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OOC and RP


Lord of Altera
I think what Val wants to tell us if that you are unhappy with him purposely trying to grab power, you should try and organise a resistance in RP instead of complaining how he handels things. And not a resistance based on OOC feelings, but a carefully calculated and via RP enacted one.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
I think what Val wants to tell us if that you are unhappy with him purposely trying to grab power, you should try and organise a resistance in RP instead of complaining how he handels things. And not a resistance based on OOC feelings, but a carefully calculated and via RP enacted one.
Not sure if that was directed at me or everyone, but I've done literally nothing but RP response. I quite like what's going on in RP, it gives my character something to do RN.



The Arbiter of the Gods
I think what Val wants to tell us if that you are unhappy with him purposely trying to grab power, you should try and organise a resistance in RP instead of complaining how he handels things. And not a resistance based on OOC feelings, but a carefully calculated and via RP enacted one.
That's what was happening though. Plenty of people can confirm it.


Lord of Altera
So, go back to your endless pregnancies and child-orphan-assassination bullshit, and be happy with a boring, stale world with no justice, no authority and psychotic killings ahoy.
Just saying, pregnancy should not be in the same sentence as orphan assassins. Just because it's happening a lot, doesn't mean it's bad RP or even close to child orphan assassins. People are getting their characters pregnant because they want to have the experience- and yes, it is poorly timed because almost everyone's having kids on the server, but that's not a bad thing at all.

Please don't insult the RP on the server though, everyone brings their own style and preferences of RP when they join the server. There are some bad parts that the staff actively try to repair (Like the mass-murderings) but that doesn't make the over-all RP bad.


Lord of Altera
Just saying, pregnancy should not be in the same sentence as orphan assassins. Just because it's happening a lot, doesn't mean it's bad RP or even close to child orphan assassins. People are getting their characters pregnant because they want to have the experience- and yes, it is poorly timed because almost everyone's having kids on the server, but that's not a bad thing at all.

Please don't insult the RP on the server though, everyone brings their own style and preferences of RP when they join the server. There are some bad parts that the staff actively try to repair (Like the mass-murderings) but that doesn't make the over-all RP bad.
The pregnancy part was very badly worded. I just wanted to try and underline that it's a subject that is taking abnormally a large chunk of the public attention because there's nothing else of importance happening. I have nothing against having kids in RP.


Lord of Altera
Thank you for creating this roleplay the server currently has, it gives people reason to actually roleplay. Whatever side you are on, A crown to rule them all, or everyone free to do whatever they want ruling themselves. Whatever side of the argument you are on, we are still a community, OOC hating on someone just because they want to have Altera united under a crown, or because they wish to have everyone free, wild wild west style roleplay, is stupid, rude, and uncalled for.. Why? Because we are a community!

I don't care what any of you want, I know what I want in roleplay, so what am I going to do? I am NOT going to complain that it is not how I want it to be, or how I want it, I am going to roleplay my character achieving the goals!

So.. to sum up everything.. here is a fun music video, you need to watch



Lord of Altera
Who are you? How much time have you even been on the server, mate? Have you even any idea of what i wanted to do at first? I don't freaking want to control your world, i'm trying to create RP. Marr can win this war mate, i don't care. What i care about is people behaving in an awful way OOCly when there's a little bit of slightly meant-to-be-controversial RP trying to be created by one person.
Actually, I haven't seen any ooc anger mate... All of Marr is okay with this ._. I don't know why you think this but let's work past it, and I do want to help you create this large scale RP.