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Lord of Altera
I am not saying you cannot be evil, Evil characters add to our way of RP in Altera :p
However, you cannot kill someone or blatantly attack them without consent in the northern kingdoms.
That's it.
Also, you cannot steal.
Be as evil as you'd like in RP, just don't kill anyone before asking them if it's alright to at least try.


Loyal Servant of Altera
lines of text
Ah I do agree with you there I which is why I was saying there needs to be more mediums where evil people can be evil this was just an idea. Just noticing people believe there should be more evil yet there are less reasons for someone to want to be evil.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Ah that I did just noticing the call for more and realizing why less people enjoy the evil life. Well this and the terrible dental plan.


Retired Staff
Whole thread: tl;dr. Really.

I've been there when this happened, and there are two things missing:
1. Clear rules, alright, you've posted them, will get back to after point two.
2. Consent. For this I refer to unconsented PvP (and that warning I gave you was for killing somebody while you all agreed to RP-fights, in which case it doesn't really matter what others did, you have been found killing others). If even one person from one party doesn't like the raid, you have to go elsewhere (unless he/she is willing to leave town).

Also, you can't go ahead taking their money, that's theft. Once again, if they agree to it, it's fine, but what you did yesterday wasn't, forcing them to pay.
I also foresee a problem with the block-breaking: grief, so I would never agree to that rule in my town.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Condensed :D
1. Any notes or criticism on said rules would be appreciated.
2. I'm realizing this will always be a big deal within the NK but like
Its not really RP if you can just say "no". But i can understand why there are rules like this, i may not like them but i understand them
(Now that it's over I'm not to upset about the warning seeing as it's my first I believe and I don't outright go and attempt to get warnings just was upset that I'd been given a warning doing the same things others were especually after they followed me and attacked me in another city.)
Yesterday was a mistake, we realized that a couple minutes into said raid it was poorly thought out and executed. Which is why I spent a good bit of time thinking this up in an attempt to create a civil way to go about things if a chance was given at a second try(I now realize that with the rules as they are now won't ever be able to be a surprise attack type of thing as I'd originally hoped for. However not completely undo-able.)
I do see your point there but without it the same thing as what happened yesterday would happen, run to the castle, close the gate, arrows.

p.s. I now know your forum name heer!

p.p.s not sure what good that does me actually :I


Lord of Altera
I would like to point out that during the particular inceident we bandits did not initiate any of the PvP, per request we did all battles RP (and I would also note that the defenders were rather poor at rping) and any PvP was initiated by the defending citizens. We are just trying to bring spice to every day life, no need to shut us down.


hshotwell said:
I would like to point out that during the particular inceident we bandits did not initiate any of the PvP, per request we did all battles RP (and I would also note that the defenders were rather poor at rping) and any PvP was initiated by the defending citizens. We are just trying to bring spice to every day life, no need to shut us down.
How can you say anythingabout the quality of RP? All you did was turn up in your shiny armour and ask for money, as well as being OP.

Michaël Dirix

Legend of Altera
How can you say anythingabout the quality of RP? All you did was turn up in your shiny armour and ask for money, as well as being OP.
one of the bandits claimed that he could go through lava, two witnesses of that
the bandits are often poor rp'ers, and their rp knowledge is minor.


Lord of Altera
My overall opinion of bandits is that they don't particularly come across their roles 'correctly'. Simply I can compare these ideas of 'raids' to my flooding in ROTT. You want to raid towns? You have to plan it. It isn't a bad RP event 'The Raid of Alsaga' but you need permissions from the town itself. For instance, 'The Attack on Okeanos' required my permission to attack my town. I said no, so we came up with an agreement with sinking the boats and had to gain permission to crash the boat in Witches Brew. In reality talking IC -Let's raid a town!- out of the blue.. Will land you in massive trouble. People do not want their stuff taken. People do not want to be griefed and killed. If you want to have raid events, then you will have to message the whole town and plan. AO took a good week to plan out. You need to respect the town's land or Bert will blow up Banditville.
one of the bandits claimed that he could go through lava, two witnesses of that
the bandits are often poor rp'ers, and their rp knowledge is minor.
I'd appreciate that you don't judge their RP ablities with their character's profession choice. There can always been an amazing bandit character.. Don't use stereotypes.