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[POLL] New chance for fresh and innovative roleplay?

What innovative roleplay/gameplay do we need from this region? Let's attempt:

  • Economic Hub. True bartering, setting of prices, an attempt at a grand exchange.

  • Hard-core Brutal Survival Hub. Pure anarchy, everything goes, a jab at real societal ladders.

  • Minimalistic Hub. Likely in Desert. Nothing grows. Everything is 10x harder to achieve.

  • Divinity Hub. Bring together all faiths, see how society forms, clashes, struggles, collaborations.

  • Floating Hub. A region made up out of boats / rafts. Expansion is done by collection of driftwood.

Results are only viewable after voting.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
There I was, telling myself I'd join one or two events a month. 2 events down and I can't resist the urge to log back in again!
The reunion event, seeing all the old builds, lit a spark inside me that I am now debating to either nurture or let die.
That's what this thread is about.

In short: I am considering making a new region.
Now, I remember that the mainstream reaction to such things has always been along the lines of: "Oh gods, not another one, ewl."
So I'm not just gonna go ahead and do whatever I want. Yet, I also want to make clear that in the past I've tried to add something new, innovative, and unprecedented with each region.

Not to boast, but to prove the point that I like to experiment with new stuff, go through this list of regions I've made in the past:
  • Eventine: I introduced a hard-core colony RP and a Skilling Minigame-system that I remember fondly. I never quite experienced anything like what we created there together.
  • Nid Arach: Changing the game of Dungeoneer adventures and evil RP. It has since become a legacy place.
  • Quelony: A town solely built upon quests. That didn't take off so well and I learned from it.
  • Frostwarts (Part of the Halbed region) : I created an environment of teaching and discussing all sorts of topics. Like Nid Arach, I regard it as a legacy place.
I hope that I've persuaded you with this list that a new region doesn't necessarily have to be something bad and disgusting.

Now, after hopefully making sure a new region is perceived in a positive light, we get to the actual point of this thread:
What new region? What's new? What does it have that others don't have? Why do we need it?
The last point is of the essence. Why do we need a new region? Or let's rephrase: What do we need in Altera that we do not already have and which this new region can provide?

And that's why I'm making this thread. I've mulled it over and I've found I can't just go and do this alone and hope for the best, figuring it will all work out. If I'm gonna do this, I will do as much as I can to ensure its success. Its success is entirely dependant upon how it's received by everyone. So, what do you think you'll enjoy most? I've listed five options in the poll for you to vote on (3 votes possible to indicate top 3).
To help me and in turn yourself; please vote.

That spark inside me, I'm either going to grow it into a flame and have fun making a region, or I'm gonna let it be and take a step back. It's up to you, really.

If you have new ideas of your own, just post them in a reply and I'll count hearts of your idea as votes for it.
If I added an idea that has already been made, please also point that out. No use spreading the same idea over several places.
I hope there'll be some enthusiasm around some of these ideas. Feel free to discuss and talk about it. Let's see what we can come up with!
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An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
We're almost tying for both a place of divine friction and of anarchy. I think these two can be combined quite well if done right!
This reaction means I'm not gonna let the spark just die out, I'm gonna do something with it! Whatever it is is already taking a bit of shape in my mind.
Thank you to everyone who has already voted. I'll keep an eye on the poll for a while longer just to see if anything changes.
You can expect a follow-up thread very soon, where I'll flesh out some concepts about whatever the region will be like.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
The Divinity Hub, Grand Exchange, and Anarchy Place are tied at the moment and have been close behind each other this entire time, which shows to me that people like them equally. Now the floating connected raft idea is shooting up too. I haven't yet claimed a region, so I think I might be able to COMBINE all of them in one way or another. Anarchy totally fits the Divine Hub idea, so I've put those together and added the Grand Exchange bit as a sub-idea. If I put it all on a raft, then we've got 'em.

Take a look at what I wrote up here, and come to RP as soon as I've made a region :) Let's grow this thing into a beautiful town!

Thanks for all the votes! This is gonna be EPIC!