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Active Jason Jayr


Legend of Altera
Lore Staff

Jason Jayr




Name: Jason Jayr, 'Iaj'
Titles: None
Age: 20
Godsend, 12th of Ghostmoon, Season of Decay, PC 2290, Year of Plague
Culture: Human Kaltic
Current Residence: None
Relationship Status: None
Social Status: Arcane Formist


Height: 5'10"-5'11"
Weight: 155lbs
Eye color: Grey-brown
Skin color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Build: Scrawny
Hair Style: Loose
Complexion: Dark
Posture: Normal
Seen by others as: Distant
Scars: -
Voice: Mid-soft
[Voice Sample]

Description: Jason has a scrawny build and a loose, relaxed posture. He keeps his hair long and loose, often swept back from his forehead in a casual, almost careless style. Jason has a sharp, almost hawk-like gaze that seems to take in everything around him. His voice is a medium soft, with a calm and measured tone that gives him an air of authority. When he speaks, he speaks with purpose and with clarity. Jason's clothing reflects his upbringing in an upper-middle-class family. He favors neutral, understated colors like black, brown, gray, muted whites, and navy blue, preferring tailored clothing that fits him well.


Likes: Reading, philosophy, solitude, creative expression, disrupting norms
Dislikes: Conformity, superficiality, judgement, snow
Strengths: Analytical, independent, self sufficient
Weaknesses: Identity, trust, social detachment
Fears: ...
Values: Intellect, autonomy, authenticity, individuality
Attitude: Calm
Sociability: Variable
Languages: Common, Rede

Bio: Jason was raised in an upper-middle-class family in the Kaltic. He has a tender and caring nature, which contrasts with his scrawny appearance and distant demeanor. He is known for his attention to detail; his movements are subtle but efficient. He seems cordless, but has a tender pamperness that surronds his character. He has quail features that would mark someone without significant social standing. He's often detailed in his attention to others - usually sociably - but trying to always understand the other side of someone; those who know him better understand that he is not unfriendly, but rather reserved and introspective.

Jason has found solace in his love for learning and his curiosity about the world. He spends much of his free time reading books and exploring new topics, hoping to find answers to some of the deeper questions about life that have been plaguing him for years. He also has a creative side, enjoying art as a way to express his emotions and connect with others on a deeper level.

Timebox (Character spoilers)
As more details about Jason's past come to light, it becomes apparent that he struggles with issues of his identity. He is half Sooleran on his mothers side; his father and mother were divorced at an early age, and he was raised by his fathers family as they were of 'better means'. Jason always felt like he didn't quite fit in where he lived, whether that be due to his background or his personality. Growing up in a Kaltic family, Jason always felt marked as different from the people around him; it was never explict, but for a growing, paranoiac sense - a glance here from a half-sister, a word said there from an aunt, a nudge from a stranger. This is despite being cared for, and given a good education by his father. He has always questioned his history and whether those around him simply provide out of pity for a past he knows little about. This sense of alienation and the unknown generated a resentment towards his own family, and these feelings have left him with a sense of displacement and confusion about himself. This struggle with identity has also made it challenging for him to form close relationships, as he is afraid of being rejected or judged for not fitting into one culture or clique. This internal conflict over his identity fosters a sense that he deserves more than what his culture or society has to offer; he grew to resent authority, class struggle in his community, and despised the lack power to change society and nature. His analytical ambitions and understanding of human physiology has served to grow that knowledge and lead to greater opportunities in society. And despite his internal struggle with connections, he still makes an effort to do so, but forms closer connections with ideas, theories, and the natural world.
Jason is not a bad person at heart. He is still searching for a sense of purpose. Despite these flaws, he has a moral compass that guides him towards doing what he believes is right.
However, he is vulnerable to manipulation by those who seek to exploit his talents for their own gain; incorrectly fostering these ideals, whether by someone else, or himself internally, may lead him to seek more drastic measures of his own volition towards his goals.

Goals and Languages

Short term:
Become a physician [Ongoing]

Medium term:
Learn more of patience [Ongoing]

Long term:
Common - Fluent
Rede - Fluent
Marjash - A few phrases

Carried Inventory

Current Status

Illnesses: -
Allergies: None
Injuries: None
Sleeping habits: Normal
Energy: Normal
Eating: Normal
Exercise: Low
Memory: Above normal
Habits: -

Alignments & Organizations

General Alignment: Neutral [-]
Religious Inclination: -
Political Alignment: -​

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Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
- Mundane knowledge on medical practitioning; 'modern' knowledge on anatomy, pharmacology, pathology.


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Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
[9/11/2022] - Meets Tiek and Harriette at the Krakens den inn
[10/12/2022] - Meets 'Anya' , Sydri, and Fjord at the Krakens den inn. Learns more about the hospital in Storms Landing. Recieved a journal about bone setting.
[10/13/2022] - Meets Lana and Adda at the academy, history lesson and a magic discussion
[12/28/2022] - Meets Veldric, a moor elf from the north. Saoirse, a mute. And Rezkiaz, an earthspawn. Dirt is thrown on them by a greyling.
[2/18/2023] - Goes to Evenfall academy; speaks with Lana about learning magic; they talk about anchors, sparking, and magic. Meets Kethron and learns about memory stones.
[3/3/2023] - Makes a pact and attempts to spark with the Mother of Mountains. Lana sparks him instead. He fails to spark, and loses his left arm.
[3/16/2023] - Jason is sparked into formistry by Lana. Learns more on the living thread.
[x/x/x] - Jason investigates an illness spread through Storms Landing, experiments methods for cures and identification, and publishes his results
[1/27/2024] - Jason goes to an auction house to bid on some items. While he cannot provide for himself, he is given a sword by Seeker. He is offered an axe by Sir James, but declines; instead he is offered lessons on how to fight - Jason gives it a rain check.
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Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
[ Status: - ]
(If you'd like a relationship description let me know!)
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Respected / Admires

Peer / Likes / Acquaintance
‣ {X} Lana


Wary Of / Disliked


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