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The Shadows, The Dead, & The Winged Beast


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Pages similar to these begin popping up in major cities, finding their way into accessible libraries, and tacked onto message boards. There is no indication of an author.

As the Planar Infinity continues to shatter, more and more of its denizens will continue to come out. It is imperative that everyone remain safe in light of current events. The following information is what has been confirmed about many of these entities, and about the Winged Beast itself. Use this information to your advantage. If you make any discovery, it is encouraged to share it among your fellow mortals. Information is the only way to prepare against the coming assault.

The Shadows
The Shadows are denizens of the Planar Infinity that have escaped to play. While frightening at first, they are harmless. Signs you are dealing with a Shadow are moving darkness, dark shapes, intense chill, and a tendency for mimicking. They are playful at times, sometimes mischievous, but are largely not a threat. Light can weaken or dispel them, but they are nothing to be concerned about.

The Dead
This author has been able to determine three types of spirits that have come out of the Planar, though their names are subjective. Wraiths, specters, and spirits. Each pose a varying threat level. They can be weakened and momentarily banished through the use of holy water, but such is not a permanent solution. In some cases, putting the bones of the deceased through proper burial rites will put them to rest. This can be burying them in proper ceremony and respect, or having a priest bless them. In other cases, they are bound to objects that held importance to them in life. Destroying these artifacts will destroy the spirit, resulting in it's Final Death, which means its complete and total metaphysical erasure from existence. These final deaths are cruel, as none of these entities are truly to blame for what the Beast has done to them. Physical weapons pass through them completely, but some can be reasoned with if careful. There are likely many more ways in which to deal with the dead, but they have yet to come to light. They are most often found near crypts, graveyards, battlefields, or locations of violent deaths.

  • Spirits - The spirits are the most benign. They are the souls of the Planar who are unaware of their surroundings, and drift in and out of the veil. They are not even cognizant of what is happening to them.
  • Specters - The specters are a sentient variety and pose a greater risk. Due to the Winged Beast's meddling, in some form or another, they have been ripped from their eternal peace. Some are angry. Some are frightened. They are capable of moving furniture and objects, with the more vengeful of their number being able to shake the floors and ceilings. They do not like light, and they will extinguish as many available light sources as possible during their manifestations. While they are able to move furniture and objects, they are still incorporeal when interacted with. Sometimes, these specters are innocent, and a result of a sad or tragic death. Sometimes, they are the result of their resting place being disturbed, or their body being desecrated.
  • Wraiths - The wraiths are the most violent, and are so full of rage and hatred that it twists them into beings of malicious malcontent. They are capable of physically harming the living with vicious claws, yet are incorporeal when attacked. The wraith encountered at the Queensport tournament was weakened by holy water from Asero Crow, and its final death later enacted when a diamond necklace was placed in a candle flame.
An additional note needs to be mentioned, for the safety of those who try to banish these spirits by destroying such aritfacts. The destruction of the wraith's pendant was a violent act, which caused an explosion akin to blackpowder. All lights in the area were extinguished, doors and windows were shattered, and all in the area were violently throw back. If any who read this encounters a wraith and finds an object of peculiar origin, treat it with care and caution. Take appropriate caution when attempting to destroy it, if you do. It is confirmed that this method is what enacts their final death and destroys the spirit fully, never to find peace in the River.

The Winged Beast
It is the current theory that speaking the creature's name lends him more power, but that is yet to be confirmed. What is known for certain is that it is a creature older than the gods themselves, that was long ago imprisoned in the Planar Infinity. Whether by Immortal Kings, or the Pantheon, no one can say for certain. He manifests himself in a realm of gray and blue mist, and has stated his intention is to guide us. Within the Planar Infinity, he has broken it so fully that the dead are being routed to him. He glows like a beacon, and the River of the dead flow directly towards his writhing array of wings. He is still distant, but the Beast draws closer. Something follows in his wake, which this author suspects to be a legion of other freed prisoners from the Planar's vast depths. He is a being of staggeringly powerful anima, and has been noted to interfere with a cogimencer's spellcasting. While there are many unknowns on this beast, it is certain that he is coming, and he will rip the fabric of our reality to shreds unless something is done to keep him sealed.
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An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Oh gosh imagine whats its going to be like at Nid Arach xD
Daaaang you're right... That place ought to be riddled with these undead ghosts! D: the landscape alive with their moans! Its so sad I can't come online until Monday..