etc.): -Since June or July of Last year I have been the IC and OOC owner of House Marr which I believe to be one of the more successful Houses and Organization Altera has seen, and is still going strong today. Azerport has been a town I have built with a handful of other Co-owners. The largest and most active City in the South. I have hosted several events. Such as The gathering of Alterans during the Return Campaign to form a plan against Harateth, The Hallowween Ball event in Azerport, Religious event where Tybalt made Rahas Marr and Azerport's Religion, and Host of the Event of Joining the Empire. Soon, like tomorrow, Co-running Sheila's Coronation.
Why are you interested? - It makes IC sense, and I like leadership positions within the community, creating and being involved in RP and with Divines in RP is fun.
Please restate the information of this thread (Pertaining only to an Exalted), in your own words: - The exalted are to be the mortal voice of the god they represent and work to make sure their will is done. There is alot of responsibility in keeping confidentiality and writing/thread creation and must follow and obey all of the server rules as they should have been doing in the first place. Also to understand that ic and ooc are separate and to strive to keep from metagaming. This is no light task and I realize that their is risk for my character.
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Lord of Altera
+IGN: - raith7062
Character Name: - Mila Walterius
Divine of choice: - Skraag
Have you read the relevant OOC and IC components of this position and the High Council thread, and are there any issues? If so, please clarify here:- I have, and there are no issues that I have currently seen
History of IC worship: - when I first created Mila, she was indeed a worshiper of Skraag, but not a hardcore worshiper like she is now. This was mainly because I did not originally know how to properly worship Skraag. she once left him in search of a new god to help her, but the other gods didn't feel the same. She could not understand them like she has Skraag, and now, thanks to Fadast, she is a hardcore worshiper now. Ever since the unease event she has been spreading around the good word of Skraag. she's still busy convincing any and all who will listen to follow him and his ways to fix what has been broken; life
Examples of OOC leadership (Events, organizations, running a town, etc.): - as Goren, I accidentally summoned up Jishrim, and the second time I knew what I was going for. I summoned him up, but he was looking rather.. angry that time. as Mila I took initiative to help the injured, and asked for certain things from people to help heal said victim. I helped coordinate the people into helping the victim. As Mila again I am second in command of the Guardians of Immortality(GoI) and I help dummy with what he needs to know ICLY and everything else. the acolytes are usually put under Mila's care and she is busy training them so they are prepared to engage in armed or unarmed combat.
Why are you interested? - I am interested in seeing what kind of RP will take place, and I am interested to see how Mila will take on the likeness of Skraag. though she isn't as smart as some people, she is smart enough to keep herself from doing stupid things like attack someone
Please restate the information of this thread (Pertaining only to an Exalted), in your own words (Can be super short): - being an exalted is basically being the president of the United States of america, you'll have grey or white hair from the amount of responsibility you have. I also have to be able to talk to whoever is now in charge of lore coordination to be able to discuss matters pertaining to the god I am exalted to. also I should be able to keep the secrets I am told.. well.. secret, no matter if they are IC knowledge or OOC knowledge.


"Something need doing?"

This is currently archived. This system was replaced by the current divine system.
There is no grand inquisitor, and unless things change IC, there will not be one for a long time.