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The Creation of Mason


Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: Starurn Draazguum (However, does not remember his name)
Nickname/Alias: Mason
Age: 300 (ish)
Gender: Male
Race: Golem
Height: 9'0"
Weight: 500kg
Hair: Some rocks stick up, an error during forming
Eyes: Red, powered by redstone. They light or dim depending on Mason's mood.
Skin: Redstone tracks and cobblestone, stained brown from the forging process.

Identifying Marks: Redstone tracks leading from the centre of his back to every limb and his brain. Also, he is 9' tall...
Appearance: Golem was designed to have the perfect mechanical structure - he is formed in the 'V' shape to keep a low centre of gravity, this was combined with his prototype forging process, which allowed him to be lighter than most golems. A coat of obsidian was seared into him, this stores excess redstone energy, which can be used to brighten his redstone tracks up, creating a light.
Strengths: He can manipulate the rocks over his arms to form various tools. Also, being made of stone, he can sink into the earth and resurface at any time, and was programmed to be "stored" in such manner.
Weaknesses and fears: Is naturally scared of water - It will also render Mason useless until completely dry. He is also programmed to throw himself into danger when whoever he is body guarding is in danger. Mason is also completely afraid of places where he cannot see the ceiling, and will therefore only venture outside when he is with his master. He can, however, only communicate in Dwarvish, but is proficient in reading and writing in English, Elfish and Dwarvish.
Religion and cults: Was brainwashed during the forging process, and therefore will obey his master to the letter, even if the order is detrimental to himself. The only order he cannot follow is one that will kill him or someone else without a purpose that will affect that world for good.
Profession: Part of the '6' series of golems - the first one. The '6' Series were designed to be bodyguards for Dwarves, but with one difference - they were sentient, although could be triggered to obey at any time.

Thogof Draazguum was a dwarven redstone engineer over three hundred years ago. He designed the first Golems. It was both a blessing and a curse : A bitter civil war ensued in the Okar mountain range - great armies of Golems that could be forged out of the very stone around them could be utilised, and a fight for power ensued. Draazguum, however, was captured by the rebels to the Lord Okar, and was forced to create better Golems. Draazguum eventually came up with the Redstone System, crafting Golems that could use powers. These Golems went through several stages, until the completion of the Fifth series, where the Golems could no longer handle the power in the redstone. So Draazguum experimented with a 6th series - one made from dwarves. To keep it secret, he used his only son, Starurn Draazguum, who was dieing from a wound to his side. The experiment was a success, but Thogof realised what would happen if Okar found out about his son, a technical enemy, so, he stored Starurn in a strange land, underneath stone, resetting his memory. Starurn was awoken by the armies of Grief hundreds of years later, and miraculously fled to Port Silver.

Starurn later found himself in Skara Brae, and started to forge stone weapons, bricks and mining cobble. He chose his name from a book, and from then on was known as "Mason". Although he now had a name, people still avoided him, they were scared of him, and especially due to his large size, he made a bad first impressions which involved creating his own door into a house. Dejected, he chose a lone house on the top of the hill, but ever since he has become more reclusive, and eventually people built more houses around him.


King ForumStalker
Mason = Epic name for Golem!

I love this, and i'd love it if you could write more, especially how everyone reacts to seeing a 9' golem made of stone and redstone!


The Anime loving Brony
nice one dude, this is sweet. Now we have 2 golems :D I like Itzz's Idea, You should write about how people are reacting to him appearing, considering his height and appearance. :D