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Plans For A Town - Scottish Style


Loyal Servant of Altera
I'll help as much as I can but unfortunately for me I've already joined Darkwood. And if your basing it on Edinburgh then you have to do Arthurs seat (O and by the way FREEDOM!!!!)


Lord of Altera
Good news. I will get 500r a day through voting so I will have 50k in 100 days. With my quests I reckon I can start the town in around 50 days :p


Loyal Servant of Altera
I will help town a great deal even make it as a PARTNER, both of us mayors but you official towny mayor i would help pay for it and everything because i have been wanting to start my own town.


Lord of Altera
I'd rather not benjei. I appreciate your offer but the last joint town venture I ws in didnt work so I think I will go it alone this time :p


May I join your new town when you have it established? I am willing to put all the rads I have currently towards this if it would help.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Yay finally a necro that wasn't done by me, and M.C.King has changed plans and its on the census.