Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Roleplay keeper
Aaah that's so cute! Although ow. What is it with you and damaged characters who touch our feels ;-; that aside, her hair and hands are very well made


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Aaah that's so cute! Although ow. What is it with you and damaged characters who touch our feels ;-; that aside, her hair and hands are very well made
no ur cute

And idk bette, even my characters who start out perfectly fine end up getting caught in SOMETHING

Also, more doodles! (( Eltsir CloakedReaper Cukie1 ))

Edit: Whoops! Forgot her scars!
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Lord of Altera
It's been a while since I've checked out this thread. I'm happy I'm getting alerts for this again.