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Active Keone of the Makani

Arget Istalri

Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
Song: [X]

Name: Keone of the Makani
Titles: Ephor
Nicknames: "Key" (Soup), "Berry" (Naneki), "Silverrush" (Lana)
Current Residence: Keg's Hearth
Social Status: N/A
Mage | Shopkeeper
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Taken
Residence: Keg's Hearth


Body: 2a-bird-feather-embossed-silver-on-dark-slate-gray-serge-averbukh (2).jpg
Ranged: 3 +1 (Spellcasting)
Fortitude: 0
Might: -2
Evasion: 2 +2 (Close-Quarters Fighting)
Stealth: 0
Grappling: 3 +2 (Hand to Hand Fighting)
Melee: 0

Age: 23
Race: Makani, Ya Vei Clan
Gender: Male
Height: 5'2" / 157 cm
Weight: 110 lbs
Build: Mesomorph

Plumage: Keone is covered in full by feathers, with the only bare spots being scaly skin on his hands and feet.
The color of the feathers used to range from white to tan, with the majority being a sandy color. However, with
the introduction of magic to his system, his feathers have slowly been fading to silver.

Eyes: There are almost no whites visible in Keone's eyes. His dark brown eyes carry a certain depth to them,
as though hiding some secret. If one were to look close enough, there's a glimmer of glowing silver lost in that depth.

Skin Color: The visible skin on Keone's hands and feet is a tan, scaly color. The color is a few shades different from his old feather colors,

Distinguishing Features: Keone's feathers can be seen faintly shimmering if inspected closely. His knack has
turned them into something magical, burning eternally like coals of a long dead fire. Strong emotions or movements
will cause these feathers to burn brighter, looking as though they could catch flame at any moment.
Unlike a fire, these feathers burn silver rather than red.

Hygiene: Meticulously clean. His feathers are normally very orderly, and if they are ruffled or fluffed he will take the time to
clean and rearrange them. His beak is also kept clean, with Keone sometimes being seen chewing on a bone to keep it clean.

Injuries: None, yet!



1663435931673.pngSoul: 0
Handling: 1
Determination: 3 +1 (Calm Under Pressure)
Guile: 0
Intimidation: 0

General Attitude: Keone exudes a level of control when in the presence of others. However, this does not
completely cover the social ineptitude that he still feels when in the presence of others. His more awkward
and clumsy side comes out around those he trusts, as though allowing himself to be truer to his feelings.
Often when in public he can be seen as very calm, though there are a few things that can set him off.

Likes: The sound of a quill on paper. The taste of goat's milk. Pomegranate. Daydreaming about magic.
Flying! Intelligent conversations about the world around him. Reading about far off places.
The sound of rain on a window. The occasional wine. Preening his feathers. A good challenge.

Dislikes: Speaking to other Makani. Needless fighting. The bitter cold of winter. Any form of tea or coffee.
The politics of lords and ladies. Manna. Spending money. Drunkards. The overly dramatic (Other than Freia).

Strengths: Research. Magical Discovery. Unarmed fighting. Lengthy conversations about theory.

Weaknesses: Armed fighting. Doesn't recognize social clues. Clumsy in tight places.

Religious Inclination: None!.
Alignment: Neutral Good​


Mind: 3164735-illustration-children-night-Moon-clouds-painting-digital-art (2).jpg
Awareness: 2
Medicine: 2
Survival: 0
Thievery: 0
Lore: 0
Crafting: 3

General Intelligence: Keone is highly inquisitive, and often searches for answers in a variety of texts and images.
He's put a lot of effort into learning as much as he can about the groundling's cultures and languages, and believes
there is always more to discover in this strange new world.

Known Languages: Common, Yakai. Keone has spent seven long years learning about the language of the
Groundlings. He's practically fluent now, though there are still a few words that lose their meaning on him.

Short Term Goals:
Discover more about medicine.
Talk to Naneki.
Foster another in using magic.
Take care of his new kitten.

Long Term Goals:
Find Vata'inu.
Discover MORE.
Live closer to the sky.


Hellish Nightmare
A hellscape, burning and smoking.
The guttural sounds of demons.
The sound of metal on rock and flesh.
A woman in black and red, falling.
The glow of lava.
The smell of burning flesh.


Another Lost
A demoness below, hovering in the air.
Vines whipping and snapping this way and that.
"Avenge Me."
The sensation of falling, of releasing.
Another lost, another dead.
Get away.
Get away.
Ripping, tearing.
The leg is gone. The pain is nothing.
Another life was lost. That's all that matters.

