Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Inactive Morna - Ex-Bandit Leader


Lord of Altera

Duncan Silvermoon - Love Interest - He tortured her at first, but once he found out what he needed he became kind. When he found out she would be given to Tybalt he helped her escape and became an exile. He is the one she trusts above everyone else now.​
*snif sniff* I smell Stockholm syndrome...


The Brainz
Retired Staff
*snif sniff* I smell Stockholm syndrome...
Stockholm OP
Falling in love with the one that tortured you.. that makes perfect sense
Morna is a weird person, ok? And she is very upset at hearing what Jayden has been up too. If she had not been told he was flirting around with all the girls in sundown she would never even consider leaving him... Which BTW she hasnt. >.> Duncan is just a love "interest" but he could be more depending on how things go with Jayden.

(Sorry if I sound angry... its late and had a rp that kinda made me mad :p *Hwuggles*)


Bring back angry react
Morna is a weird person, ok? And she is very upset at hearing what Jayden has been up too. If she had not been told he was flirting around with all the girls in sundown she would never even consider leaving him... Which BTW she hasnt. >.> Duncan is just a love "interest" but he could be more depending on how things go with Jayden.

(Sorry if I sound angry... its late and had a rp that kinda made me mad :p *Hwuggles*)
Oh you mean Ari :p


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Original weapons were removed by Engems. Spear was made by Lokhan he also helped train her with it. @Depressed_Monkey (:heart:)
Crossbow was given by Darko and he has yet to take it back. (Image not entirely accurate)


Lord of Altera
Morna would be pissed if Tybalt got them :p She loves each of her weapons
;) ..... I love the sentimental items our. Characters have and how they fall into each other hands. I'm Soo glad you came up with the brilliant Idea to play Morna and all the fun RP and character development for both of us it brought :)