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Herald The Twilight Codex

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

The Heretical Text

The Twilight Codex is a forbidden text, not found in any public library.
Written by scholar heretic
Lana Wake, it is a heretical 'holy text' pertaining to the Mistress of Magic.

It details forgotten histories, metaphysical theory and, finally, Lady Magic's accension and tenets.

Whilst it is difficult to obtain, its existence has public knowledge.

[I:I] All things made origin from the stars above.

[I:II] The Immortals tended their gardens, cultivating to protect flower and crop. The gardeners died long ago and the weeds have begun to spring.

[I:III] The Pantheon now tends to Altera. Yet not all things are Alteran. Many stars are distant Realms, akin to this Fourth we fled to.

[I:IV] What links us to these other lands is the arcane; mortal and Titan magic beyond Alteran divine. Thus She, the Goddess of the Stars, unwelcome in the Pantheon need not be concerned with Altera.

[I:V] For even Gods were once a thought to be made within an essentia of the cosmos of Planar void.

[II:I] The Planar Infinity is a sea endless. Realms circle distant suns and greater rocks in perfect orbit, by design of Immortals gone. Wards safeguard bubbles of influence, where divine shackle for greater goods, mortal life free and intended.

[II:II] As a tiny hull breach sinks a mighty galleon, as too can wards weaken to bring ruination to Altera. All magic converges arcane source to Altera; the Planar floods in.

[II:III] Cosmic nightmare, ancient construct, Corrupted Nether, banished empyrean or forgotten ghosts threaten fabricated, fragile harmony to bring change in the stagnation of Creation.

[II:IV] Magic melts petrified stone to moldable clay. The Arcane is beginnings and endings. Stars shall appear and fade, as is metaphysical nature.

[III:I] Thought, known or unknown, shapes reality.

[III:II] The truth of Divinity resides in the will of the worshiper. What is true in our Realm is as we choose it to be. Divines are only such because they are believed to be. Faith empowers Figment, later Angel. What exists in the heavens is mantled, reflected, on Altera.

[III:III] Power of mind, School of Mens, reality borne of fiction or falsehood turned truth. History is written by the survivors. Mortals unique amongst beings of all arcane: mortal construct provide what keep Divine alive.

[III:IV] Mind and Soul, anchored in Body. Mens, Anima and Forma, weaved by Vis, the willpower.

[III:V] Magic begat Creation. Magic is origin of Divine, from Figment of mortal imagination. Magic is change itself.

[IV:I] Immortals harnessed all magic, speaking the forgotten words of power, Mortan. Realms their creations, life their greatest affection. Miscreations, they contained in vessels in the Planar. From their creations, Gods emerged.

[IV:II] An ancient pact agreed: Immortals and Divine, the Pantheon established to rule over Altera, the First, where Gods did create mortals.

[IV:III] Corruption, cancer of Creation, borne of Mortan, infested soul and Planar. Infinity branched to a starless Hell, opposing sacred life. One Immortal, Sarah, became the Grief of life.

[IV:IV] Armies of Naught butchered, demonic incursion unstoppable. Nether consumed Realms, stars now voids in night sky. First War of ancient victory forgotten in wake of the Second, Cataclysm of loss of our First Realm.

[IV:V] Second loss planned retreat, Third loss hopeless defeat, lost in magma oceans and endless caverns of Corruption. Upon Fourth, post-Exodus, did Immortals cry out finality. Their sacrifice ensured Grief’s end and, 2240, the Immortals faded from existence.

[V:I] Divine are never content. They feud and battle. Without Immortal guidance, Altera was now their garden to tend. Their soil they damp with blood.

[V:II] Harateth slain by Rahasian blade after Corruption seeped across Pantheon for Jishrim’s amusement. Jax slew his brother. Great Magi cracked the moon apart in the murder of the Goddess of no name, their patron arcane.

[V:III] They faded, briefly, allowing Clain’s trickery. Unbound dead did force Migration to our current Continent from once eastern horizons. Their return, rejoiced, devastation followed. Rahas slain by mortal hand. Visage born of sympathy of a father, whose beast slew Silas and Vermella. Of only threat of Qlippoth, the Realm reunited to battle extinction in Ashen Blight.

[V:IV] Hate, rivalry and adversity is the nature of mortals. In Divine does it reflect conflict.

