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Fable The Love of Storms and Seas (Heretical Pamphlet)


I think I might like it here
The Love of Storms and Seas
In the times of Falling Gods, when the Northern Lands were where we called home,
The Olde God of the Seas slipped into the Long Slumber.
Two of their brethren stepped forward to claim dominion over the waters depths and the endless seas skies.
Jax The Lorde of Luck, God of Gambles, Patron of Opportunity
Valiant The Heavenly Justice, Honorable General, God of Courage.
In battle did they meet far out above the churning waters.
The crack of thunder soft compared to the meeting of their blows.
The flash of lightning dim compared to the shine of their Divine Blood.

Luck and War strove to conquer the other, trading the advantage constantly.
For seven days and seven nights they traded glancing blows that whipped the skies and seas into a frenzy.
For seven days and seven nights they found no purchase against the other.
Luck could not overwhelm well earned Skill, nor Skill overcome bountiful Luck.

The flames of Conflict, the shine of Chance began to blur and shift.
Red and Gold began to meld as the Sun rose on the horizon of the seventh night.
Ambitions turned from Power and Battle to the sweet kiss of honeyed skies
As the Sun painted all it touched in their colors and lit the seas aflame.

The Dawn broke like Hope unfurled, painting sea and skies in rose gold and copper
It was not blows they traded then, not blades they bared in threat.
T'was a Battle of a very different kind that took place then
Of Passions and Entwinement, the blending of Selves and Succor.

For a brief moment, the Seas and Skies were as one in all ways.
A tapestry of rich hues with twin stars at it's center.
But Dawn is but a moment and thus must come to an end.
Rose Gold and Copper came apart once more.

Changed, shaken, yearning and resentful with uncertainty
Luck and War parted ways with the spoils of their battle.
The Oceans Depths for the ship faring Jax
The Sea's Storms for the watchful Valiant.

Never did they speak of that tumulus time,
That gilded moment and all it's weal and woe
Sweet as honey but poisoned by past loves, past crimes.
Until the shadowed depths rose to strike against Jax.

The Masked God sought to wrest the seas from the Lorde of Luck
Using the great Unknown Depths, threatening to drag Jax into Darkness
This was not an unending battle, a melding of hues.
But the leeching of color, the clouding of Chance's Sight.

When the waters were all but lost, Light broke through the darkness.
Not the sweet Dawn, but the bellowing Storm in all it's rage.
The Winds plucked Jax from the murky waters and bore him aloft
Weakened, lesser for his lost Seas, but buoyed by a secret gift.

Compelled to give only what he must, Jax sought to leave no debts.
But the stoic Valiant sought nothing for saving and setting Jax to Soar.
Nothing, but what Justice could not, would not demand
What he was not sure he truly wanted in the first place.

Thus the Storms and Sea Winds parted once more,
The yearning to be Rose Gold and Copper stronger
But stimmed by hearts slow to soften and bloom
And the pain of pasts even slower to heal from.

Alas, the seed of their love is a slow growing thing
Watered by tumultuous seas, nurtured by storming skies.
But no less true is it for the trouble it takes to blossom
Into petals of Rose Gold and Copper, shining hues.

(Written in a fairly neat hand on carefully folded parchment.
A drawing of Jax's Anchor over Valiant's Shield is depicted on the front, a metallic flower of rose gold and copper hues on the back.)​


"Something need doing?"
Pretty good!!

Can this be made into a book and quill? Would love to have a copy of this in game!!!