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Active Matthias von Ivanov

Sergeant Freedom

Lord of Altera



General Information

Name: Matthias von Ivanov
Other Names: Matt, Grick
Titles: Young Prince, Prince of Fools, Loose Cannon
Age: 29
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Relationship Status: Taken
Social Status: Nobility

Physical Appearance

Height: 5'11
Weight: 185
Eye Color: Left eye brown, Right eye red
Skin Color: Fair skinned
Shape of Face: A strong jaw with a long face
Distinguishing Features: Four scars running down his right cheek. Metal left arm
Build of Body: Built as any ordinary soldier would be
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Shaggy
Posture: Fixed | He attempts to present himself in a noble manner
Scars: Four scars down the right cheek, another down his left chin. His left arm is now metal. Numerous other scars across the length of his body.
Voice: N/A


Personal Alignment: Lawful
Political Alignment: Radically against corruption and all that might seem like such.

I. [Good trait]
II. [Good trait]
III. [Neutral trait]
IV. [BadTrait]
V. [Bad Trait]



ACOLYTE OF UNDEATH Divine: Skraag. Tier: 3 Action: One minute of ritual prayer with blood anointed upon the target. Cost: 2 SP Duration: Permanent until the links are broken. Spell: The caster imparts upon their target a physical stasis, a band of dark green marking around each wrist like tattooing. So long as both these links are unbroken, their body will never age nor grow, remaining as it was upon the spell being cast. It also will never heal, and any wounds sustained must be healed through magical means such as Formistry or [UNHALLOWED FLESH]. They are also immune to all mundane diseases, poison and ailments, and no longer require food, drink, nor sleep. This includes blood for Vyres. They are classed as a Lich, a state of undeath but not a type easily removed from spells of other deities. Note: The spell is broken if the links are, and they can be cut through by simply cutting into the flesh over the band, or even the more drastic removal of the hand above the marking.
Sleeping Habits: None
Energy Levels: High on most days
Eating Habits: None
Exercise Habits: Extensive
Memory: The worst you've ever seen
Unhealthy Habits: Fighting, gambling
Drinking Habits: He's addicted to coffee and that's about it.



Teen Years:

Family History:


Peaceful or violent: Violent
Weaponry: Primarily longswords though has a variety of other weapons received as gifts over the years or crafted for situations
Combat Training: Years of training with numerous weapons by a dozen or so teachers. Confident enough to call himself one of the best.




Occupation: Trying to build a kingdom, so King?
Favorite Types of Food: Warm meats
Favorite Types of Drink: Honey mead
Hobbies/Pastimes: Searching for a new route in life
Favorite Colors: Orange and Reds




A light to guide. Life's truest wealth
Amelie is someone that I truthfully didn't expect to meet in this lifetime, or any other to come if such a series of events occur. Loving, caring, fiercely loyal, she is often times both my anchor and my salvation. Through my toughest moments in recent memory, she has been there to provide a reliable shoulder to lean onto and a voice of reasonable wisdom. Though the latter has caused a number of relations to sour, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Though we may walk different paths in our faiths, I continue to share an interest in all that she does and wish for nothing but the best. While we aren't married yet, I plan to spend the rest of my life with this woman and only hope she feels the same.

My Squire and my friend.
Leofwine, in more ways than one I see myself in you but I also see something else, something better. We may share the same faith but you are a far better man than I am. Not yet corrupted by the worlds darkness, you are still able to see the good in others which puts you leagues ahead of myself. I've attempted to return to that innocence but I believe myself too far gone. I wish you nothing but the best and I intend to do anything I can to make your journey succeed. I've used you as a soldier in my own wars too often, now I only wish to help you.

My first born. A hope for a better me
Callum, while I know I do not see you as much as I wish I did I hold you near and dear to my heart. I am forever sorry that I have missed so much of your childhood, that I have not been able to teach you what I feel to be important life lessons. I am thankful though to both your mother and Laicelem for stepping up where I fall short. I never expected to be a father, never planned for it and surely didn't think myself ready when your mother told me, but seeing you and your pure heart showed me that nothing would've prepared me. All I can hope to do is help you where I can, provide what I can so you may find your own walk in life, something you truly enjoy.

My Equal or my lesser?
Theodosius, I had only begin to know your character when I was still under the influence of my father. Being that close to him eluded a sense to be like him, causing myself to be hostile towards you. As I've distanced myself from him over the last few months, I have been able to achieve a new understanding of you both as a person and a leader however small. From what I have seen you are a fine ruler, perhaps you will never be the best but the world needs a middle ground to weigh the lesser and the greater upon. You are much softer with your rule, letting your people essentially run the government for you. If this works for you, all the more to you but I likely won't look to you for political help.

The Final Fight. The endless struggle.

Branko Callas is both a one dimensional man and something of a complex that I struggle to comprehend. The man wants nothing more than to reward his God with undeath but has motives beyond that too. He is amongst the most skilled fighters Altera has to offer surely and to my knowledge has only lost a handful of fights. Truly a remarkable opponent on any field of battle and his tactical prowess is likely amongst the best. For these reasons I would consider him above all others to be my rival. A man of pure hatred, someone that is able to disregard life as a someone may an ant beneath a boot is evil but I cannot help but to compete against him. Throughout my life I have won almost every fight I've entered whether that be a spar or a fight for my life. I have slain beasts from beyond this realm with power to wither life but I have only ever bested that man once. Again and again we fight and again I lose but he spares me. He for a large majority of my time knowing him, haunted my dreams due to my fear of death but he never killed me. Maimed me, scarred me, and ruined my life yes but never truly killed me. I wish to achieve more than he has, but on the right and righteous path. To give to Valiant what he gives to Skraag. To one day have the battle between good and evil, Valiants Champion vs Skraags Lich.



Last edited:

Sergeant Freedom

Lord of Altera
Some small additions, general carried inventory has been updated as well as an addition to Strengths, Fears, and Flaws. Character relations have been changed a bit as well with some more small details added

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Lana Wake
I was beyond thrilled when I could meet you. I have read all of your books and learned so much from them. Eventually I would like to become friends with you to simply learn all I can from you.
awh :D
If you want to RP sometime, message me on discord, Wake#0098. I'm usually online discord but not on the server lately, either playing an SMP with folks from the server or passing time. I'm usually about, though, and would be more than happy to put things aside to RP with you =)