[V:V] Of ascension of the Mistress of Magic, Lady Arcane, did Pantheon outcry. Valiant first to unsheathe, the sky ablaze with battle. Four days did the war in heavens rage in the year of 2324.

[VI:I] Storms shook reality. Lightning lances missing marks, craters formed of the conflict above. Rain fell of spilled blood. Thunder echoed of the clashing of Arcane verses Divinity.

[VI:II] Of the second day did the stars strike back. Altera’s sky set afire, the Realm falling unto darkness. Ignis did safeguard the Realm from Qlippoth as mortals watched in fury.

[VI:III] Upon the third night and day, Sallana joined fray, rivers of flowers between lightning, rose petals fell with the rain. Convergence felt, purple rain falling to stain the Realm. In haste did Korog forge a mighty pillar to stitch the wound shut, to weaken Her accent.

[VI:IV] Fourth day upon the Fourth Realm did the heavens quiet. The sky unveiled, clearing of the battle. Neither a victory, nebula webbed a scar across our sky. The Splinter, world-wound of the Pantheon’s attempt to stop the ascension of a Divine beyond themselves. Unto the stars does she now reside, far from their reach, yet eternally present.

[VII:I] She was not the first.

[VIII:II] Of ancient Pantheon, She Whom is Beyond Names, divine of Arcane in times forgotten. Watched before the Watcher, sat upon an unscathed moon above four Realms of Altera.

[VII:III] Husband of chosen Queen of Altera, mage Naelwyn, did so lose his lover upon the shattering of the Immortal Crown granted to her after Grief’s defeat. Divine scorned, struck down was she to ash in an instant, leaving naught to bury as scattered to the wind was Queen Leminth.

[VII:IV] Of revenge or greed, Naelwyn’s warpath. Mortals sent to sacred moon, murdering the Goddess and shattering the rock. Shunned were mages forever after, murderer of their own Goddess, heretics beyond original design, gift of Immortal sparking.

[VII:V] Binded no longer, modern mage forever shunned for a lost history.

[VIII:I] Altera is a singular island in an ocean expanse. Our eyes shielded of lands unreachable. Stars herald of distant wonders.

[VIII:II] Of mighty gateways lost, doors across voids, denied to us where only Exodus desperate did we flee from mother Realms. Yet alone, Alterans are not. In Two, Syrien. Of Three, Nakam. Of Four, Makani and long-extinct Precursors.

[VIII:III] Weep for Okeanos. Grieve for Kavdek. Remember Vata’inu. To forget is to slaughter a memory lost.

[IX:I] Mistake not alone Arcane for worship. A mage holds their own fate, finally free.

[IX:II] Sparking unleashes soul from divine empowerment. This sin, they turn in disgust, a mortal true. Magic shines outward, reflecting character. Their essentia, of soul, of body and of mind, their own.

[IX:III] Lady Arcane, Mistress of Magic, exerts control of all flowing energy. From all things. Of stars do origin this mystical force, through Divine does holy oppose. But similar, of same breed yet different tree, does magic branch. From within does mortal find their own, willed to bend to their own whims.

[IX:IV] Magic is a tool. It is easy to destroy; difficult to create.

[X:I] Twilight sings of distant shores. Of our Pantheon, She is not. To follow the path of the Outcast, the exiled, is to banish oneself from all comforts of Godly Altera.

[X:II] Starblood falls when the chained sun is blind, when the moon is whole. Otherworldly as Stella Parabia: when starfall gifts relics of pure essentia, find worth in their power. Beings of magic all laude raw form to Godly scorn.

[X:III] To tread the path untaken, take reverence in Arcane. Unravel threads of mystery, discover histories lost. A scholar's work is never done. Revel in the magic within, above and forgotten.

[X:IV] Seek Rapture beneath the Night Sky. The Pantheon of our Altera, Arcane of the Stars. Do not abandon morality, nor misunderstand their righteous abhor.

[X:V] Stars are distant dreams, Altera is here and home. Take wisdom from tales otherwise lost, be bastions of change and permanence, adapt to climates unfolding, chaotic and liberated. Become what you desire, unbound.

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It is too difficult to write a book in-game, thus this will remain on the forum.

Please note that any reflection of Lana's character is not true for that of her player, me!
With heresy being the cause of the current event-chain, I want in on this action in an interesting angle of having a heretic NOT change the status-quo (for now).​
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