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The sad tale of Bolvark the Misguided


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
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Bolvark - Son of Rahm
Taken from his parents by Arachian soldiers as a very small child, Bolvark was indoctrinated with Arachian values from a young age.

Arachians view Caparii as a lesser species, due to their ties to Shalheranna. Bolvark was taken into Nid Arach to make fun of; an example of his own race's inferiority. Despite the bullying, the beating, and the demeaning, Bolvark remained a strong urge to be accepted by his peers. He filed his horns to the shortest possible stubs and wore old boots over his hooves. He took whatever rags the corpses within the fortress had on and learned to dress, walk, act, and talk just like a Human would.

Growing up, he learned brawn is not all there is. Having inherited the wit of the father he never truly knew, he very rarely managed to put his own bullies up against each other. He honed this underrated skill with every beating, which helped him get out of a small few beating-sessions unscathed. Regardless of his skill, he could not make friends. Bruised and battered, he continuously shaved the fur from his skin, blunting many a knife, just to look more Human, the Arachian values clouding his own self-worth. Yet, he was and would always remain unqualified and a stain on the face of Altera, in the eyes of the Arachians...

Then, perhaps by pure chance, fate had Bolvark cross paths with the terrible Arachian Lord, the ruler of Nid Arach. It was one of those rare days, when Bolvark had managed to turn his masters against each other. The Arachian Lord, disturbed by the sounds of his own soldiers fighting among themselves, came down personally to settle the feud. It became clear to the lord that this tortured and weak creature had become the master of his masters with nothing but a few slithering smooth words. The Dark Lord observed how the Caparii trembled half as much as his soldiers in his own evil presence. Instead of baring down on the creature and snuffing out his life, the harsh and evil lord took Bolvark under his wing. "I've use of you" the master spoke shortly, and so it was written.

Since then, Bolvark figures himself among the few who may command the forces of darkness. He may fall as quickly as he rose, and he is far from demanding respect from those below him, but he has finally made his way to a place of power. Finally he achieved his dream to be accepted, however slightly, by those who carry the very whip that beats him...


Appearance: Tall (1,85m / 6ft) and slender. Observant.

I intend to RP more as this character and will update the thread accordingly.

