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Seth Jenkins I, King of the Dwarves


Lord of Altera
My old one was all clunky so I re-did a new Char profile :D

Name:Seth Jenkins I
Nickname/Alias: Dwarven King, Seth, Oh masterful Dwarf, Elven Slayer, The Slayer of Corbenic, Slayer
Age:Yer dunnae measure strength in years, bu' if yer were, ae good few many ae lapse ye by
Gender: Male
Race: Proud and Duskhammer Dwarven
Build: Muscular after many years of ter t'e Dwarven Armies aes well aes constant mining and tee re-forging of kingdoms; however ye still light on me feet and agile and aeround 5"0, bu' dunnae ask ae Dwarf 'is 'eight!
Hair: Ach, ae deep brown of t'e earthern soils and definetely upon me 'ead, sporting ae beard and sideburns with it
Eyes: Definetely two t'ere, baeth ae grayed-green tha' shouldnae be too hard fer yer weaklin' eyes ter spot...
Skin:Ae tanned white after long weeks of work bu' still in t'e underground
Tattoos/Scars: Ae scar tha' crosses over me right eye frem long agae...
Distinguishing Features: Ae pair of Amber Goggles tha' rest upon 'is 'ead, along with ae promiment jawline with t'e matching sideburns, if ae dunnae say sae meself. Ae also sport me fine Star Iron Armour aswell as all me weapons... frem me Poleaxe of t'e Horgaar and Thorna, me blade of Mystery.
Traits or Blessings: Ae'm Dwarven, wha' else der yer need?
Physical Flaws: Ae'm ae Dwarf, dunnae 'ave any
Physical Qualities: *Flexes*
Clothes: T'e armours of Tradition tha' be made frem Star Iron as well as ae underlayer of chainmail frem Frostmetal and ae leather jerkin tha' is outlined with gold ter show t'e riches of Dwarves
Hygiene: T'ey always sae were rather dirty...if yer knae wha' ae mean...bu' generally, ae take ae bathin' often
Voice: Ae sound like ae friend ae knae named Gimli, bu' wha' yer would call ae bi' more Scottish.
Family Heritage: T'e line of Frostpeaks and Dusk'ammers as well as blood kin ter t'e Dwarf Lords.
Worships: Korog 'o course
Disabilities/Illnesses: None tha' ae knae of...apar' frem sneezin' ae lo' at t'e Elven Forests in Summer.... (Hayfever :p)
Intelligence Level: Dunnae judge ae Dwarf by 'is'm intelligent enough ter take yer ass and everythin' with it in ae court room...
Known Languages: Common Tongue, Horgaahn, Elven
Title: King of the Dwarves, Slayer of Corbenic, Founder of the Slayers, Lord of Yearnen
Political alignment: Yearnen

Personality: Ae fiery one, weathered by constant war and t'e art of Politics, ae be wise, witty bu' still ae crack fer ae laugh and full of life and 'umour bu' ae alsae be hardened frem bein' older t'an t'e mountains of t'e Exodus and seasonin' as ae Commander of Air, Sea and Ground and t'e art of Politics
Fears/Insecurities/Phobias: Ae do 'ave ae sligh' drinkin' problem and t'e ladies... well t'ey arnae me strong area.
Short Term Goals: 'ave aenother pint
Long Term Goals: Restore t'e Dwarves ter t'ere former glory, extend ae kingdom tha' stretches ter every compass point and anywhere. T'e refill t'e line of Dwarves
Alignment: Chaotic Good (Becuase anyone who calls themselves good is always chaotic due to a different viewing of good from everyone :p)
Profession: King of t'e Dwarves, Warrior, Adventurer, Dwarf
Hometown: New Valkyria
Current Home: Thraall

Food/drinks: Black Mountain Ale and ae goo' ol' Lamb Stew...
Animal: T'e Gray War Ram
Killin' Elves
Person: T'e Dwarf Lords of course yer Elf...

Least Favorite:
Elven Green
Food/drinks: Anyt'in Elven
Animal: Elves
Activity: Lettin' Elves live

Person: All Wood Elves and Dark Elves, altha' ae'm alright with some 'igh Elves...

Trivia: Ach, ae 'ave 3 bastard sons, twins frem one mother and aenother frem aenother woman...but none knae tha' apart frem me. Ae also led many of t'e crusades in t'e Exodus and 'ave been knae'n ter 'ave at one time pitied Elves...bu tha' s all over... and remember, naebady knows...
(So no metagamy :p)

[Redacted for a brief time~]
[Update: May take slightly longer, school work clog :( ]
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Lord of Altera
I find it odd that one that hates elves would go as low as to learn their tongue...

Edit: Basically I want to know why he knows it if he hates them so much.


Lord of Altera
I find it odd that one that hates elves would go as low as to learn their tongue...

Edit: Basically I want to know why he knows it if he hates them so much.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer...
Oh, and cast your eyes over to the large paragraph of text known as my backstory :p


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
haha :p nice story and speech. I'd like to draw for this story too, you are third in the nomination, so you will have to wait a bit. Once I've drawn a picture, I'll send it and you can judge if it's good enough for your story. Hail King Seth!