Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Renting Property in Storm's Landing


Lord of Altera
-IGN(s): Bobzre
-Character Name(s): Cedlas
-Build Area: (Listed on the third line of the sign posted on the house.) 015f
-Build Code: (Listed on the final line of the house.) Middle Class
-Intended Use: (This is just to keep track of what is available at Storm's Landing and for Record Keeping.) Housing


The Green One
Retired Staff
-IGN(s): Bobzre
-Character Name(s): Cedlas
-Build Area: (Listed on the third line of the sign posted on the house.) 015f
-Build Code: (Listed on the final line of the house.) Middle Class
-Intended Use: (This is just to keep track of what is available at Storm's Landing and for Record Keeping.) Housing
You're in, kid.

Brave Rubber Duck

Sally little helper
2 requests in one, saving you paperwork!

-IGN(s): BraveRubberDuck
-Character Name(s): J'Dar Kahest

First, the store:

-Build Area: Slums Market
-Build Code: 005M
-Intended Use: Store that keeps rotating items with the big store uptown, sales, and so on.

and second, the house:

-Build Area: Midlevel
-Build Code: 006D
-Intended Use: Sectioned to be a house and a store at the same time, since it has two doors. Store will keep items from far away, uncommon items, high tier armor and weapons, trinkets, odds and ends, that sort of stuff.

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
As We All Know Rent's Due The 30th of Every Month.
Failure to pay by the 30th or get in contact with me about your payment will result in the loss of rented properties.
I'm still holding possessions, and if anyone wants to collect those, please contact me.
The Pricing Is As Listed Below:
Black Market- 100r
Slums Market-200r
Dock Market- 300r
Slums- 500r
Middle Class- 1k
High Class -3k
Farms- 1k

☆Please post proof of payment once you have paid! It makes it easier on all three of us.
The following people owe rent for December/January.
Payment can be made to Warwolf (Warwolf_1), Ayda (Asirel_Luik), or Kamaoe (Kamaoe)

Reposting this as a 10 day warning! On the 30th, those who owe for the month of December will have their home revoked. Those who are due in January will have 7 more days to either let someone know, or will have their property revoked.

December Due:
Electric 1000r
mairinbaihn 3000r
Smurf 800r
lycana 200r

January Due:
Osowiec 1000r
StevenWeen 1000r
StarWillow2000 1000r
Salmonstorm 300r​
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Lord of Altera
GN(s): DraconDarknight
-Character Name(s): Leofric Firestorm
-Build Area: Dock Market
-Build Code: (Listed on the final line of the house.) D001 AND D002
-Intended Use: Store, if possible I'd like a custom build there at a later point of time.
Atm I'm happy with the two stalls though.
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Brave Rubber Duck

Sally little helper
How do I pay rent?
-Houses are kept through rent, each month you will have to pay rent to keep your home. When rent needs to be posted a Spawn Staff member will post in this chat here and you will have to send the rads to either Kamaoe, TheDeester, Warwolf_1 or solusrequiem with a screenshot if the member is not online at the time of the payment.

It's in the first post


Lord of Altera
-IGN(s): Conboyguy1223
-Character Name(s): Hugh Jessop
-Build Area: Dock Level
-Build Code: 016D
-Intended Use: Home / OOC shop to clear my pocket


The Green One
Retired Staff
GN(s): DraconDarknight
-Character Name(s): Leofric Firestorm
-Build Area: Dock Market
-Build Code: (Listed on the final line of the house.) D001 AND D002
-Intended Use: Store, if possible I'd like a custom build there at a later point of time.
Atm I'm happy with the two stalls though.

-IGN(s): Conboyguy1223
-Character Name(s): Hugh Jessop
-Build Area: Dock Level
-Build Code: 016D
-Intended Use: Home / OOC shop to clear my pocket

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
As We All Know Rent's Due The 30th of Every Month.
Failure to pay by the 30th or get in contact with me about your payment will result in the loss of rented properties.
I'm still holding possessions, and if anyone wants to collect those, please contact me.
The Pricing Is As Listed Below:
Black Market- 100r
Slums Market-200r
Dock Market- 300r
Slums- 500r
Middle Class- 1k
High Class -3k
Farms- 1k

☆Please post proof of payment once you have paid! It makes it easier on all three of us.☆
Payment can be made to Warwolf (Warwolf_1), Ayda (Asirel_Luik), or Kamaoe (Kamaoe)

Reposting this as a 24 Hour Warning!
On the 30th, those who owe for the month of December will have their home revoked.
Those who are due in January will have 7 more days to either let someone know, or will have their property revoked.

December Due:
lycana 200r

January Due:
Osowiec 1000r
StevenWeen 1000r
Salmonstorm 300r
Smurf 800r​
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