A Good Memory
The sound of rain on the grass.
Words shared and feelings felt.
A bond.
A weight lifted off my shoulders, the final weight.
...Thank you...
Thank you.

The Cinnaroll



You’re one of the ones I’ve known the longest. Since then, you’ve become a brother to me. What’s
next in our future? Will your anger consume you, as it consumed me?
"I am going to miss far too many people far too dearly - but you two the most, always."
"Watch over Isabelle and little Eloise."

Stoic - Adopted Brother

My friend. We’ve been through a lot, but so much has happened since we first met. I’m afraid
for you. And I’m afraid of what your plans will do to you.
Coming Soon!

Confident - Best Friend

You stuck by me. Even though I was a fool and couldn't see it. Even so, we found our way.
I'm happy just to be around you. You make me feel lighter, as though I were flying without ever needing wings.
Thank you.
“Then you won't have to look sad anymore!" - "I just speak from my heart."

Genuine and Kind - Partner


A strange little halfling. But I think I can confidently call you friend. At least, I can when
you make something that’s actually good to eat.
"Something I don't know?" "I would have brought something if I knew how to help..."

Funny Short Man - Halfling Chef

Lana Wake
You accepted me into a whole new world. You started my journey, changed my life
completely. I can never stop expressing my gratitude for this.
Coming Soon!

Kindly Mentor - Trusted Friend

Ruvan Kegheart
If one were to ask me what a great mage looked like, I would describe a stocky little dwarf
capable of working the most incredible of magic, all while being the humblest
in the room. Thank you for teaching me.
Coming Soon!

Wise Dwarf - My Teacher

You’re obnoxious, distracting, dramatic, and self absorbed. How does it somehow come off
as charming? One day, your mouth will get you in trouble. Again.
Coming Soon!

Incredibly Annoying - Supposedly Friend

You're a genuine person, and I love that about you. You seem to be able to care about everything around you,
and despite your own nervousness, you aren't afraid to push to learn more about people.
"Are Makani hatched from /eggs/?!" - "Keooonnneee"

Young and Eager - Friendly Craftsman


You taught Anya, and became a parental figure for her. Thank you.
Coming Soon!

Mystical Woman - Admirable Mage

Do you understand the power you hold? The cost? Magic is a fickle thing.
Coming Soon!

Objectively Normal - Static Boy

I promised him I'd look over you and Eloise. I hope you don't mind.
"Hello, Keone." "Don't let my baby be motherless too, Keone."

Distant Void - Enigmous Mage

You prod and preen like the ravens you're fond of. Not at yourself, but at others, picking them apart
and looking at their intricacies as though you find them amusing. Did you find mine amusing?
"I think we'll be meeting again, Mister Keone"
"If someone could be helped, be saved, but the cost was the magic you so cherish -- estranged from you forever more. Would you still save them?"

False Sense of Security - Fortune Teller...?


I respected you once. That was lost to the wayside when you told me I could not protect
Anya. I look forward to our next meeting, ‘noble’ knight.
Coming Soon!

‘Honorable’ - Knight

You’re a liar, a cheat, a snake, and the most dramatic person I’ve ever met. I admire the
lengths you go to in order to avoid what’s coming to you.
Coming Soon!

Unbearably Dramatic - Snake​
Last edited:


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
I look forward to bumping into you for real this time!

Arget Istalri

Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
April 9, 2022 (UPDATE)
Updated and moved the Relationships tab to the bottom of the profile. I am now using it to mark significant people that Keone has met recently, as well as to keep track of the info that Keone has learned about them. If I missed you, don't be bummed out! Feel free to dm me and remind me of their encounter, and I'll gladly add you to the list.

Arget Istalri

Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
Going to be updating relations later today. Feel free to reply to this if you've met Keone, as my memory is trash

Arget Istalri

Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
April 15, 2022 (UPDATE)
Updated the relationships tab after the Candlewood incident with Aki, Leonhardt, and Anya! Updated Short-Term goals. If you want to be added to the relationships tab, just let me know.

Arget Istalri

Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
April 16, 2022 (UPDATE)
Updated profile with a Current Conditions tab. Added the arm lost on 4/16/22.

Arget Istalri

Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
April 18, 2022 (UPDATE)
Updated relations, added an important memories tab. Not really sure how to feel about the memories tab, mostly using as a stand-in till I can come up with a more permanent option.

Arget Istalri

Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
Updated with a link to Mage Profile. Updated/Alphabetized Relations while changing the note style to be both easier for me to write and easier for me to recall Keone's thoughts on various people. Removed the memories section because I'm too lazy to update it regularly.