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Finished [Mar 20] Through the Streets


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner



Through the Streets
The guards hold a formal investigation over strange possessing objects in the Landing..
Items are being stolen and returned.. Thieves? ..A search into the Markets are held.

When: March 20, 1pm PST, 4pm EST
Where: Storm's Landing
Who: Claimed

+ Kethron Heie

Last edited:


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
This one's exclusive to the guards- so I'll let Hiei answer that. Astalogon just forgot to sign the event sign up :mad:


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner

Some reports have gathered in the Landing Gaurd house. A few files of missing objects.

Report || Missing Necklace
Name: Carrie Ovran
Description: Lost my necklace in the tavern one night. Left it in my rented room, and now it’s gone.

Report || Complaint
Name: Reeve Simpkin
Description: Patrons aboard mine ship have lost a few things while surfing my wares. I sell glass bottles, and beaded jewelry. They won’t come back and think they pilfered them. HELP

Report || My Items
Name: Gerald Margrave
Description: I’ve been selling some of my wares at the market stalls and some hellion boy went off and took some of my things while I wasn’t looking. Sticky fingers. Dark hair, mousy nose. Find the boy and throw him in the prisons. Get my things BACK!

Report || I need help.
Name: Audry Viscar
Description: I lock my doors every night. But I’ve misplaced an heirloom vase of mine, passed down by grandmother. I can’t find it. I’ve strong suspicions it was stolen. Please find my vase.