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OOC and RP


Lord of Altera
Look, i'm perfectly fine with trying to create large-scale roleplay for people to enjoy and ultimately losing. but what which has been going on in merely the last two days leave a quite distasteful flavor in my mouth.

So, go back to your endless pregnancies and child-orphan-assassination bullshit, and be happy with a boring, stale world with no justice, no authority and psychotic killings ahoy.

EDIT: If it means anything, this was made under the influence of anger. The use of words is offensive, and im not sorry for it.
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Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Well, that's a bit rude to be fair.

I don't really understand what're your saying with

boring, stale world with no justice, no authority
One person ruling the map brings interesting RP to all?

Who's going to be giving this justice? Who's the 'authority' in this situation? You?

I'm not sure what you expected of this thread than putting your foot in the proverbial...



Lord of Altera
Well, that's a bit rude to be fair.

I don't really understand what're your saying with
One person ruling the map brings interesting RP to all?
Who's going to be giving this justice? Who's the 'authority' in this situation? You?
I'm not sure what you expected of this thread than putting your foot in the proverbial...

No K9, i'm not talking about me at all, i'm just trying to make you all look behind, to the last four months. Since the attack on my old capital, what else actually interesting has happened?


Lord of Altera
What large scale roleplay have you actually done? At all? I haven't been heard about or even seen a large scale roleplay except you taking over Senatoor and Marr. If that is what you are referring to all I've seen from it has been you getting your way and getting annoyed when @Goldengem25 did something to fault your plans. You act like you're the one who's changed any of the problems above. You've done NOTHING! Nothing. Actually no I'm mistaken. You've broken up one organisation with bribes talked smack about it. So thank you for your contributions they've improved Altera and everyone's experience so much. I'd be happy with our

over whatever you're trying to create. Which is a world controlled by you. It's ridiculous.
Who are you? How much time have you even been on the server, mate? Have you even any idea of what i wanted to do at first? I don't freaking want to control your world, i'm trying to create RP. Marr can win this war mate, i don't care. What i care about is people behaving in an awful way OOCly when there's a little bit of slightly meant-to-be-controversial RP trying to be created by one person.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
No K9, i'm not talking about me at all, i'm just trying to make you all look behind, to the last four months. Since the attack on my old capital, what else actually interesting has happened?
And you lashing out at everybody is going to fix that problem? No, what'll fix that problem is you being involved with a cold war with the Engems, small disputes leading into huge ones. Not "Let's run into an unknown inn vs. and unknown number of people and start a huge fight! Hon hon!"



Lord of Altera
Who are you? How much time have you even been on the server, mate? Have you even any idea of what i wanted to do at first? I don't freaking want to control your world, i'm trying to create RP. Marr can win this war mate, i don't care. What i care about is people behaving in an awful way OOCly when there's a little bit of slightly meant-to-be-controversial RP trying to be created by one person.
I've been on this server on and off since 2011. I was also around while Arcturus was a thing not that has to do with anything. Perhaps extending on what you believe to be an awful way oocly would allow us to help solve it rather than making a vague statement obviously looking to antagonize people.

Also that post was deleted soon after because of the emotion of anger in it which I don't really want to reflect here. It was deleted a minute after posting before Val even responded.


Lord of Altera
Threads like this do nothing but create drama and bad feelings in the community.
Hey, I'm sorry for it, only trying to open eyes on how we could maybe work out better large-scale RPs, because that's the way to actually make a server interesting.


Lord of Altera
And you lashing out at everybody is going to fix that problem? No, what'll fix that problem is you being involved with a cold war with the Engems, small disputes leading into huge ones. Not "Let's run into an unknown inn vs. and unknown number of people and start a huge fight! Hon hon!"

I'm merely stating facts. I didn't say i disliked pregnancies, even if it might have sounded this way, im just sure that a good chunk of the server is waiting for something to happen.

I'm mad at badly organized and meta'd roleplay.

''unknown inn vs an unknown number of people''

Explain to me what you meant, please.


Lord of Altera
Since the attack on my old capital, what else actually interesting has happened?
literally everything I've actually ever done on this server?
like where are you even headed with this dude.

EDIT: sorry if that sounds rude. I did not intend rudeness.
I respect your efforts and your intent to create drama, but please don't like, say that nothing important happened on this server like.


Lord of Altera
literally everything I've actually ever done on this server?
like where are you even headed with this dude.
Gaby, i'm trying to head towards explaining that there are several categories of people on the server, including one that wants peaceful RP, and one that wants to have dynamism. I have a strong feeling that the second category i'm talking about is not especially having a lot of interest into current situation, and i'm only trying to remedy to that.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
I'm merely stating facts. I didn't say i disliked pregnancies, even if it might have sounded this way, im just sure that a good chunk of the server is waiting for something to happen.

I'm mad at badly organized and meta'd roleplay.

''unknown inn vs an unknown number of people''

Explain to me what you meant, please.
I meant, from a small piece of information, you decided to lead a full scale raid against some place you have never been, against some unknown group. That's badly organized RP.



Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Yeah, I'm tempted to pre-emptively lock this thread. Valonyx, you are doing exactly what you have complained that other people do to you, which is apply labels to them and their RP OOCly. I can provide logs, if you'd like.

Please keep it civil.


Lord of Altera
I meant, from a small piece of information, you decided to lead a full scale raid against some place you have never been, against some unknown group. That's badly organized RP.

Can you please enquire such details before making accusations?

We are, I hope, a faction that tries a lot not to metagame.

We couldve been at the inn ten minutes sooner, but we voluntarily decided to wait for someone that was there, one of ours, to come back to Knight's Haven and warn us so that we could go there.

You spent quite a good amount of time just being in the inn, and we knew it a while before actually being able to intervene.


Lord of Altera
Gaby, i'm trying to head towards explaining that there are several categories on the server, including one that wants peaceful RP, and one that wants to have dynamism. I have a strong feeling that the second category i'm talking about is not especially having a lot of interest into current situation, and i'm only trying to remedy to that.
I dont know what this sentence means.
so I can't answer it.

if you wanted to make a point with this thread, I do not think you've accomplished it.


Lord of Altera
Yeah, I'm tempted to pre-emptively lock this thread. Valonyx, you are doing exactly what you have complained that other people do to you, which is apply labels to them and their RP OOCly. I can provide logs, if you'd like.

Please keep it civil.
Anger clouded the first post's jugement and use of words, and I am sincerely sorry for it.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Can you please enquire such details before making accusations?

We are, I hope, a faction that tries a lot not to metagame.

We couldve been at the inn ten minutes sooner, but we voluntarily decided to wait for someone that was there, one of ours, to come back to Knight's Haven and warn us so that we could go there.

You spent quite a good amount of time just being in the inn, and we knew it a while before actually being able to intervene.
I'm not claiming that you metagamed. What I'm saying is that nothing was planned in ahead, while you complain of badly organised RP.
