Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Role Play Etiquette


Lord of Altera
true, im 17 and the archmage, but ive been taught magick by an expert (the previous archmages best student) and im still learning.....


Non sum qualis eram
Naelwyn's Operational Strategy:

Do crazy things to back up crazy things.
Don't ever bother trying to fight in an RP unless the end result is already agreed upon or unless all participants are both mature enough to concede points for creativity and willing to lose if they are suitably impressed.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
I tend to avoid taking the offensive in RP full stop. If somebody acts ridiculously overpowered or attacks my character, I'll just go with it, and exit the situation as soon as is reasonably possible. If -however- they attempt (OOC) to dictate, change, or manipulate my character's actions, I'll just tell them that it is unacceptable and, if they persist, I will walk away.

Simples. *squeaks*


Lord of Altera
So basically, to explain the apparent slight confusion about Alden:

His birthmark power boost thing works under his control only in extreme situations and usually if he uses it more than a certain amount it destroys his memory of the event and drives him insane. Also, he spent four years of his life studying magic 24/7 and has a photographic memory. That equals insane amounts of knowledge of magic. He has the capacity to use it decently without the mark, but he is able to do a lot of the stuff he does in RP because he's doing it to people who aren't trying to resist or stop his spells. If he were in a combat situation, it would be very different. Not to mention, his intense paranoia, ignorance of the real world beyond magic, and his brain issues due to the mark all bring down his overpoweredness a lot. But although he threatens people a lot, especially when they scare or annoy him, he doesn't really mean to. He's just jumpy. The pain threshold thing is definitely true. And finally, he's skin and bones, so if somebody managed to get him in a situation where his magic was valueless, he'd be rendered almost entirely powerless. Last but not least, there's a fair chance that once people he's with figure out that the mark is what's killing his mind they'll try to figure out a way to remove it.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Eh, my guy is actually about 190lbs. because hes a crotchety man who does nothing but eat and meditate.

When he met Aspens character and started being rather rude, Aspen kicked his butt because he can't cast a battle spell to save his life D:<

To be fair, he's spent 16+ years of hard study in one, single form of magic and specific uses (Holy Magic for Healing). So hes rather talented, but just with that.


Lord of Altera
Your magic bubble thing might have kept Alden's magic out. I'm not sure, to be honest. But I love the "Outcome is previously decided" tactic.