Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Nwalme Fuvur


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
To be fair BLarg, I think both of our characters would gouge their "player"'s eyes out if they knew what we put them through for our own entertainment. :p
... Nwalme's not nice enough to only gouge out my eyes. He'd probably cut off my hands, then gouge out my eyes. And break this strange contraption I call a "laptop".


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
... Nwalme's not nice enough to only gouge out my eyes. He'd probably cut off my hands, then gouge out my eyes. And break this strange contraption I call a "laptop".
To be fair though, we'd have a crazy-unfair advantage, since we know exactly how they think, and therefore how to stop them. :p


Lord of Altera
Do we, though..? Often, we share the same weaknesses as our characters' mentally. Take Legion, for example.

He's scared of spiders. So if Legion attacked Legion with spiders, he wouldn't be able to do it effectively because he's too scared of spiders to scare anyone with spiders.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Do we, though..? Often, we share the same weaknesses as our characters mentally.
So we'd know how to fight them, if it came down to it.
For example, I know exactly how to send Faelin into a state where she'd be utterly incapable even moving, forget attacking me. Whereas she wouldn't have the faintest idea how to fight me mentally.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Yes, but the hard part is that she can use a bow probably a little better than you.
Using Faelin as an example, it literally wouldn't matter as long as you knew what to say, do... And more importantly not do. *glances at Ash and Eminu, scowling* :p


We demons of our solemn hour
... "He's only a jester, I'm sure this won't result in my sudden and abrupt death"
A jester with -What- Position again?

The Crown prohibits High Treason. Following qualifies High Treason:
I. Assault on the Queen
II. Betrayal
III. Disclosure of royal secrets.
IV. Assault on members of the royal family, heirs and members of the Royal Council.