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New character- help needed


Lord of Altera

I decided to create a new character but instead of creating her from scratch I thought it would be fun to get other people involved.
I'm trying to steer away from the " I came to Altera with nothing but a piece of bread and a distant memory" type.
I would like to have a family. A mom and dad or just one of them, or maybe an uncle.
In the spirit of a medieval society it would also be nice to have an arranged marriage coming up as a way to join a house instead of just creating yet another or just asking to join one.
For this I need your help.
Does anyone have a Rp that can fit me? Or know of someone I should talk to?


Sparkly purple member of the team
Quick question.. Are you very good at rp'ing? Maybe I can help :D
I'm sorry... that was dumb of me...
I made the thread and forgot to mention that that up there is my second account.
So... hum... I would like to think I'm a fair Rper...


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Hmm... Well, in my humble opinion a completely 'normal' character is a tad boring. Pererhaps, if you think yourself a decent roleplayer complicate your character some... Perhaps he/she has some mental damage? (Insane character are always interesting) Perhaps he/she has some sort of magical item(s) he/she carrys around? Exc, exc. These are just ideas, I wouldn't be surprised if you scrapped them all for something else. Good luck with the new character.

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
O_O *begins to put the pieces together, then remembers something and slowly backs away* >_>;;; You a scary lady, Alail....

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
Dont be confused. Be afraid. Be very afraid. >_>


King ForumStalker
Hmm... Well, in my humble opinion a completely 'normal' character is a tad boring.
No it isnt, we have so many paladin knight demonic warrior mages that it'd be nice to have a normal bloody person around for a change.

Plus, I love writing rp stories, so if you would like me to i'm always here! *gives Alail a small bell, the type you give to sick people so they can *ding* when they need something*


Lord of Altera
Alright... hum... Yes, it's me.
And.. hum... yes, the whole time.
Sorry. I guess.
And what I need help with is finding a "family" to pour my new character into if it is at all possible.
*Looks at Itzza*
Hey... you have a house.... Any sons you want to marry off?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Well... Assuming your female, (Know you are, just being sure) Plenty of my cousins/ vassals are single.


Cinn you could be my wife ? That'd be awesome RP :D I'm actually building a fortress, we could live there and start our own House.