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So what does MRPolo draw like?


The Arbiter of the Gods
Let's get rid of all that weird nonsense.... I now have the equipment to draw... And I mean Draw not what I have previously made ( A fat Asian bearded man wearing a peasant costume...) And I decided to put up my 1st purely made (with no use of photos and pictures) drawing. This one links in with my story which has a link in my signature if anyone wants to have a read. If you just want to see this little one. Here it is ;)Backstory pic.png


Lord of Altera
I think it looks great. The eyes and mouth are a little bit small, but it gives that cartoony look.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Yeah i know about that... As I said it's not perfect and it would be better with at least a better mouse or a drawing tablet...


King ForumStalker
So what does MRPolo draw like?

Very freaking well, that's how! (and with a pretty bad mouse too!)


The Arbiter of the Gods
The mouse is allright but I had it for.... 5 years now and it has couple of cables missing off it so every couple of seconds it would od a random zigzag >.>


The Arbiter of the Gods
Of course, the above change still isn't all... This is my first drawing and so it's the case of me getting used to Photoshop. If you have any suggestions (I am still learning how to draw faces so none of that :p) feel free to reply!


The Arbiter of the Gods
Yep... And when I said I don't know why it is the above reason... The home village was burnt down in a certain demon attack during a black moon.


The Arbiter of the Gods
I think that, as far as humans are concerned, I might have achieved personal victory in drawing... It's still not perfect and my face-drawing skills have to, and will be a subject of change but hopefully this is a good-ish start ;)
Polo meh xD.png
Feedback is, as usual, welcome and, as I said, I need to learn a little more about drawing faces. (I thought I was good until I decided to give it a try >.<) Also, don't bother about the thick grey line around the nose... It's an error but it's too late to change it (I am too lazy :/)