Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Karadus or Bella

Who must die?

  • Karadus

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • Bella

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
bowduim400 said:
I already only RP as bella and its great so srry
Backtracking (and trying to avoid the winks and the nudges on the way) if you wanted to RP as Bella all along, why did you ask?

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
bowduim400 said:
Well i wanted to make sure i dont make anybody sad and secretly karadus is still alive...
Im going to correct that:
Well I wanted to make sure I don't make anybody sad and [Spoilers]


Lord of Altera
I really have Big promblems Im starting to act like a girl......... Oh wait I always Do that False Alarm ;3


Lord of Altera
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!!!! *Cries* Why D:! WHY! Okay I shuld Become a male ;/ I dont wanna kill off alice Though D: