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Nwalme Fuvur


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Wee, journals.... And Pyro, I propose that if you write more of Marcus's journals, I'll write more of Nwalme's. :p
Logic Over Emotion?

As has become commonplace for me bewteen my travels from Heaven's Reach, Port Silver, Riddleport and everywhere inbetween, I decided to search through my belongings again. I found a fairly old silver dagger, still in good condition mind you since I take care of my weaponry but still old. It took me several minutes to remember where I gained the impractical weapon, and after I did so I continued to stare thoughtlessly at the dagger, like I did so many years ago when I still desperately clung to the path of a warrior. It begs the question of why I insisted on doing that. There was no net gain, no logical basis for me wasting my time reminiscing when I could be doing something more enjoyable or productive.

Whilst I did so, it made me recall how different I was then. Tense as a string that was just about to be snapped, as liable to laugh as I was to cry, and forever on an emotional high no matter what I did in my young, thoughtless state. I do not say thoughtless lightly, I recall being barely literate and pitifully without rational thought, most of my beliefs formed from regurgitated peasant belief that has been passed around for generations.

Literacy. I still remember vividly when Ilavi taught me how to read. The illiterate being led by the deaf, and my explosive father being led by a troubled mind and lack of morality. It makes me worry for my children, not my adopted ones but those that I will actually father myself. My family lineage is largely unknown to me, but from what Basil told me his parents were simple peasants who were largely surprised that their cursed offspring lived long enough to become banished from the village. Basil was well-known simply for what we all remember him for, which was his surprising raw power and what most assumed to be skill with fire and killing. I said and still say that it's quite remarkable that he lived as long as he did, considering the life he led.

It worries me, however, that my children will inherit my family's lack of ability to become well-known through means that are not self-destructive or calculated and cruel. The former being Basil, obviously, and the latter my own. That goes along with my previous thought that I am lacking in moral capacity and that may be entirely due to my vast knowledge. When I was very young, I utterly despised Albiorix for his disturbing habit of taking corpses that had fallen in battle and using them for research and practice of the anatomy. Years later, in my own hypocrisy, I had imprisoned him and during the imprisonment forced him to dissect a corpse so that I could further my knowledge of the Human anatomy. Logic over emotion? For the past few years, I have felt as if most of my sense of emotion has deserted me in favor of bitterness and sadness. To be fair, I have felt happy, but it is always short-lived and the bitterness always returns to hold me in its shivering embrace.

To be fair I've led a fairly hard life. Is this how Basil felt when he thought Eminu died?

Nwalme Fuvur, for the Honor of Arcturus and the Profit of Cromarcky.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
The way he signs off each journal is very interesting.
"I could make up some hogswash about how it proves that my loyalty to Cromarcky is always the same despite how where I pretend it lies changes, but in reality I'm just fairly bored. And when I'm dead, it's going to be really funny what scholars and philosophers think about what was going through my mind when I wrote these."


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
"I could make up some hogswash about how it proves that my loyalty to Cromarcky is always the same despite how where I pretend it lies changes, but in reality I'm just fairly bored. And when I'm dead, it's going to be really funny what scholars and philosophers think about what was going through my mind when I wrote these."
Nwalme Fuvur - The Unexpected Troll


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Nwalme Fuvur - The Unexpected Troll
... It's also quite fun to never differentiate what he says with honesty and what he says in lies.

(... Cherry, if thus amuses you, the BLarg is perfectly capable to talk entirely as an uncensored Nwalme over Skype and has done so for the amusement of a certain Sock.)